What is this blog page about?
I wanted to write down my ideas somewhere for personal access. These ideas I feel can be helpful to other readers as well. I had my thoughts on a wide range of social media platforms, as well as on my journal. Having a place to pin my thoughts...is the reason for this page. BUT I ALSO made this page to share...with you. :) I also included quotes I have found useful (in my life) in motivation and application, that you may find profit in, as well. I hope these thoughts may be of use to you as they are of use to me.
- Joseph Sullivan
- Joseph Sullivan
My thoughts on the decline of the church in America
History shows winter and darkness precedes spring and the dawn. Churches throughout time have never thrived in climates of ease and luxury. The seeds of passion and zeal come from the soil of poverty and persecution. As the US government and economy decline. As rights erode and comforts decrease...the kingdom that is continually shrinking and is being lulled to a quiet death...may begin to stir. I stand on the precipice. I stand with those heralds, those navigators, those visionaries, watching God's house burn. I stand with people who are here at such a time as this...to put out the flames.
The war in heaven is to be...fought on the earth. Not with bow or javelin. But with the pen and the sword of one's mouth. Winter is coming. Maybe you are here to help bring in the spring. Maybe you can help keep the US churches alive during the dark days to come. Platitudes and well wishes will keep no one warm in the cold days ahead. Passions burning bright in the night's sky are needed. Fires burning in men's and women's hearts are required. Evangelism ignited from church to church by zealous people is essential. What will history say about you in the pages of heaven? Will you be silent, or will you join the side of the angels? What will Providence's hand, write about you?
Rome lasted over 1,000 years; America has been around for over 200. Yet the seeds that brought about the end of this world power are the very seeds planted in the soil of this fairly new nation. Barbarians may have been at the gates of Rome....but this once great nation had conquered itself long ago. Any nation or people who forget who they are...will lose themselves.
Campfires are winking out one by one. The night is getting darker and colder. Yet few cries are called out in the watch. I don't know if it will come in my lifetime or not... but when enough people see the signs of cultural decline in the churches of America, a remanent will act, (as saints of different races and languages have throughout history) to try to turn back the rising tide. When faces are turned to heaven for the work of soul-saving...the tide will begin to turn. That is if enough people choose to act. As churches continue to die and numbers shrink, I pray for heroes to join the fight.
When there are more people in the city I live in, (Tampa, FL, US) than Christian in all of the US states, we should be alarmed. When we have lost over 200,00 Christian in our church population in 20 years. When around 52 congregations die per annual turn of each year. When we lose more churches and saints then we grow... we should be in earnest. Yet silence is too often the norm for this crisis. We certainly do need heroes in these times. It is not enough to talk about change, to pray about making a difference. We must act and we must act now. Fires must start. Before the last burning light in the night is snoughted out. Evangelism is the cure, if enough churches and if enough saints begin this Bible command.
This world needs heroes. This world needs men and women sounding the warning cry, of Jerusalem's ruin. As the prophets did of old. A call for change (back to evangelism as kingdom culture) and restoration to the old paths. We need "Jeremiah's" giving the warning call and "Nehemiah's" set on rebuilding what is broken. We need "Ezra's" to repair the temple of the Lord. We need the citizens of the kingdom to be focused on God's house, which lies in ruins, and prioritize this over or wealth, our homes, or vineyards.
Haggai 1:4 This is what the LORD Almighty says: "Give careful thought to your ways. ... Why?" declares the LORD Almighty. "Because of my house, which remains a ruin, while each of you is busy with his own house. See also, Deuteronomy 8:1-19.
The walls need to be built in the kingdom. The churches made strong. The old paths of evangelism taught and actively practiced. The Jerusalem of our day, the Lord's church, needs workers. We need leaders, we need them now. We need them to be you.
Timestamp 2019
The war in heaven is to be...fought on the earth. Not with bow or javelin. But with the pen and the sword of one's mouth. Winter is coming. Maybe you are here to help bring in the spring. Maybe you can help keep the US churches alive during the dark days to come. Platitudes and well wishes will keep no one warm in the cold days ahead. Passions burning bright in the night's sky are needed. Fires burning in men's and women's hearts are required. Evangelism ignited from church to church by zealous people is essential. What will history say about you in the pages of heaven? Will you be silent, or will you join the side of the angels? What will Providence's hand, write about you?
Rome lasted over 1,000 years; America has been around for over 200. Yet the seeds that brought about the end of this world power are the very seeds planted in the soil of this fairly new nation. Barbarians may have been at the gates of Rome....but this once great nation had conquered itself long ago. Any nation or people who forget who they are...will lose themselves.
Campfires are winking out one by one. The night is getting darker and colder. Yet few cries are called out in the watch. I don't know if it will come in my lifetime or not... but when enough people see the signs of cultural decline in the churches of America, a remanent will act, (as saints of different races and languages have throughout history) to try to turn back the rising tide. When faces are turned to heaven for the work of soul-saving...the tide will begin to turn. That is if enough people choose to act. As churches continue to die and numbers shrink, I pray for heroes to join the fight.
When there are more people in the city I live in, (Tampa, FL, US) than Christian in all of the US states, we should be alarmed. When we have lost over 200,00 Christian in our church population in 20 years. When around 52 congregations die per annual turn of each year. When we lose more churches and saints then we grow... we should be in earnest. Yet silence is too often the norm for this crisis. We certainly do need heroes in these times. It is not enough to talk about change, to pray about making a difference. We must act and we must act now. Fires must start. Before the last burning light in the night is snoughted out. Evangelism is the cure, if enough churches and if enough saints begin this Bible command.
This world needs heroes. This world needs men and women sounding the warning cry, of Jerusalem's ruin. As the prophets did of old. A call for change (back to evangelism as kingdom culture) and restoration to the old paths. We need "Jeremiah's" giving the warning call and "Nehemiah's" set on rebuilding what is broken. We need "Ezra's" to repair the temple of the Lord. We need the citizens of the kingdom to be focused on God's house, which lies in ruins, and prioritize this over or wealth, our homes, or vineyards.
Haggai 1:4 This is what the LORD Almighty says: "Give careful thought to your ways. ... Why?" declares the LORD Almighty. "Because of my house, which remains a ruin, while each of you is busy with his own house. See also, Deuteronomy 8:1-19.
The walls need to be built in the kingdom. The churches made strong. The old paths of evangelism taught and actively practiced. The Jerusalem of our day, the Lord's church, needs workers. We need leaders, we need them now. We need them to be you.
Timestamp 2019
Remember its a Process
Who here went to one college class and got their diploma the next day?
Who here asked someone out on a date and got married the next day?
Who here dieted and worked out, to lose weight and achieved their goal weight the next day?
These may sound like silly questions, don't they? To receive a diploma, you got to attend the college classes, you have to study, etc. You have put in the time, to get your degree. If you got a bad grade after your first semester, do you throw up your hands and say, "college does not work!" Of course not. College requires consistent and determined work to get the end result...that being a diploma.
To get married and have a family, you have to get into a relationship, and before that, you have to ask people out, right? If a person asked someone they liked, out on a date and were told "no," does that mean dating does not work? Of course not, to get where you want to go, you have to keep doing the process. You have to give time (and emotional investment) to this desired work, to get the desired result.
If you went on a diet and went to the gym, then on the following day, when upon the on the scale....to weigh the body, would you get upset... that your body weight goals had not been achieved? Of course not. Weight loss is a process. No one should say, "dieting and exercise do not work!" Like in anything in life, consistency and deliberate long-term actions, are what make a difference.
This can be applied to anything. Think of examples. Nothing worth having tends to happen overnight. If a person wants a job, a family, friends, a skillset, a car, a home, etc. then certain things need to be done, as part of the process, for the desired end result to take place.
So why is it, that I have heard people say, "we went door knocking for one hour out of the year and no one was baptized, evangelism does not work!" If a person only does door knocking once in a year, at the 12th hr before a gospel meeting, and is expecting results, they are not applying the same measuring lines onto evangelism, as they are applying on their own personal secular goals.
Evangelism, like in anything else in life is a process. It requires time, energy, work to get the desired results.
Evangelism, like in anything else in life is a process. It requires time, energy, work to get the desired results. Yes, sometimes lightning hits, (results come) when one event is done. But usually, it requires consistent investment and regular action, (like in anything else) to get a result.
Who here asked someone out on a date and got married the next day?
Who here dieted and worked out, to lose weight and achieved their goal weight the next day?
These may sound like silly questions, don't they? To receive a diploma, you got to attend the college classes, you have to study, etc. You have put in the time, to get your degree. If you got a bad grade after your first semester, do you throw up your hands and say, "college does not work!" Of course not. College requires consistent and determined work to get the end result...that being a diploma.
To get married and have a family, you have to get into a relationship, and before that, you have to ask people out, right? If a person asked someone they liked, out on a date and were told "no," does that mean dating does not work? Of course not, to get where you want to go, you have to keep doing the process. You have to give time (and emotional investment) to this desired work, to get the desired result.
If you went on a diet and went to the gym, then on the following day, when upon the on the scale....to weigh the body, would you get upset... that your body weight goals had not been achieved? Of course not. Weight loss is a process. No one should say, "dieting and exercise do not work!" Like in anything in life, consistency and deliberate long-term actions, are what make a difference.
This can be applied to anything. Think of examples. Nothing worth having tends to happen overnight. If a person wants a job, a family, friends, a skillset, a car, a home, etc. then certain things need to be done, as part of the process, for the desired end result to take place.
So why is it, that I have heard people say, "we went door knocking for one hour out of the year and no one was baptized, evangelism does not work!" If a person only does door knocking once in a year, at the 12th hr before a gospel meeting, and is expecting results, they are not applying the same measuring lines onto evangelism, as they are applying on their own personal secular goals.
Evangelism, like in anything else in life is a process. It requires time, energy, work to get the desired results.
Evangelism, like in anything else in life is a process. It requires time, energy, work to get the desired results. Yes, sometimes lightning hits, (results come) when one event is done. But usually, it requires consistent investment and regular action, (like in anything else) to get a result.
A note to teachers in evangelism. Remember to put first things first: Before you introduce a church, or evangelism group to methods, first introduce them to NT stories of Jesus, the Apostles, and the examples from the disciples in the book of Acts. Do this to highlight the right examples and the expectations God has for his people, as evangelism workers. Emphasize such work is our responsibility and highlight the details of these stories and how they apply to us today. Methods can be tied in. But examples that highlight our accountability to outreach is important. Soul saving needs to be shared as part of our moral responsibility as Christians. Methods can come later…"
The 3 Components for Success
In any evangelism work, one of three things needs to be done, to make it effective.
- Frequency of events - the more events that are done the faster the results will come. If a church does an evangelism event once a year, that church will not get the same results as a church that does an evangelism event once a month. And a church that does evangelism once a week will get even better results.
- Length of events - you can also choose to (instead) increase the amount of time given to each event to speed up the results. If evangelism group A works for 30 minutes for each of their once-a-month events, that group won't get as much headway as a group B that does 1 1/2 hour events once a month.
- Amount of workers in events - Another way to effectively hasten results (instead) is in the number of workers used. A team of 6 working for one hour in groups of 2, for an hour, won't get the same results as a team of 60 working in groups of 2. I've heard of 100 people doing door-knocking for a week and getting many Bible studies. Numbers can be useful.
Idea's on Mentorship
Evangelism is mentorship. Church culture can only thrive in evangelism when people are trained as teachers, as leaders, as workers, as event organizers...in outreach. This involves mentorship. A man can break a stick, even two, but a dozen sticks...are harder to break in half.
A church that has a few carrying the burden for all in outreach will falter when those who carry the burden stumble. A church that equips many through encouragement and through fostering their growth in outreach, will slowly saturate the congregation's culture with evangelism.
If you see a young college man with the potential to teach, use him. If you see an older woman with a warm caring heart, (in how she interacts with people), get her involved with the new converts. If you see a family given to hospitality, encourage them to open up their homes for Bible study. If you know of a teen who was getting events together in the past, ask "how can we support such future work?" If you see a young girl or boy that shows interest, (in outreach work) get them involved in evangelism, (with the parent's permission). The younger they start the more evangelism will become a part of their divine DNA in their adult lives.
When mentorship is done...personal accountability is created and proactive behavior becomes a part of the church dynamic. Mentorship if done to foster growth in others... will cause an evangelism attitude to trickle down into all aspects of the church. Mentorship is fundamental in getting people invested (in outreach) and in getting people growing/maturing...in His work.
Imparting Biblical-based truths as mere words will build a weak foundation. Imparting Bible-based truths as actions through discipling people into the ways of the Master, will build a sure foundation upon the Rock.
Evangelism is mentorship. Every "Paul" needs a "Timothy," and "Silas." The role of the Christian is to teach others and train those taught to teach others. This is circler and should continue as a teaching process for the saints to ground, equip and mentor.
AS 2 Timothy 2:2, says, "And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also."
This is especially important with new converts. Let me share a personal story here...When I was mowing the backyard on a sunny hot day in Tampa, (FL. USA), I happened to disturb a nest of baby rabbits. They ran around in terror, afraid of the lawnmower. On and on they ran till they were on the other side of the house, huddled against the wall of the building. I mistakenly assumed the baby rabbits would go back to the bush where their nest was. The wall where the rabbits were...was next to my bedroom wall, early in the morning (or very late at night), I heard screaming. The rabbits were too scared to leave that little area next to the wall...and without the protection of their home they were out in the open. An owl...or some other night predator got them. I will never forget those screams.
Too many times new converts are saved and are then left to fend for themselves. They have no new convert class at the church, they have no one interested in them enough...to spiritually work with them. Too many new babies in Christ are being left in the "dark woods" to die...
Mentorship is a must in training, in exampleship, in friendship, in equipping them in spiritual acts of service, in helping them grow in God's truth and work.
What is salvation? Is it having someone come forward and do the things to die and join with Christ? Yes, but it is so much more. It is also found in... helping them walk in newness of life, (Rom 6:1-4).
Teaching truth does not end with their conversion, that's when it really starts fully. Now you introduce them to the "salt" and "light" of Christian examples, (of the church members, of your wife and family, as well as from your own life). Now you have them incorporated into the church's culture of Bible-based work and service. Now you help them mature and grow up into the Head, (of Christ Jesus).
A church that has a few carrying the burden for all in outreach will falter when those who carry the burden stumble. A church that equips many through encouragement and through fostering their growth in outreach, will slowly saturate the congregation's culture with evangelism.
If you see a young college man with the potential to teach, use him. If you see an older woman with a warm caring heart, (in how she interacts with people), get her involved with the new converts. If you see a family given to hospitality, encourage them to open up their homes for Bible study. If you know of a teen who was getting events together in the past, ask "how can we support such future work?" If you see a young girl or boy that shows interest, (in outreach work) get them involved in evangelism, (with the parent's permission). The younger they start the more evangelism will become a part of their divine DNA in their adult lives.
When mentorship is done...personal accountability is created and proactive behavior becomes a part of the church dynamic. Mentorship if done to foster growth in others... will cause an evangelism attitude to trickle down into all aspects of the church. Mentorship is fundamental in getting people invested (in outreach) and in getting people growing/maturing...in His work.
Imparting Biblical-based truths as mere words will build a weak foundation. Imparting Bible-based truths as actions through discipling people into the ways of the Master, will build a sure foundation upon the Rock.
Evangelism is mentorship. Every "Paul" needs a "Timothy," and "Silas." The role of the Christian is to teach others and train those taught to teach others. This is circler and should continue as a teaching process for the saints to ground, equip and mentor.
AS 2 Timothy 2:2, says, "And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also."
This is especially important with new converts. Let me share a personal story here...When I was mowing the backyard on a sunny hot day in Tampa, (FL. USA), I happened to disturb a nest of baby rabbits. They ran around in terror, afraid of the lawnmower. On and on they ran till they were on the other side of the house, huddled against the wall of the building. I mistakenly assumed the baby rabbits would go back to the bush where their nest was. The wall where the rabbits were...was next to my bedroom wall, early in the morning (or very late at night), I heard screaming. The rabbits were too scared to leave that little area next to the wall...and without the protection of their home they were out in the open. An owl...or some other night predator got them. I will never forget those screams.
Too many times new converts are saved and are then left to fend for themselves. They have no new convert class at the church, they have no one interested in them enough...to spiritually work with them. Too many new babies in Christ are being left in the "dark woods" to die...
Mentorship is a must in training, in exampleship, in friendship, in equipping them in spiritual acts of service, in helping them grow in God's truth and work.
What is salvation? Is it having someone come forward and do the things to die and join with Christ? Yes, but it is so much more. It is also found in... helping them walk in newness of life, (Rom 6:1-4).
Teaching truth does not end with their conversion, that's when it really starts fully. Now you introduce them to the "salt" and "light" of Christian examples, (of the church members, of your wife and family, as well as from your own life). Now you have them incorporated into the church's culture of Bible-based work and service. Now you help them mature and grow up into the Head, (of Christ Jesus).
A new testament church is an evangelistic church.
A new testament Christian does evangelism."
Make goals and record the work.
Record your evangelism activities. Know your goals. See the end result of success in mind. Take the time to record the work. Watch yourself grow as you progress to your aims. See yourself mature as you study your recordings. Write down your dreams, goals, aims, hopes, for your work as an evangelist.
Know what you want to achieve. The first part of doing the work is knowing what you want and figuring out what it will take to get there. Written goals should be reviewed often for motivation, introspection, review. These written words can serve as a mantra to remind you of what you want to achieve. Pray when reading the list for God to help you in these themes you wrote down. Look for and seek out opportunities to grow in the themes you wrote down. Seek people and resources to help you with those themes.
Record your work as measurements of success. Learning curves only serve to help someone if they record what they learn. If plan A. worked better than plan B., recorded the reasons why. If you had to work for such and such a time to get such and such result, record that. If you had to talk with 35 people on campus before getting someone to sign up for a study record that. If one method worked better than another method, record that.
Once you learn the patterns that lead to success, you can do those specific patterns again and again. The secret to success is to look at work as play, to look at duties as hobbies, to seek to enjoy the process, and make the activities rewarding/fun. When you love the process, you will grow. Given enough time and investment to a cause and results will follow. All a person needs to do is to be willing to learn, grow, record their work to find positive patterns….and to learn from their mistakes. Fall in love with the process.
Make markers for success. Learn what needs to be done to get the best results. Learn the amount of time you need to give to get a result. Record different types of methods. Record the hours worked, the numbers reached, the things learned, the successes to replicate, the stats that lead to results. Create data as benchmarks for success. Find the winning patterns that can be reproduced...again and again. Study those who have gotten results. Research online resources that look promising. Be continually looking to grow. Pray for God's guidance. Always seek opportunity. Be thirsty to learn more.
The truth is evangelism gets easier with time. Rejection stops hurting, approaching people to stop being scary, the body adapts to the hours of labor, the experiences in work build skill and a platform of useful knowledge. Once you do evangelism and reflect on what ways are most successful you got a pattern to follow. Prayer gives power, purpose gives strength, thoughtful analysis, and the flexibility of being willing to change gives progress. Like anything, the more you do it, the easier it gets...for the simple reason, the more you do it, the better you improve. But at the end of the day, it's in God's hands. After one gives one's best, give it up to Him.
Remember to just start. Wherever you are at. The beginning is what matters. The rest will follow over time. Do what you know and start from there. With time you will grow and evolve. Remember it’s not about instant results. It’s about honoring God by doing the work He wants of us. The results will come with time. Even if you never see a certain result from a certain action, it does not mean no good came about. I have heard of stories of people visiting churches, asking for studies, because of a seed someone else planted. You never know the incredible good you can do with just one action.
Know what you want to achieve. The first part of doing the work is knowing what you want and figuring out what it will take to get there. Written goals should be reviewed often for motivation, introspection, review. These written words can serve as a mantra to remind you of what you want to achieve. Pray when reading the list for God to help you in these themes you wrote down. Look for and seek out opportunities to grow in the themes you wrote down. Seek people and resources to help you with those themes.
Record your work as measurements of success. Learning curves only serve to help someone if they record what they learn. If plan A. worked better than plan B., recorded the reasons why. If you had to work for such and such a time to get such and such result, record that. If you had to talk with 35 people on campus before getting someone to sign up for a study record that. If one method worked better than another method, record that.
Once you learn the patterns that lead to success, you can do those specific patterns again and again. The secret to success is to look at work as play, to look at duties as hobbies, to seek to enjoy the process, and make the activities rewarding/fun. When you love the process, you will grow. Given enough time and investment to a cause and results will follow. All a person needs to do is to be willing to learn, grow, record their work to find positive patterns….and to learn from their mistakes. Fall in love with the process.
Make markers for success. Learn what needs to be done to get the best results. Learn the amount of time you need to give to get a result. Record different types of methods. Record the hours worked, the numbers reached, the things learned, the successes to replicate, the stats that lead to results. Create data as benchmarks for success. Find the winning patterns that can be reproduced...again and again. Study those who have gotten results. Research online resources that look promising. Be continually looking to grow. Pray for God's guidance. Always seek opportunity. Be thirsty to learn more.
The truth is evangelism gets easier with time. Rejection stops hurting, approaching people to stop being scary, the body adapts to the hours of labor, the experiences in work build skill and a platform of useful knowledge. Once you do evangelism and reflect on what ways are most successful you got a pattern to follow. Prayer gives power, purpose gives strength, thoughtful analysis, and the flexibility of being willing to change gives progress. Like anything, the more you do it, the easier it gets...for the simple reason, the more you do it, the better you improve. But at the end of the day, it's in God's hands. After one gives one's best, give it up to Him.
Remember to just start. Wherever you are at. The beginning is what matters. The rest will follow over time. Do what you know and start from there. With time you will grow and evolve. Remember it’s not about instant results. It’s about honoring God by doing the work He wants of us. The results will come with time. Even if you never see a certain result from a certain action, it does not mean no good came about. I have heard of stories of people visiting churches, asking for studies, because of a seed someone else planted. You never know the incredible good you can do with just one action.
Evangelism culture
It breaks my heart, that 19-year-old Mormon men and women can quote passages from their book on what they believe and why they believe it. They know their book. They study it 1-2 hours a day. But most 50-year-old Christians, who've been to church most of their lives... can just spout John 3:16, if that. They tend to only study their Bibles only on Sundays and Wednesdays if they attend faithfully. Which is less than 2 hours of Bible class and less than 1 hour for 2 sermons on Sunday of Bible content...a week. That is if the sermons are preached 20-30 minutes each. This averages to around 3 hours a week. Which is not much. We eat more meals, sleep more, watch more tv, do more hygiene, etc., then we tend to our souls. How messed up is that. Most Christians can't defend the convictions they hold with scripture, not even if they have a Bible in hand.
It breaks my heart, that 19-year-old Mormon men and women save their money and put off college to devote a year to nothing but evangelism. They work 5 days a week in outreach. They spend 7 hours a day in door-knocking and Bible studies.
These 19-year-olds have more evangelism experience with teaching others, than most senior Christians have, in a lifetime of serving Christ. That is including preachers and even certain paid “evangelists,” in the brotherhood. Many Christians have never even bothered to try to reach the lost, to begin with. I include preachers in this category. Too many ministers, preach only to the congregation, but rarely to those who are lost.
Mormons feel an obligation to do these things. They believe the Lord has commanded them to do these duties. Christians believe in Bible study and soul-saving. But not enough it seems to actually seriously apply the concepts the Bible teaches, in this regard. To many saints only give lip service to the Great Commission.
Mormons are proud of their faith. Christians in large part, seem to be silent on theirs. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints have a strong religious culture. Yet we, “the people of the Bible,” the “followers of the NT pattern,” need to strengthen our culture in the kingdom. We can change our culture. It can be done. It must be done.
On Friday, September 10th, 2019, Jehovah's Witnesses had their track rack at Ulles park at Tampa city's bay shore walkway. And at the Crunch gym near my house, they were outside working. During that year, while walking at the university mall, in the Tampa Bay area, I saw that Scientologists had rented a booth and were passing out flyers. While at that same mall.... a denominational minister invited me to his church, (which was inside the mall).
Zeal is everywhere, misplaced as it is. I've seen a lot of outreach...from various groups. Yet I seldom have run into fellow saints doing outreach, in my local area, despite the COC Bible belt I live in. I run into Mormons, the Jehovah’s Witness, Baptist, etc. The workforce in numbers/consistency is so low, in the Lord’s kingdom, I have yet to run into saints from different churches. It’s not the true church I see out canvassing a neighborhood, doing work at the flea market, etc.
So many churches, preachers, saints sing "ring it out" and "I want to be a worker for the Lord," but our kingdom culture rings out another message.
Have you ever had a coc member knock on your door? I have had Mormons and Jehovah's Witness groups do so throughout my life. But I've never had a brother or sister in Christ, knock on my door. We don't have the same workforce out in the community, that these groups have. We are not as visible in the community, as these groups are. This needs to change.
We are not as visible as the Mormons and Jehovah's Witness groups are as a workforce in the community. They have a reputation in these fields. When people think of door knockers, they think of these two groups. Yet when it comes to our kingdom, as a church, too many people don't even know who we are, (as a religious group). These groups are growing, and we are shrinking. The great divide between their culture and ours is in the practice of evangelism.
Evangelism is a verb, not a noun. It needs to be applied, (as it is a divine command). Soul saving should not just be sung, prayed, or talked about. Nothing wrong with the latter, but God seeks conviction and sincerity. One must accompany the other. We have lost 80 percent of our churches in 50 years...due to a mentality of inactivity and empty rhetoric in just saying words and not showing deeds. Where will we be in another 50 years?
Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses have grown in 50 years into multi-millions, for they practice what they preach. We, however, lose more a year than we take in. Yet lectures and articles in the brotherhood focus on anything and everything...under the Sun, then these specific needs we must address. How many gospel meetings or Bible classes do you know of that are outlining the stats of our severe decline? This epidemic can't be ignored. It must be treated with the urgency it warrants. It should not be a side note in some gospel meeting or lectureship event. If it is even dealt with at all. Which too often is the case.
More churches and preachers need to go beyond talking, they need to be training others, getting folks into the field to train them in onsite mentorship. No one will escape the Lord's anger who sat on the sidelines. Who saw a new convert and never knew their names or talked to them. Who heard (from the Bible on Sundays) the importance of saving souls... yet was always too busy to share Jesus. Our salvation depends on supporting those who have found their salvation and our salvation depends on sharing Jesus.
If you live in the Bible belt, where you can pick a church, like your favorite ice cream flavor, you may not realize that outside of such places like Texas, Florida, Alabama, most states have less than a handful of churches and many such churches are comprised of 10-30 members. Most of the congregations are 60 and up. Watch live videos of most services online and you will see one or two dozen members or so. In churches like California, there used to be many churches spotted up and down the coast. Now, most of these churches are gone. Church pockets and clusters are dying out in the US.
When the elderly die out in a congregation and the youth, grow up and leave, for college or get a job out of state, then that is when the assembly begins to die out. At one point, during the 1930-the 1950s, we were known and were one of the largest groups in the country. Even as far back as the 1800s, we were thriving. But that was when evangelism was more than just a Sunday prayer or sermon, comprised of empty rhetoric and platitudes. That was before excuses came up like, "I don't have to work, my church is sending money overseas." These token words and spoken excuses cause members to think this command (to save others) was more optional than anything else.
When the church of Christ people... sit in indifference, praising God, attending church, etc. while they allow their neighbors, their friends, their family members, pass from this life and be lost forever, what does that say about us, as the people of God? The hell pit is open, when we do nothing, it is as if we are ushering the world inside. We need to remember that the gospel is only active when we are.
The taboo in certain religions: The Mormons and the Jehovah's Witnesses in their culture view apathy towards evangelism, as a sin and as repulsive taboo. Indifference in these religious circles to evangelism is strongly frowned upon. When these groups see lax people not doing outreach, such people are viewed as sinning. They are warned to repent. It seems though in this cultural perspective, that the Lord's church, in kingdom culture doesn’t view indifference towards evangelism as a sin. Sure, saints preach on it, teach lessons about soul-saving, they even give prayers on this theme during worship. Yet if this type of apathy was truly frowned upon, would not the culture reflect that? If such inactivity (towards evangelism) was really a taboo and viewed as a serious sin, like adultery, murder, fornication, and homosexuality, would not Christian people condemn such behavior and not remain silent on this lifestyle wickedness? This behavioral acceptance has spread from saint to saint and church to church. This leaven has become an epidemic. A spiritual disease that is causing the crumbling churches in the US, to die out. If evangelism was viewed in the same importance and Biblical perspective, as the themes we disfellowship people over and condemn, (when not practiced) like the Lord's Supper, attending church, being faithful in marriage, etc., we would not be where we are now, as a kingdom in the US.
Many churches in the kingdom want to grow, yet when some of them are presented chances, they decide to decline the opportunity, for it requires...work. A few generations from now...where will we be, if we continue as we have? At the rate of decline, we are estimated to cease existing in the United States, in 75-100 years, if not sooner. Things need to change. The tide has turned throughout history, it can change again now if we are but willing to act. If enough churches step up the tide can change.
It breaks my heart, that 19-year-old Mormon men and women save their money and put off college to devote a year to nothing but evangelism. They work 5 days a week in outreach. They spend 7 hours a day in door-knocking and Bible studies.
These 19-year-olds have more evangelism experience with teaching others, than most senior Christians have, in a lifetime of serving Christ. That is including preachers and even certain paid “evangelists,” in the brotherhood. Many Christians have never even bothered to try to reach the lost, to begin with. I include preachers in this category. Too many ministers, preach only to the congregation, but rarely to those who are lost.
Mormons feel an obligation to do these things. They believe the Lord has commanded them to do these duties. Christians believe in Bible study and soul-saving. But not enough it seems to actually seriously apply the concepts the Bible teaches, in this regard. To many saints only give lip service to the Great Commission.
Mormons are proud of their faith. Christians in large part, seem to be silent on theirs. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints have a strong religious culture. Yet we, “the people of the Bible,” the “followers of the NT pattern,” need to strengthen our culture in the kingdom. We can change our culture. It can be done. It must be done.
On Friday, September 10th, 2019, Jehovah's Witnesses had their track rack at Ulles park at Tampa city's bay shore walkway. And at the Crunch gym near my house, they were outside working. During that year, while walking at the university mall, in the Tampa Bay area, I saw that Scientologists had rented a booth and were passing out flyers. While at that same mall.... a denominational minister invited me to his church, (which was inside the mall).
Zeal is everywhere, misplaced as it is. I've seen a lot of outreach...from various groups. Yet I seldom have run into fellow saints doing outreach, in my local area, despite the COC Bible belt I live in. I run into Mormons, the Jehovah’s Witness, Baptist, etc. The workforce in numbers/consistency is so low, in the Lord’s kingdom, I have yet to run into saints from different churches. It’s not the true church I see out canvassing a neighborhood, doing work at the flea market, etc.
So many churches, preachers, saints sing "ring it out" and "I want to be a worker for the Lord," but our kingdom culture rings out another message.
Have you ever had a coc member knock on your door? I have had Mormons and Jehovah's Witness groups do so throughout my life. But I've never had a brother or sister in Christ, knock on my door. We don't have the same workforce out in the community, that these groups have. We are not as visible in the community, as these groups are. This needs to change.
We are not as visible as the Mormons and Jehovah's Witness groups are as a workforce in the community. They have a reputation in these fields. When people think of door knockers, they think of these two groups. Yet when it comes to our kingdom, as a church, too many people don't even know who we are, (as a religious group). These groups are growing, and we are shrinking. The great divide between their culture and ours is in the practice of evangelism.
Evangelism is a verb, not a noun. It needs to be applied, (as it is a divine command). Soul saving should not just be sung, prayed, or talked about. Nothing wrong with the latter, but God seeks conviction and sincerity. One must accompany the other. We have lost 80 percent of our churches in 50 years...due to a mentality of inactivity and empty rhetoric in just saying words and not showing deeds. Where will we be in another 50 years?
Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses have grown in 50 years into multi-millions, for they practice what they preach. We, however, lose more a year than we take in. Yet lectures and articles in the brotherhood focus on anything and everything...under the Sun, then these specific needs we must address. How many gospel meetings or Bible classes do you know of that are outlining the stats of our severe decline? This epidemic can't be ignored. It must be treated with the urgency it warrants. It should not be a side note in some gospel meeting or lectureship event. If it is even dealt with at all. Which too often is the case.
More churches and preachers need to go beyond talking, they need to be training others, getting folks into the field to train them in onsite mentorship. No one will escape the Lord's anger who sat on the sidelines. Who saw a new convert and never knew their names or talked to them. Who heard (from the Bible on Sundays) the importance of saving souls... yet was always too busy to share Jesus. Our salvation depends on supporting those who have found their salvation and our salvation depends on sharing Jesus.
If you live in the Bible belt, where you can pick a church, like your favorite ice cream flavor, you may not realize that outside of such places like Texas, Florida, Alabama, most states have less than a handful of churches and many such churches are comprised of 10-30 members. Most of the congregations are 60 and up. Watch live videos of most services online and you will see one or two dozen members or so. In churches like California, there used to be many churches spotted up and down the coast. Now, most of these churches are gone. Church pockets and clusters are dying out in the US.
When the elderly die out in a congregation and the youth, grow up and leave, for college or get a job out of state, then that is when the assembly begins to die out. At one point, during the 1930-the 1950s, we were known and were one of the largest groups in the country. Even as far back as the 1800s, we were thriving. But that was when evangelism was more than just a Sunday prayer or sermon, comprised of empty rhetoric and platitudes. That was before excuses came up like, "I don't have to work, my church is sending money overseas." These token words and spoken excuses cause members to think this command (to save others) was more optional than anything else.
When the church of Christ people... sit in indifference, praising God, attending church, etc. while they allow their neighbors, their friends, their family members, pass from this life and be lost forever, what does that say about us, as the people of God? The hell pit is open, when we do nothing, it is as if we are ushering the world inside. We need to remember that the gospel is only active when we are.
The taboo in certain religions: The Mormons and the Jehovah's Witnesses in their culture view apathy towards evangelism, as a sin and as repulsive taboo. Indifference in these religious circles to evangelism is strongly frowned upon. When these groups see lax people not doing outreach, such people are viewed as sinning. They are warned to repent. It seems though in this cultural perspective, that the Lord's church, in kingdom culture doesn’t view indifference towards evangelism as a sin. Sure, saints preach on it, teach lessons about soul-saving, they even give prayers on this theme during worship. Yet if this type of apathy was truly frowned upon, would not the culture reflect that? If such inactivity (towards evangelism) was really a taboo and viewed as a serious sin, like adultery, murder, fornication, and homosexuality, would not Christian people condemn such behavior and not remain silent on this lifestyle wickedness? This behavioral acceptance has spread from saint to saint and church to church. This leaven has become an epidemic. A spiritual disease that is causing the crumbling churches in the US, to die out. If evangelism was viewed in the same importance and Biblical perspective, as the themes we disfellowship people over and condemn, (when not practiced) like the Lord's Supper, attending church, being faithful in marriage, etc., we would not be where we are now, as a kingdom in the US.
Many churches in the kingdom want to grow, yet when some of them are presented chances, they decide to decline the opportunity, for it requires...work. A few generations from now...where will we be, if we continue as we have? At the rate of decline, we are estimated to cease existing in the United States, in 75-100 years, if not sooner. Things need to change. The tide has turned throughout history, it can change again now if we are but willing to act. If enough churches step up the tide can change.
How to create an evangelism culture in ones local congregation
Here is a key phrase to imprint on one’s mind, “Evangelism is mentorship.” In evangelism find ways to mentor people into teachers, workers,
event coordinators, and leaders. The best way to ensure evangelism thrives in a church is by creating a "multi-head Hydra." If one (evangelism) leader gets sick, dies, moves, has to stop for personal reasons, falls away, etc. the other leaders and can keep the torch going.
In regard to evangelism, encourage others to grow in this field, to use their imagination in generating new and creative ideas on outreach, to talk about ways of sharing the gospel, to teach others in classes, to do outreach work, to create their own venues of evangelism projects. Encourage them to have "evangelism journals" to record their idea and thoughts. Innovation must be fostered in the church. Self-reliance and initiative in matters of evangelism must be supported, nurtured and praised.
Such industry must be tenderly watered and given sunlight, through encouragement. Even those who are not interested (in evangelism) may become interested later on and choose to join in this work if they are given opportunities for inclusion and support. If a leader sees someone with a certain talent, they should use that person and take advantage of that talent. Don't wait for change, unless you are willing to cultivate it. Remember evangelism is mentorship. When doing evangelism events create an environment through mentorship and support for others to also do evangelism events, this can best be done through working with those who have gone to your events. Those who show up to your events, can (with time) as their comfort level and experience rises, be motivated and encouraged to do events themselves. When they are setting up an event, you can show up to help them or accompany them as their putting on an event, so as to be a moral support.
Teachers should host classes on evangelism, (to train others on how to teach the lost and to equip people in outreach skills and methods). This format will create an evangelism culture, through mentorship, that supports and fosters the saints in growth. This process helps God’s people to learn how to serve in outreach and to teach others when the time comes (down the road). When I teach someone to teach, they in turn will be able to teach others. This process is best done by using the students in the evangelism class who are showing an interest in such work. Through their growth and as their comfort level increases, encourage them to step up.
When there are multiple groups teaching evangelism concepts and doing evangelism work (events), evangelism will more quickly, become part of the church's culture. We need to train more people to teach and mentor more people to be leaders in doing evangelism events, for the church to have a well-established evangelism culture.
The cycle of evangelism growth in the culture of a church comes from creating more leaders who teach and do evangelism work. The more people that are teaching evangelism classes, doing evangelism events as well as other group outreach member-oriented activities, the more evangelism will trickle into the church as part of the overall culture. This is most effective if the elders/preacher/leaders support such work in attendance and in their actions.
If people are mentored and trained, evangelism will become a cornerstone of church culture. This is most effective when the leaders are leading in this (cause) as well. When the elders share evangelism materials and continually voice the need of doing this “as a church.” When the preacher is present in outreach work, is willing to do Bible studies and is consistently, (at least once a month), writting articles, and giving sermons on evangelism...then that helps to acclimate climate and culture for evangelism. With time these activites will help the church to begin to become saturated in the ways of evangelism culture
event coordinators, and leaders. The best way to ensure evangelism thrives in a church is by creating a "multi-head Hydra." If one (evangelism) leader gets sick, dies, moves, has to stop for personal reasons, falls away, etc. the other leaders and can keep the torch going.
In regard to evangelism, encourage others to grow in this field, to use their imagination in generating new and creative ideas on outreach, to talk about ways of sharing the gospel, to teach others in classes, to do outreach work, to create their own venues of evangelism projects. Encourage them to have "evangelism journals" to record their idea and thoughts. Innovation must be fostered in the church. Self-reliance and initiative in matters of evangelism must be supported, nurtured and praised.
Such industry must be tenderly watered and given sunlight, through encouragement. Even those who are not interested (in evangelism) may become interested later on and choose to join in this work if they are given opportunities for inclusion and support. If a leader sees someone with a certain talent, they should use that person and take advantage of that talent. Don't wait for change, unless you are willing to cultivate it. Remember evangelism is mentorship. When doing evangelism events create an environment through mentorship and support for others to also do evangelism events, this can best be done through working with those who have gone to your events. Those who show up to your events, can (with time) as their comfort level and experience rises, be motivated and encouraged to do events themselves. When they are setting up an event, you can show up to help them or accompany them as their putting on an event, so as to be a moral support.
Teachers should host classes on evangelism, (to train others on how to teach the lost and to equip people in outreach skills and methods). This format will create an evangelism culture, through mentorship, that supports and fosters the saints in growth. This process helps God’s people to learn how to serve in outreach and to teach others when the time comes (down the road). When I teach someone to teach, they in turn will be able to teach others. This process is best done by using the students in the evangelism class who are showing an interest in such work. Through their growth and as their comfort level increases, encourage them to step up.
When there are multiple groups teaching evangelism concepts and doing evangelism work (events), evangelism will more quickly, become part of the church's culture. We need to train more people to teach and mentor more people to be leaders in doing evangelism events, for the church to have a well-established evangelism culture.
The cycle of evangelism growth in the culture of a church comes from creating more leaders who teach and do evangelism work. The more people that are teaching evangelism classes, doing evangelism events as well as other group outreach member-oriented activities, the more evangelism will trickle into the church as part of the overall culture. This is most effective if the elders/preacher/leaders support such work in attendance and in their actions.
If people are mentored and trained, evangelism will become a cornerstone of church culture. This is most effective when the leaders are leading in this (cause) as well. When the elders share evangelism materials and continually voice the need of doing this “as a church.” When the preacher is present in outreach work, is willing to do Bible studies and is consistently, (at least once a month), writting articles, and giving sermons on evangelism...then that helps to acclimate climate and culture for evangelism. With time these activites will help the church to begin to become saturated in the ways of evangelism culture
We were born to reproduce and raise up children:
How to view a new convert
People are beautiful, not in the way of lust, desire, or attraction. But males and females, boys and girls, young and old, are beautiful, for this simple reason...God loves them, (Romans 5:8). And if He loved them enough to give His Son. They are pretty precious. And what is tenderly treasured by the Father and deeply valued should also be cherished by His children.
When it comes to salvation, remember it's the truth that brings the lost to Jesus, and it's the truth that holds the new infant, in fellowship with the Father. Yet love is foundational in joining them to a spiritual family of believers. The Apostles, John (3 John 4) and Paul (1 Timothy 1:2) call new converts their children. Obviously, we are all sons and daughters of God, but in this inspired text, we see that... those who were taught and those who did the teaching (can and should) have a bond that feels paternal.
Do parents give up on their children or undermine them? Do fathers or mothers look out for their own interests first or their sons and daughters? Spiritually speaking we need to look out for the spiritual welfare of new infants and do what parents do for their children. We need to mentor them, (spiritually speaking).
We need to help them grow up in the Word, the milk of the Lord, as newborn babies, (1 Peter 2:2). And not let them stay stagnate in a weakened state of infancy through a lack of training and teaching, (Hebrews 5:11-14). The relationship is paternal. Paul called Titus, (Titus 1:4), and Timothy (1 Timothy 1:2) his sons. He worked with them and taught these young men.
So we should look at new members of the faith as people we can help raise up from infancy to spiritual adulthood. As you help them grow, remember evangelism does not stop at the baptism experience, that is where it begins. Before and after the conversion process, evangelism requires mentorship. It requires an investment of time and energy. As a father teaches a child how to act through inclusion, examinership, and verbal guidance, we too should nurture God's spiritual children, (1 Thessalonians 2:7-8).
We were born to reproduce. To share the spiritual seed, the Word of God, (1 Peter 1:23;25). To make more sons and daughters of the Father. This is in our spiritual DNA. This is our truest calling as children of God. We are here to make more people, through the truth, in the image of our heavenly Father. For that is why we were saved, why we have been brought out of darkness into His wonderful light, to proclaim the glories of God, (2 Peter 2:9).
That is our meaning and spiritual life purpose. We cannot find true fulfillment in Jesus till we do what we were put on earth to do. That of following this highest act of love, to save another, (Jude 23). That of meeting the greatest need the world has...that of making the lost into God's children. Our spiritual biology and role as the saved is to save. We are here to reproduce through sharing the seed, the Word of truth. We are here to share our Fathers message. We are here to bring about rebirth, through the "water and spirit,"(John 3:5).
A man and a woman find completeness in creating a physical family. In spiritual matters, we can only find completeness in creating a spiritual family. Both are centered around love and both fill us up with purpose. Both require stewardship, work, time, and give emotional satisfaction. Both roles are God-ordained. And are mutually symbiotic in the emotional bonding that comes from being a mentor.
When it comes to salvation, remember it's the truth that brings the lost to Jesus, and it's the truth that holds the new infant, in fellowship with the Father. Yet love is foundational in joining them to a spiritual family of believers. The Apostles, John (3 John 4) and Paul (1 Timothy 1:2) call new converts their children. Obviously, we are all sons and daughters of God, but in this inspired text, we see that... those who were taught and those who did the teaching (can and should) have a bond that feels paternal.
Do parents give up on their children or undermine them? Do fathers or mothers look out for their own interests first or their sons and daughters? Spiritually speaking we need to look out for the spiritual welfare of new infants and do what parents do for their children. We need to mentor them, (spiritually speaking).
We need to help them grow up in the Word, the milk of the Lord, as newborn babies, (1 Peter 2:2). And not let them stay stagnate in a weakened state of infancy through a lack of training and teaching, (Hebrews 5:11-14). The relationship is paternal. Paul called Titus, (Titus 1:4), and Timothy (1 Timothy 1:2) his sons. He worked with them and taught these young men.
So we should look at new members of the faith as people we can help raise up from infancy to spiritual adulthood. As you help them grow, remember evangelism does not stop at the baptism experience, that is where it begins. Before and after the conversion process, evangelism requires mentorship. It requires an investment of time and energy. As a father teaches a child how to act through inclusion, examinership, and verbal guidance, we too should nurture God's spiritual children, (1 Thessalonians 2:7-8).
We were born to reproduce. To share the spiritual seed, the Word of God, (1 Peter 1:23;25). To make more sons and daughters of the Father. This is in our spiritual DNA. This is our truest calling as children of God. We are here to make more people, through the truth, in the image of our heavenly Father. For that is why we were saved, why we have been brought out of darkness into His wonderful light, to proclaim the glories of God, (2 Peter 2:9).
That is our meaning and spiritual life purpose. We cannot find true fulfillment in Jesus till we do what we were put on earth to do. That of following this highest act of love, to save another, (Jude 23). That of meeting the greatest need the world has...that of making the lost into God's children. Our spiritual biology and role as the saved is to save. We are here to reproduce through sharing the seed, the Word of truth. We are here to share our Fathers message. We are here to bring about rebirth, through the "water and spirit,"(John 3:5).
A man and a woman find completeness in creating a physical family. In spiritual matters, we can only find completeness in creating a spiritual family. Both are centered around love and both fill us up with purpose. Both require stewardship, work, time, and give emotional satisfaction. Both roles are God-ordained. And are mutually symbiotic in the emotional bonding that comes from being a mentor.
Involve the leaders, people will support what they help to create. Try to get members to invest in the work. People will defend, fight for, support and love, what they have been involved with creating."
We need to work together, especially now, when things are getting worse in church decline...
The church is a team, we must all play together for the same side. In football what would you think if you saw the star quarterback take the ball to the wrong goal or tackle his own teammate? In the churches too often evangelism work (and other Bible-based work) is not undermined from the world, so much as from a preacher, elder, or brother. Remember we need to use our energies constructively to win in the spiritual challenges, we face (of our church and of our lives). To do this we must be unified, not only in shared acceptance of a doctrine but in the practice of what it teaches, (love, selflessness, unity, peace, Bible-based service). Energies are better used constructively to build up the kingdom in evangelism than in gossip, slander, and needlessly nitpicking the new converts and the people doing evangelism. Yet too often people would rather invest their time and resources in strife than for the works of love. The churches that grow will have people that are willing to work, despite the petty behavior of others. And blessed is the worker who does not have that in their local congregation.
Three kinds of people. Those who watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who nitpick those getting things done. In the arena of life, it's those in the thick of it, that get stuff... done. Marvelous stuff. Those in the bleachers only warm the seats they sit in as they talk soft platitudes...
Those who are remembered are those who dare to dream and dare to act. Such people through their deeds build "monuments," in the heart, in how they touch the lives of those around them. Yet even as those who are touched fade from the pages of time...as life changes from age to age, know this...God remembers such service. The works may fade from the world of men, yet such deeds are historically recorded in His books. He never forgets.
Three kinds of people. Those who watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who nitpick those getting things done. In the arena of life, it's those in the thick of it, that get stuff... done. Marvelous stuff. Those in the bleachers only warm the seats they sit in as they talk soft platitudes...
Those who are remembered are those who dare to dream and dare to act. Such people through their deeds build "monuments," in the heart, in how they touch the lives of those around them. Yet even as those who are touched fade from the pages of time...as life changes from age to age, know this...God remembers such service. The works may fade from the world of men, yet such deeds are historically recorded in His books. He never forgets.
Check out "Leading Others to Christ."
I'm a big fan of "Leading others to Christ." Dan Barker does this work at https://leadingotherstochrist.org
This is just a drop in the bucket, on what Dan has put together. But I wanted to share my notes on what I found helpful from some of the videos I saw on his outreach training platform. There is much more content on the evangelism forum that Brother Dan has shared. He has almost 60 interviews done with evangelists around the US. I encourage you to watch the videos shared below...they are exceptional. And they detail many concepts I did not write down in my notes. The notes were focused on my own personal issues I wanted to focus on in doing outreach.
Shane Scott
How he gets Bible studies:
1. Shane, scans visitor cards and sends them via online email as well as by post on the church website to leaders/work groups to share with church members. They write “thank you” (for visiting) cards. If the church gets a second visit, then Shane or others will say "Hey ______ I just want to thank you for coming to be with us, and I just want to let you know, if you have any questions I'd be happy to sit down and answer your questions. And I'd love to sit down and study sometime.”
Tips: When you meet someone at church, try to introduce that person to someone else as well. Help the contact create connections. Connections are important in helping to cement someone to a congregation.
Find hobbies or social groups to help with building relationships and connections, (with the outside world). As time progresses invite those connections/people to church or to a Bible study.
Shane also tries to incorporate the college people into teaching. He tries to get all of them into teaching (some form of age group) in the classes at church. He believes a church that invests in its members will retain those that are invested in. People are more inclined to invest in the church in energy, emotion, time, commitment, when they feel valued and appreciated. Being used (in and outside of service) in spiritual roles, helps with generating loyal feelings and beliefs. Using people is the best way to get someone invested, whether it is in using a new convert, a new member, or college student, etc.
Hospitality shown to individual members, as well as to others through doing group meetings in people’s homes and through potlucks….can also help people get to know each other, (especially in large congregations). This is important. Building emotional connections is foundational in getting long term congregational retention and loyalty. Building connections (and getting people invested in church work), can help to keep saints committed at a local church. Doing these things also helps to retain new converts and to keep them from falling away. This should also, be accompanied with regular grounding Bible classes, (for the new convert).
Shane Scott is the Preacher at the Valrico church of Christ, Valrico, FL
Website link https://www.valricococ.org
His interview video from “Leading others to Christ” is at
Benjamin Lee
Great evangelism ideas from evangelist:
The workbook is called "It's not rocket science. Simple ways to reach the lost." He taught this workbook to the church where he is at.
Also here is the workbook store link. The book is online at “Spiritbuilding.”
How Benjamin Lee trains people to meet visitors?
A. Greet, say hello, smile, ask name, give your name, socially talk with them. Be loving...
"Treat people as you would want to be treated."
Treat them as you would want to be treated as a traveling visitor.
B. Sit with visitors during service. Nothing worse than having a visitor sit alone on an empty pew.
C. Walk with visitors when they are moving toward/away from the building and (warmly) talk with them.
D. Simply invite (after socially interacting with) them to a study, with words like "would you like to have a study?"
2. Benjamin also does “Meet up” Bible studies through the social media site www.meetup.com. I keep hearing about evangelists doing this format. Benjamin meets at places like Panera Bread. Benjamin says this is a great place to interact with “the community and nearby university.”
3. Benjamin made invitation cards to encourage members to use, (inside and outside of the church). During service, he also make it a point to get the visitor's cards. This is important for follow through.
4. This preacher also has apartment Bible studies at a church member's place. The neighbors are encouraged to come to ask spiritual questions. The event is called "put the preacher on the hot seat."
5. Benjamin also does marketing online in Google ads to promote the church and to get visitors.
6. His goal is to get the church members to ask themselves, this question, "do I care about reaching the lost?" Benjamin focuses on finding ways to get members to foster the rights attitudes. He does this to create the right climate for evangelism. How does Benjamin do this?
A. He teaches evangelism materials regularly. It is part of the overall Bible study themes that are mentioned in the class curriculum. Teaching evangelism once a year is not regular, nor is it regular to touch on this theme every 6 months. It needs to be a frequent topic that is shared with the church. Of course, this is not the only thing taught nor is it taught nonstop. But this theme is regularly rotated (with other Bible topics). This needs to be done in the classes to equip and reinforce the need for outreach.
B. Benjamin leads by showing/sharing examples/stories in the church of those who are doing evangelism. He highlights what is being done at the congregation by the leadership/preacher, saints, etc.
C. During a sermon, Bible class, workshop, Benjamin asks the church members questions to make them think about their responsibility and personal roles in doing evangelism. And the importance of the need for evangelism work.
7. At the church where Benjamin goes to, he and the leaders set goals for members to talk to/invite 5 people to church every month. Benjamin trains the members and gives them the resources to help them do this.
Benjamin Lee is the Preacher at West Main church of Christ, Lewisville, TX
Website link https://westmainchurchofchrist.org
His interview video from “Leading others to Christ” is at
Ethan Longhenry
How to set up a study:
Ethan Longhenry is the preacher at Venice church of Christ – Los Angeles, CA
Website link https://venicechurchofchrist.org
His interview video from “Leading others to Christ” is at
Max Dawson
How to create an evangelism culture in the church he’s at:
Then Max has written on the card… 6 bullet points. –
1. “Where people really respect the Bible.”
2. “Where kids are learning about the Bible.”
3. “Where people love one another.”
And other positive bullet point highlights that incentivize people to check out the congregation. After the card is shown, highlighting these points, then the invitation is given…”if you like these things, (on the card) I recommend the Dowlen church of Christ.”
Max Dawson is the Preacher at the Dowlen Road church of Christ, Beaumont, TX
Website link http://www.dowlenroad.com
His interview video from “Leading others to Christ” is at
Andy Cantrell
Andy since he was in his teens, saw church members greet visitors with these slogan phrases like, “Hey nice to have you, glad you are here.” “thanks for coming to visit us.” Yet Andy noticed visitors from the community were not asked (in a warm/tactful/personal way) certain (conversation oriented) questions like, “How are you doing?” Andy says such a question conveys interest and should be followed up (after a contact gives feedback and a response) with further social interaction. A person should (tactfully, and warmly) give questions centered around asking them, “why are you here?” Then, “what are you looking for?” then, “what’s your story?” then, “would you like to study the Bible?”
This format is ingenious. These questions are deeply connective and rapport building. They say, “I care about you,” and “I want to know more about you,” (in regard to spiritual things). Then in giving an invite to personally meet to study in connection to the personal (social) groundwork and foundation being done, it makes the invite more effective. Andy even in his teens, got Bible studies doing this approach.
When looking for a Bible lesson format as a teen, Andy Cantrell mentions doing Ivan Stewart’s “Open Bible series.” And saved souls through using this material. Andy now does evangelism workshops at the church he attends. He says training others in evangelism is important.
Luke Heard (is a young married man in his 20’s). Luke has learned “Coffee shop evangelism” from Andy Cantrell. Luke goes to the University church of Christ, where I attend. He let me interview him and pick his brain on this method, (that was taught to him by Brother Andy).
Andy showed Luke how to do Coffee shop evangelism. The clip details this but I want to write this down as well. Andy has had success with doing this method. Luke said his Brother in Law, (who is also a preacher) has had success as well with using this outreach format.
Andy says the key in doing evangelism is in genuinely caring about people, about their souls, their lives, what they’re going through, about who they are as uniquely created men and women of the Creator. Saving a soul is not about trying to get a notch to put on the belt. It’s not about trying to get people to “join our church.” It’s about helping people find Jesus. Evangelism is about letting people know you care. Having empathy towards others is a powerful tool in connecting with people and in getting them to emotionally invest in you and in what you’re sharing.
Andy Cantrell is the Preacher at the Northwest church of Christ, New Hope, MN
Website link www.nwcocmn.org
His interview video from “Leading others to Christ” is at
Rick Billingsley
Rick in beginning evangelism looked for evangelist to model himself after. He looked for ideas that had been successful to replicate. Which is brilliant. In any field, if a person wants success, they should look at those in that chosen field who are successful and to those who get results. After Rick learned successful methods, he went around the Country and helped others replicate positive results. Rick did this by holding Gospel Meeting Workshops on evangelism throughout the United States.
Rick says “mistakes are the best teacher. They help a person find patterns of success by trial and error.” When he teaches evangelism classes around the US, he highlights mistakes to avoid from his own experience. Rick also has a training program for his own local church to do. He believes in 2 Timothy 2:2 in matters of imparting spiritual truths on evangelism.
Rick has a “personal growth worksheet” for church members to sign. The sheet has members share, what they want to do in spiritual work (inside and outside of the church). As well as…WHAT THEY WANT TO LEARN to do, so as to be able to do other duties of service down the road. Like song leading, preaching, being a Sunday school teen teacher, conducting a Bible study, door knocking, etc. And from their Rick (or someone else) gives them a training class or some one on one support, (as a mentor) to help them…develop in the area they are wanting to serve God.
Rick says its important to get members and especially the new converts into the church work immediately. He said that is what the elders do at the church where he’s at. Rick says, wherever you are at, the elders will try to find a use for each member. This is important. Rick says people need to feel needed and wanted. Using these people lets them know you value them. I can relate to this, through the years of my life, I’ve seen this happen to others as well as to myself. Sadly, too often in the Lord’s church, God’s people are not always used. To many times it’s the elders kids, or those in a certain clique, etc. who are given roles of service in the church. To often all the leadership seems to focus on, and value is, “do they come Sunday morning and Sunday night?” Instead of asking this needed (introspective) question, “are we helping the saints grow and mature?”
Rick says the church where he is at has 5 groups, that have 5 deacons leading it. The deacons report to the elders on what happens in each group, (group activities, concerns, struggles, goals, etc.) These groups meet up at peoples homes every second Sunday. Each group focuses on doing things to help the flock and to give service in His kingdom. The activities also help the saints in their spiritual development. Group activities can be focused on helping the saints who are physically sick or who are spiritual struggling. Such activities can include writing to those who need cards, coordinating visits, texting/emailing/calling people who need encouragement, making a meal, etc.
It is imperative to have the church members do hospitality. They need to be given teachings on this and be given training in this and be given assignments on reaching out to different folks. This fosters a sense of personal responsibility and accountability in doing this important work.
Most conversions have come from Rick’s visitor program:
2. What did you like the most (about the church)?
3. What did you like the least (about the church)?
4. Were we friendly?
1. “By the way we really want to let you know how much we appreciate you visiting with us.” Sincere signs of appreciation as well as given complements are important.
2. “By the way did you get that letter from me (or card from us) and did you get that little survey card?” Answer, “like yes we did.” Or the like. If they say they “have not signed survey” have extra survey cards with you…
3. If they have not filled out the survey, then the contacts are then asked “could you fill out the little survey card from us? We like to read them on Wednesday night to share with the congregation what you shared on the survey.” If they did fill out the survey, just mention, “we appreciate you doing that! We like to read them on Wednesday night to share with the congregation what you shared on the survey.” (This helps to engage them socially and lets them know they are valued. This also helps to get them emotionally invested) This is a great social opener and a way to start dialogue. DO this interaction with warmth. Train those who visit to say these types of phrases. As well as on how to come across, (personal, social, warm, friendly).
On the card, theirs a question “are you interested in a study.” If they sign “yes,” they will get a lesson send to them, (with the letter from the preacher) and that can be another topic to bring up, when with the contact while doing the visit.
For all visitors, when at church, this question is presented “if you have any Bible questions please let us know?”
Church members and the preacher try to invite the visitors out to eat. Also, the visitors are encouraged to join in potluck group meetings. Hospitality is a great way to build connections and helps to get contacts invested in the people and the church.
The church members also invite people to sit in on Meetup.com group Bible studies at a restaurant or at Barnes and Nobles, etc. This church has 4 Bible groups taking place each week, led by members that have 2-3 other members there to support the effort. Topics taught are on issues, like the historical Jesus, etc. The more the contacts attend the deeper one can delve into the essential fundamentals.
My personal note: one thing I keep seeing in “Leading others to Christ” are the successes from evangelists in different churches, who do something like this format. They interact with visitors and invite them to Bible studies. They grow their congregations through this method.
Another good example of such “visitor” work is Kerry Keenan he does something similar. See his video interview here. https://leadingotherstochrist.org/interview-with-kerry-keenan
Rick Billingsley has solid gold material here…
He is the Preacher at the Walnut Street church of Christ – Cary, NC
Website link https://www.peopleforjesus.org
His interview video from “Leading others to Christ” is at
Ricky Shanks
Personal note: Ricky is the reason I got into evangelism. He has taught gospel meetings centered around the themes of outreach. I was blessed to hear his first meeting at the Concord COC, in NC while in my teens. Ricky during that time had pre-teens and teenagers over to his house for Bible study and singing. He was also my councilor at FC Alabama Camp. I’ve learned a lot from him, Ricky was my first “mentor” in sharing evangelism insights and guidance. I’ve written this Blue (game plan) book as a personal workbook for use. Things I’ve known through the years, I’ll probably leave out, since I’m looking for new content to incorporate in my evangelism strategies. The new things I have learned from Ricky, are the things, I’m going to apply…they are written below.
Points of evangelism work:
When Ricky was doing a Gospel Meeting in Tampa, FL I saved the recordings. The lessons are chalk full of exceptional content. I have the audio files here if you want to download them and listen to the evangelism lessons Ricky taught. It is chalk full of data.
1 Lesson: Building confidence and boldness.
2 Lesson: Reasons for ineffectiveness.
3 Lesson: Edify the new convert.
4 Lesson: Prayer.
Ricky Shanks is the Preacher at the Gainesville church of Christ Gainesville, GA
Website link https://answersfromthebible.org
His interview video from “Leading others to Christ” is at
Gary Fisher
This evangelist works with young people and helps with FC college. Gary is also a fan of door knocking to set up Bible studies. His effective approach goes like this, when I knock on a door I say “hi I’m Gary. And I’m talking to folks about reading the Bible. Do you all get a chance to do that sort of thing?” Depending on how they respond, I say “I’m a Christian and I’d like to sit down and read the Bible in their homes and I am looking for people who have an interest in doing something like that.” Gary says, “I don’t go up with anything in my hand. I like to go up with my wife or with a kid to make me more approachable and to let them know nothing is shady or something like that.”
When his son (Kyle) was 15, and his younger daughter, was with Gary when he was doing a gospel meeting for a week in AL. Kyle (his son) got together (7) other teenagers to go out to do door knocking… to set up studies. These young people got 7 sign ups and did door knocking again another day and got 3 other studies set up. Gary had his son and daughter stay behind to do these studies they set up. They were trained by their father to do this simple method of going door knocking to get Bible studies…
Gary says he get’s plenty of “no’s” when doing door knocking but he will get “yes’s.” If someone says “no,” then he just moves onto the next door. If a person keeps doing this they will get results. And even if one does not get a Bible study set up, when one gives an invite, conversations can be created, and seeds can be sow and planted for a later harvest.
Gary Fisher is the Preacher at the Bargersville church of Christ, Bargersville, IN
Website link https://www.bargersvillechristians.com
His interview video from “Leading others to Christ” is at
Another one I’ll point out, is Brother Brent Hunter. This guy is still a wealth of knowledge.
Besides Ricky Shanks, Brent played a large role in my evangelism development, (through my study of his work).
I've heard of churches growing by 20 members a year when 10 percent of it's members do 90 percent of the work.
People who head such work and have pioneered successful methods, are folks like Brent Hunter.
Brent's Method: He generates a group that invites people to hear a popular presentation like the "Big Picture of the Bible." Brent has a handful of people ready to share that presentation with the invited. Brent has two groups, a larger group that invites people when these members are in casual settings, like restaurants, jobs, get togethers, etc, to say something like this during the conversation, "My Bible group is doing a great Bible Presentation on how the whole Bible from Old Testament to New Testament comes together for one theme and one plan God has for your life...and my life." Enthusiastically invite the person to the presentation. You may choose to give a card with Big Picture content and ask them if they would be interested, having them give their number on the back.
This group (around 30) can invite friends, coworkers, waitresses, cashiers, family members, etc, to hear the Big Picture and another smaller group (3-7 people) who will receive their contact information. This smaller group will contact them for a presentation. This actually happened- 20 souls added in a year, with only 10 percent of the church helping. Imagine if 100% of church were involved!!
Brent Hunter’s video is worthy of watching.
Check out his evangelism training website.
Brent Hunter is the Preacher at the Church of Christ at Kirkland in NE
This is just a drop in the bucket, on what Dan has put together. But I wanted to share my notes on what I found helpful from some of the videos I saw on his outreach training platform. There is much more content on the evangelism forum that Brother Dan has shared. He has almost 60 interviews done with evangelists around the US. I encourage you to watch the videos shared below...they are exceptional. And they detail many concepts I did not write down in my notes. The notes were focused on my own personal issues I wanted to focus on in doing outreach.
Shane Scott
How he gets Bible studies:
1. Shane, scans visitor cards and sends them via online email as well as by post on the church website to leaders/work groups to share with church members. They write “thank you” (for visiting) cards. If the church gets a second visit, then Shane or others will say "Hey ______ I just want to thank you for coming to be with us, and I just want to let you know, if you have any questions I'd be happy to sit down and answer your questions. And I'd love to sit down and study sometime.”
Tips: When you meet someone at church, try to introduce that person to someone else as well. Help the contact create connections. Connections are important in helping to cement someone to a congregation.
Find hobbies or social groups to help with building relationships and connections, (with the outside world). As time progresses invite those connections/people to church or to a Bible study.
Shane also tries to incorporate the college people into teaching. He tries to get all of them into teaching (some form of age group) in the classes at church. He believes a church that invests in its members will retain those that are invested in. People are more inclined to invest in the church in energy, emotion, time, commitment, when they feel valued and appreciated. Being used (in and outside of service) in spiritual roles, helps with generating loyal feelings and beliefs. Using people is the best way to get someone invested, whether it is in using a new convert, a new member, or college student, etc.
Hospitality shown to individual members, as well as to others through doing group meetings in people’s homes and through potlucks….can also help people get to know each other, (especially in large congregations). This is important. Building emotional connections is foundational in getting long term congregational retention and loyalty. Building connections (and getting people invested in church work), can help to keep saints committed at a local church. Doing these things also helps to retain new converts and to keep them from falling away. This should also, be accompanied with regular grounding Bible classes, (for the new convert).
Shane Scott is the Preacher at the Valrico church of Christ, Valrico, FL
Website link https://www.valricococ.org
His interview video from “Leading others to Christ” is at
Benjamin Lee
Great evangelism ideas from evangelist:
- Five-minute rule (look around and talk to visitors first, before talking to anyone else. Do this for the first few minutes). Can use this time to invite people to Bible studies. This church has gotten a lot of Bible studies from people coming to visit.
The workbook is called "It's not rocket science. Simple ways to reach the lost." He taught this workbook to the church where he is at.
Also here is the workbook store link. The book is online at “Spiritbuilding.”
How Benjamin Lee trains people to meet visitors?
A. Greet, say hello, smile, ask name, give your name, socially talk with them. Be loving...
"Treat people as you would want to be treated."
Treat them as you would want to be treated as a traveling visitor.
B. Sit with visitors during service. Nothing worse than having a visitor sit alone on an empty pew.
C. Walk with visitors when they are moving toward/away from the building and (warmly) talk with them.
D. Simply invite (after socially interacting with) them to a study, with words like "would you like to have a study?"
2. Benjamin also does “Meet up” Bible studies through the social media site www.meetup.com. I keep hearing about evangelists doing this format. Benjamin meets at places like Panera Bread. Benjamin says this is a great place to interact with “the community and nearby university.”
3. Benjamin made invitation cards to encourage members to use, (inside and outside of the church). During service, he also make it a point to get the visitor's cards. This is important for follow through.
4. This preacher also has apartment Bible studies at a church member's place. The neighbors are encouraged to come to ask spiritual questions. The event is called "put the preacher on the hot seat."
5. Benjamin also does marketing online in Google ads to promote the church and to get visitors.
6. His goal is to get the church members to ask themselves, this question, "do I care about reaching the lost?" Benjamin focuses on finding ways to get members to foster the rights attitudes. He does this to create the right climate for evangelism. How does Benjamin do this?
A. He teaches evangelism materials regularly. It is part of the overall Bible study themes that are mentioned in the class curriculum. Teaching evangelism once a year is not regular, nor is it regular to touch on this theme every 6 months. It needs to be a frequent topic that is shared with the church. Of course, this is not the only thing taught nor is it taught nonstop. But this theme is regularly rotated (with other Bible topics). This needs to be done in the classes to equip and reinforce the need for outreach.
B. Benjamin leads by showing/sharing examples/stories in the church of those who are doing evangelism. He highlights what is being done at the congregation by the leadership/preacher, saints, etc.
C. During a sermon, Bible class, workshop, Benjamin asks the church members questions to make them think about their responsibility and personal roles in doing evangelism. And the importance of the need for evangelism work.
7. At the church where Benjamin goes to, he and the leaders set goals for members to talk to/invite 5 people to church every month. Benjamin trains the members and gives them the resources to help them do this.
Benjamin Lee is the Preacher at West Main church of Christ, Lewisville, TX
Website link https://westmainchurchofchrist.org
His interview video from “Leading others to Christ” is at
Ethan Longhenry
How to set up a study:
- Those who are visiting, Ethan invites out to lunch. This helps to build rapport and get a feel for the visitors, in how to approach them for a study.
- Ethan likes to invite visitors to a study with group or a close nit one on one study.
- He focuses on getting the church/himself to build relationships with new converts. This helps to build bonds with members of the church. This has the added effect of increasing the retention rate of new converts.
- Ethan has grounding/new convert classes. Baptism is just the beginning of working/studying with them. There must be consistent follow through.
- His goal is to hit the coal while it is hot. Involve them, use them in spiritual activities, Bible studies, church work, leadership roles. If you don’t use them and take advantage of the new babe in Christ, their zeal can dim and even die if not supported and encouraged.
Ethan Longhenry is the preacher at Venice church of Christ – Los Angeles, CA
Website link https://venicechurchofchrist.org
His interview video from “Leading others to Christ” is at
Max Dawson
How to create an evangelism culture in the church he’s at:
- Max uses terms when speaking to the congregation. Terms like “Evangelism is in our DNA.”
- Max encourages the church to do their God given purpose, that of sharing Jesus. He makes materials to help with that. Evangelism is mentorship. Max follows this Bible truth.
- The church where Max goes to, has visitors every week. This happens in large part, because people are inviting others to services. They are inviting friends, family, the cashier at Publix, a waitress at a restaurant, etc. This is actively encouraged and taught as part of the evangelism cultural work at this congregation.
- Max Dawson has made cards that he gives to the members at the church to give to the community. This card has on one side information about the church and on the other side it says “If you are ever looking for a church…”
Then Max has written on the card… 6 bullet points. –
1. “Where people really respect the Bible.”
2. “Where kids are learning about the Bible.”
3. “Where people love one another.”
And other positive bullet point highlights that incentivize people to check out the congregation. After the card is shown, highlighting these points, then the invitation is given…”if you like these things, (on the card) I recommend the Dowlen church of Christ.”
- Inviting people Max says is critical. One lady at Walmart had 3 invites given to her she said to Max when visiting for worship…she said if I have so many people interested and inviting me to their church I got to go and check it out. Figured I need to go to Dowlen Rd. to see what it is all about. Max says you can share a card no matter where you are, “if you’re out in the community at all, talking to people, no matter who it is, whether it is at the post office, Walmart, restaurant, no matter where you are….you can do this.” They have literally distributed 1,000’s of cards. Giving a card, Max says is what almost anyone can do.
- Max demonstrates how to share cards at church. During services in detailing evangelism (when speaking to the congregation) he shares how to give an invite. Max says, “let me show you how easy it is to give an invite.” Max steps down from the pulpit to one of the members and says…”My name is Max, I worship at the Dowlen Rd. church, I’d love for you to come by and visit.” And then he gives that person a card. This church has gotten contacts and converts through this method.
- Max says in matters of church evangelism, “everything rises and falls on church leadership. I know of 8 churches that have closed their doors and in every case that was due to leadership. They were not thinking ahead, (looking towards the future of their church) they were not doing evangelism, (to ensure that future). Evangelism must start at the top, with the leadership of the congregation. All our elders have done evangelism and are evangelistic.” Max says a strong leadership helps saturate the churches culture with evangelism. Leaders do this through holding up evangelism through…their voiced ideas, through their teaching and through their support and through their example in evangelism work.
- Max shared a story “A young lady (with her family) moved to be with us from south Texas and asked, “why are you guys regularly (every 3-4 wks.) talking and demonstrating ways (invites, etc.) of doing evangelism? Why are you showing lessons on how to convert people? Why are you doing evangelism? Listen where I came from the preacher would preach a lesson every once in a while on evangelism, but we were told by the preacher, that evangelism is optional for Christians. It’s not something you have to do.” Once this Sister was taught what the Bible says on evangelism she became a hard worker for the Lord in sharing Jesus.
- Max says as part of giving an invite to a person, Max teaches church members, that they can also, bring ups spiritual things in conversations with people, then given an invite. For example, if someone is at a barbecue with friends, a person can talk about a Bible study, that they were at and about the good points, (a helpful lesson or a caring/helpful teacher, etc.) A person can also talk about how God has blessed them at church, with couples/families that are their age…who help them and their kids spiritually…or about how great a sermon was in how it helped “my walk with the Lord.” Max says to look for ways/opportunities of talking about Jesus or spiritual things in day to day conversations. Then as the conversation progresses to invite someone to experience what you told them about, by giving them a card.
- AND THEN WHEN PEOPLE COME, YOU GOT TO MAKE THEM FEEL WELCOME, LOVED AND COMFORTABLE. “You may not get a second chance to welcome those people, if you don’t do it right the first time.” I personally have heard saints and preachers advocating “the 5 minute rule.” This is simply a regular reminder given to the congregation during announcements and at other times to talk to visitors first for at least a few minutes before chatting up ones friends at church. This reminder is given by saying, “remember the 5 minute rule.” It is important to make people feel important and cared about. How many times have you traveled across the country, visited a church, and sat ignored while everyone else was hamming it up and socializing with their close friends and buddies? I’ve seen this and I know of others who have experienced this too. People should be talked to and better yet invited out to eat for hospitality. These activities show Christian love and interest. Such actions also help to build rapport and connections.
- Max says when it comes to evangelism that church members “needs to see everyone as a potential convert. Don’t try to qualify people, by saying things like, this person looks shabby or like a bum.” Max says they have past drug dealers and people who have sinned in life...come to the Lord. He points out that…Jesus wants us to save the sinners. They are the ones who need the gospel. Don’t say this person is living in sin, they are living in adultery, they drink, etc. they won’t want the gospel. In the past 2 months, they have had 5 baptism, even during the Covid 19 epidemic. They converted sinners to the cross by sharing Jesus. Kerry Keenan has some good examples of viewing contacts in this way, as well. His video is worth watching.
- What I have found in my church (University church of Christ) and this pattern at the Dowlen Rd church of Christ reflect that, is this….environments matter. At University people ask how my sick dad is all the time, how my parents are, (even though they don’t attend this congregation). I get cards, texts, emails, and prayers. This in turn makes my feelings flow naturally to doing the same for the members at University. I’m not saying a person should not support others, even in hostile environments. I am saying when a church culture is caring , this fosters a natural response in others to reciprocate. When a church is evangelistic, it fosters a natural response to reciprocate in its members to do the same…etc.
- Also, elder Westley Pollard is at the same church, (Dowlen Rd church of Christ). You can see his interview here. https://leadingotherstochrist.org/interview-with-westley-pollard
Max Dawson is the Preacher at the Dowlen Road church of Christ, Beaumont, TX
Website link http://www.dowlenroad.com
His interview video from “Leading others to Christ” is at
Andy Cantrell
Andy since he was in his teens, saw church members greet visitors with these slogan phrases like, “Hey nice to have you, glad you are here.” “thanks for coming to visit us.” Yet Andy noticed visitors from the community were not asked (in a warm/tactful/personal way) certain (conversation oriented) questions like, “How are you doing?” Andy says such a question conveys interest and should be followed up (after a contact gives feedback and a response) with further social interaction. A person should (tactfully, and warmly) give questions centered around asking them, “why are you here?” Then, “what are you looking for?” then, “what’s your story?” then, “would you like to study the Bible?”
This format is ingenious. These questions are deeply connective and rapport building. They say, “I care about you,” and “I want to know more about you,” (in regard to spiritual things). Then in giving an invite to personally meet to study in connection to the personal (social) groundwork and foundation being done, it makes the invite more effective. Andy even in his teens, got Bible studies doing this approach.
When looking for a Bible lesson format as a teen, Andy Cantrell mentions doing Ivan Stewart’s “Open Bible series.” And saved souls through using this material. Andy now does evangelism workshops at the church he attends. He says training others in evangelism is important.
Luke Heard (is a young married man in his 20’s). Luke has learned “Coffee shop evangelism” from Andy Cantrell. Luke goes to the University church of Christ, where I attend. He let me interview him and pick his brain on this method, (that was taught to him by Brother Andy).
Andy showed Luke how to do Coffee shop evangelism. The clip details this but I want to write this down as well. Andy has had success with doing this method. Luke said his Brother in Law, (who is also a preacher) has had success as well with using this outreach format.
- Andy goes to the same coffee shop at the same time, 2-3 times a week.
- He sits down at a table, gets out his Bible and opens it up.
- Andy sits and (casually) looks at people coming in.
- If they make eye contact with him, he’ll smile. And wave to them. If they wave back, Andy will try to say something to them. Like ”hi” “good morning,” etc.
- Usually, they are dismissive. But if they look at him, Andy thinks…”Alright I’m going to try to get this person to sit down.”
- The person can see Andy has a Bible and its open, so the individual knows Andy is studying the Bible.
- If Andy gets interaction he will invite that person to sit down and offer to buy them coffee.
- When it comes to money, Andy has a “kingdom fund” where he sets money aside every single month. Just for that specific service.
- Andy has also developed connections with the staff and those who work at the coffee shop.
Andy says the key in doing evangelism is in genuinely caring about people, about their souls, their lives, what they’re going through, about who they are as uniquely created men and women of the Creator. Saving a soul is not about trying to get a notch to put on the belt. It’s not about trying to get people to “join our church.” It’s about helping people find Jesus. Evangelism is about letting people know you care. Having empathy towards others is a powerful tool in connecting with people and in getting them to emotionally invest in you and in what you’re sharing.
Andy Cantrell is the Preacher at the Northwest church of Christ, New Hope, MN
Website link www.nwcocmn.org
His interview video from “Leading others to Christ” is at
Rick Billingsley
Rick in beginning evangelism looked for evangelist to model himself after. He looked for ideas that had been successful to replicate. Which is brilliant. In any field, if a person wants success, they should look at those in that chosen field who are successful and to those who get results. After Rick learned successful methods, he went around the Country and helped others replicate positive results. Rick did this by holding Gospel Meeting Workshops on evangelism throughout the United States.
Rick says “mistakes are the best teacher. They help a person find patterns of success by trial and error.” When he teaches evangelism classes around the US, he highlights mistakes to avoid from his own experience. Rick also has a training program for his own local church to do. He believes in 2 Timothy 2:2 in matters of imparting spiritual truths on evangelism.
Rick has a “personal growth worksheet” for church members to sign. The sheet has members share, what they want to do in spiritual work (inside and outside of the church). As well as…WHAT THEY WANT TO LEARN to do, so as to be able to do other duties of service down the road. Like song leading, preaching, being a Sunday school teen teacher, conducting a Bible study, door knocking, etc. And from their Rick (or someone else) gives them a training class or some one on one support, (as a mentor) to help them…develop in the area they are wanting to serve God.
Rick says its important to get members and especially the new converts into the church work immediately. He said that is what the elders do at the church where he’s at. Rick says, wherever you are at, the elders will try to find a use for each member. This is important. Rick says people need to feel needed and wanted. Using these people lets them know you value them. I can relate to this, through the years of my life, I’ve seen this happen to others as well as to myself. Sadly, too often in the Lord’s church, God’s people are not always used. To many times it’s the elders kids, or those in a certain clique, etc. who are given roles of service in the church. To often all the leadership seems to focus on, and value is, “do they come Sunday morning and Sunday night?” Instead of asking this needed (introspective) question, “are we helping the saints grow and mature?”
Rick says the church where he is at has 5 groups, that have 5 deacons leading it. The deacons report to the elders on what happens in each group, (group activities, concerns, struggles, goals, etc.) These groups meet up at peoples homes every second Sunday. Each group focuses on doing things to help the flock and to give service in His kingdom. The activities also help the saints in their spiritual development. Group activities can be focused on helping the saints who are physically sick or who are spiritual struggling. Such activities can include writing to those who need cards, coordinating visits, texting/emailing/calling people who need encouragement, making a meal, etc.
It is imperative to have the church members do hospitality. They need to be given teachings on this and be given training in this and be given assignments on reaching out to different folks. This fosters a sense of personal responsibility and accountability in doing this important work.
Most conversions have come from Rick’s visitor program:
- Visitors are warmly greeted. And socially engaged.
- They have 4-5 greeters at the church building to greet people before/after service.
- The visitors are given a “visitor card” that’s easy to fill out, that’s attached on a clip board with pen. The clip board also has a very bright/warm “welcome” brochure. The visitor card is for getting information from the visitor, for future follow through.
- Once the visitors give the card back, the preacher gets a copy, the (deacons in charge) and the leaders get a copy. Also, the group in charge, (gets a copy). Those who are assigned to send a card, send out a “thank you” note/card during that week. It does not matter if the person is in the area or from out of town. They will be given a warm/personal/caring/thoughtful “thank you” card for visiting the church assembly for worship.
- The preacher also writes a personal “thank you” letter for coming to visit.
- And the preacher visits them that very same week with 1 of the members. Either that or 2 of the members will go out to visit them. The elders often times are involved with the visiting, the deacons are also involved in such work. The rule is to take 2 people. The saints who visit need to be friendly, warm, and social.
- The visits only happens after the “thank you” card/letter have been send. That helps to prepare the way. Again, the preacher sends a nice polished looking, well written letter to thank the contact for visiting and the saints also focus on sending out a “thank you,” message. If the envelopes are sent out on a Monday, they wait to visit till Thursday or Friday.
- The “fill out card” for the visitor also has a survey attached on the clip board. This survey is important. The survey helps to get the contacts invested in the church and also helps the church improve in its interactions with visitors. This survey also encourages the visitors to fill out the cards contact information content. The survey card has 4 questions,
2. What did you like the most (about the church)?
3. What did you like the least (about the church)?
4. Were we friendly?
- The questions are read the following Wednesday night, to the congregation. This helps to build accountability with the church and helps get them more invested in the process of visitor interaction. If the survey is positive it encourages them to do more, if it is negative, it incentivizes them to do better.
- The goal is to help the visitors feel wanted, needed, and appreciated and loved. Indifference hurts evangelism. Personal interest in the visitors helps with evangelism work.
- In 16 years of doing this, they only had 1 person upset “with us for visiting them.” Visiting, says the preacher, goes very well. They visit the visitors that same week.
- They don’t call ahead of time.
- The approach when visiting them, after giving a greeting…
1. “By the way we really want to let you know how much we appreciate you visiting with us.” Sincere signs of appreciation as well as given complements are important.
2. “By the way did you get that letter from me (or card from us) and did you get that little survey card?” Answer, “like yes we did.” Or the like. If they say they “have not signed survey” have extra survey cards with you…
3. If they have not filled out the survey, then the contacts are then asked “could you fill out the little survey card from us? We like to read them on Wednesday night to share with the congregation what you shared on the survey.” If they did fill out the survey, just mention, “we appreciate you doing that! We like to read them on Wednesday night to share with the congregation what you shared on the survey.” (This helps to engage them socially and lets them know they are valued. This also helps to get them emotionally invested) This is a great social opener and a way to start dialogue. DO this interaction with warmth. Train those who visit to say these types of phrases. As well as on how to come across, (personal, social, warm, friendly).
On the card, theirs a question “are you interested in a study.” If they sign “yes,” they will get a lesson send to them, (with the letter from the preacher) and that can be another topic to bring up, when with the contact while doing the visit.
For all visitors, when at church, this question is presented “if you have any Bible questions please let us know?”
Church members and the preacher try to invite the visitors out to eat. Also, the visitors are encouraged to join in potluck group meetings. Hospitality is a great way to build connections and helps to get contacts invested in the people and the church.
The church members also invite people to sit in on Meetup.com group Bible studies at a restaurant or at Barnes and Nobles, etc. This church has 4 Bible groups taking place each week, led by members that have 2-3 other members there to support the effort. Topics taught are on issues, like the historical Jesus, etc. The more the contacts attend the deeper one can delve into the essential fundamentals.
My personal note: one thing I keep seeing in “Leading others to Christ” are the successes from evangelists in different churches, who do something like this format. They interact with visitors and invite them to Bible studies. They grow their congregations through this method.
Another good example of such “visitor” work is Kerry Keenan he does something similar. See his video interview here. https://leadingotherstochrist.org/interview-with-kerry-keenan
Rick Billingsley has solid gold material here…
He is the Preacher at the Walnut Street church of Christ – Cary, NC
Website link https://www.peopleforjesus.org
His interview video from “Leading others to Christ” is at
Ricky Shanks
Personal note: Ricky is the reason I got into evangelism. He has taught gospel meetings centered around the themes of outreach. I was blessed to hear his first meeting at the Concord COC, in NC while in my teens. Ricky during that time had pre-teens and teenagers over to his house for Bible study and singing. He was also my councilor at FC Alabama Camp. I’ve learned a lot from him, Ricky was my first “mentor” in sharing evangelism insights and guidance. I’ve written this Blue (game plan) book as a personal workbook for use. Things I’ve known through the years, I’ll probably leave out, since I’m looking for new content to incorporate in my evangelism strategies. The new things I have learned from Ricky, are the things, I’m going to apply…they are written below.
Points of evangelism work:
- Ricky invites people who are visiting (the congregation after services) out to a meal or to a restaurant for hospitality. This is rarely done in the brotherhood or in the denominational world. Hospitality is powerful, it deeply impacts those who visit. This action also helps to build bonds and make the visitor more receptive towards an invite to a Bible study. This practice is great for connecting with new converts, new members who have moved into the area, as well as with the congregations various church members as a whole.
- This is Ricky’s stats. This is powerful: He says if the church members “have a new Christian over for a study with 12 families…If they get to 7 families, the new Christian has a 93% chance of remaining faithful.” This is something worth putting into motion. And is worthy of pointing out.
- If you’re looking to do evangelism, I’ve not met someone who reflects the selfless, humble, caring spirit that Ricky Shanks has. He is a good person to learn from and pattern after in the example of attitude. Modern examples help us all, as we all seek to pattern ourselves into being more…like Jesus and His truth. Ricky helps to set a modern example of this NT concept in his attitude in daily life in the service to the lost.
When Ricky was doing a Gospel Meeting in Tampa, FL I saved the recordings. The lessons are chalk full of exceptional content. I have the audio files here if you want to download them and listen to the evangelism lessons Ricky taught. It is chalk full of data.
1 Lesson: Building confidence and boldness.
2 Lesson: Reasons for ineffectiveness.
3 Lesson: Edify the new convert.
4 Lesson: Prayer.
Ricky Shanks is the Preacher at the Gainesville church of Christ Gainesville, GA
Website link https://answersfromthebible.org
His interview video from “Leading others to Christ” is at
Gary Fisher
This evangelist works with young people and helps with FC college. Gary is also a fan of door knocking to set up Bible studies. His effective approach goes like this, when I knock on a door I say “hi I’m Gary. And I’m talking to folks about reading the Bible. Do you all get a chance to do that sort of thing?” Depending on how they respond, I say “I’m a Christian and I’d like to sit down and read the Bible in their homes and I am looking for people who have an interest in doing something like that.” Gary says, “I don’t go up with anything in my hand. I like to go up with my wife or with a kid to make me more approachable and to let them know nothing is shady or something like that.”
When his son (Kyle) was 15, and his younger daughter, was with Gary when he was doing a gospel meeting for a week in AL. Kyle (his son) got together (7) other teenagers to go out to do door knocking… to set up studies. These young people got 7 sign ups and did door knocking again another day and got 3 other studies set up. Gary had his son and daughter stay behind to do these studies they set up. They were trained by their father to do this simple method of going door knocking to get Bible studies…
Gary says he get’s plenty of “no’s” when doing door knocking but he will get “yes’s.” If someone says “no,” then he just moves onto the next door. If a person keeps doing this they will get results. And even if one does not get a Bible study set up, when one gives an invite, conversations can be created, and seeds can be sow and planted for a later harvest.
Gary Fisher is the Preacher at the Bargersville church of Christ, Bargersville, IN
Website link https://www.bargersvillechristians.com
His interview video from “Leading others to Christ” is at
Another one I’ll point out, is Brother Brent Hunter. This guy is still a wealth of knowledge.
Besides Ricky Shanks, Brent played a large role in my evangelism development, (through my study of his work).
I've heard of churches growing by 20 members a year when 10 percent of it's members do 90 percent of the work.
People who head such work and have pioneered successful methods, are folks like Brent Hunter.
Brent's Method: He generates a group that invites people to hear a popular presentation like the "Big Picture of the Bible." Brent has a handful of people ready to share that presentation with the invited. Brent has two groups, a larger group that invites people when these members are in casual settings, like restaurants, jobs, get togethers, etc, to say something like this during the conversation, "My Bible group is doing a great Bible Presentation on how the whole Bible from Old Testament to New Testament comes together for one theme and one plan God has for your life...and my life." Enthusiastically invite the person to the presentation. You may choose to give a card with Big Picture content and ask them if they would be interested, having them give their number on the back.
This group (around 30) can invite friends, coworkers, waitresses, cashiers, family members, etc, to hear the Big Picture and another smaller group (3-7 people) who will receive their contact information. This smaller group will contact them for a presentation. This actually happened- 20 souls added in a year, with only 10 percent of the church helping. Imagine if 100% of church were involved!!
Brent Hunter’s video is worthy of watching.
Check out his evangelism training website.
Brent Hunter is the Preacher at the Church of Christ at Kirkland in NE
US Politics in matters of the Bible and truth...
I am a citizen of the kingdom of heaven. My home is destined to be with God. That is if I remain faithful. Yet as a child of the Father I must grieve at the things that break His heart. As a child of my Lord, I must hold up the causes of truth and doctrinal teaching. How can I truly feel His pain and yet remain silent? How can I claim to be a light into this world and a city on a hill, if I don't champion His Bible-based will on the earth? Apathy and indifference when sin is ruining our culture is neither behavior worthy of Gods child nor approved from the Word.
When we cease caring about sin, that is sin. And if we cease defending the truths of the Bible in our culture we show we are...now a part of this world in indifference and apathy. Let us be like Lot who was tormented in his soul to see the evils of his culture. 2 Peter 2:8
Let us understand that the church is dying due to lukewarm behavior and that this (US) nation is dying for the same reason. Who here thinks their silence will be counted as righteousness in matters of Biblical morality and doctrine. Piously saying you will not speak and act for the truth to highlight the Word in this dying world and its eroding culture is not wisdom nor is it right. I wish zeal was more prevalent in a world on fire. Promoting truth in service is how we offer our bodies to God, is needed and Biblical. Romans 12:1-2 Read Ezekiel 9, to see how God values indifference.
Food for thought, if Ahab and Jezebel were alive today and if this immoral couple was seeking political office, would you vote for them if they were under a specific party flag, despite their opposition to the Word of the Lord? Would you vote for them due to their race, their geography, sex, their party affiliation? Should such things ever trump Truth or our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? If a party promotes infanticide, for example, would you vote for such a party due to any of these factors above? Food for thought. Remember the Valley of Ben Hinnom during Ahab's day...a place of infanticide to Molech. We don't have to gas a child to kill one. We just have to vote for the people who promote such (non-Bible-based) ideals.
The denominational world wants to use a scalpel to cut morality and truth from the consciousness of worship and church. The secular world wants to lobotomize the head of rationalism and common sense from culture, rationalizing (unborn) child-killing as an act of kindness. Rationalizing men in dresses (believing to be women) as something other than mental illness and delusion. Some of the Lord's people want to sever the moral-political beliefs of our culture from our religious teaching of faith and doctrine. But abortion is foundationally wrong. It's a Bible issue and yet it is also a political one. Homosexuality is at its root, not just a political ideal, but its core opposition comes from people who hold up Biblical truths. One can not divorce oneself from politics in the name of "taking the high road" and not remove oneself also from speaking out against the Bible teachings of sin. The covenant truths of righteousness must be promoted in a world needing a Savior and His Word. If the media calls evil, good, and good, evil. (Isaiah 5:20) Do we stand embarrassed and idle, in the works of the cause of Christ... so as to not be "political?" Do we pray for change while we ourselves do nothing to shine as cities on a hill, as lights and as salt? (Matthew 5:13-16) No servant will hear "well done," if, in this darkest hour, he remained silent as the Bible principles are attacked and the teachings of Jesus are undermined.
Food for thought: What if we had lived under the time of Rome, what if our government had put Jesus to death? What if we were put in prison and killed for believing in Him and for teaching His Word? What if you had to worship late at night in abandoned buildings and empty parks...so as to not be harassed and arrested?
What if your family might betray you for your faith?
Mark 13:12 "Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child. Children will rise against their parents and have them put to death. 13 You will be hated by everyone on account of My name, but the one who perseveres to the end will be saved."
What if your wife and kids were in danger of death for following Jesus? Would you tell them to stop? Would you still follow Him?
Revelation 2:10 "Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you; the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give your life as your victor’s crown." People are beautiful, not in the way of lust, desire, or attraction. But male and female, boys and girls, young and old, they are beautiful, for this simple reason...God loves them. And if He loved them enough to give His Son. They are pretty precious. And what is tenderly treasured by the Father and deeply valued should also be cherished by His children.
We may be coming to a new era of persecution. Time will tell. But as our culture declines into madness and anarchy, are we ready to die for our Savior? Better yet, are we ready to live for Him?
When we cease caring about sin, that is sin. And if we cease defending the truths of the Bible in our culture we show we are...now a part of this world in indifference and apathy. Let us be like Lot who was tormented in his soul to see the evils of his culture. 2 Peter 2:8
Let us understand that the church is dying due to lukewarm behavior and that this (US) nation is dying for the same reason. Who here thinks their silence will be counted as righteousness in matters of Biblical morality and doctrine. Piously saying you will not speak and act for the truth to highlight the Word in this dying world and its eroding culture is not wisdom nor is it right. I wish zeal was more prevalent in a world on fire. Promoting truth in service is how we offer our bodies to God, is needed and Biblical. Romans 12:1-2 Read Ezekiel 9, to see how God values indifference.
Food for thought, if Ahab and Jezebel were alive today and if this immoral couple was seeking political office, would you vote for them if they were under a specific party flag, despite their opposition to the Word of the Lord? Would you vote for them due to their race, their geography, sex, their party affiliation? Should such things ever trump Truth or our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? If a party promotes infanticide, for example, would you vote for such a party due to any of these factors above? Food for thought. Remember the Valley of Ben Hinnom during Ahab's day...a place of infanticide to Molech. We don't have to gas a child to kill one. We just have to vote for the people who promote such (non-Bible-based) ideals.
The denominational world wants to use a scalpel to cut morality and truth from the consciousness of worship and church. The secular world wants to lobotomize the head of rationalism and common sense from culture, rationalizing (unborn) child-killing as an act of kindness. Rationalizing men in dresses (believing to be women) as something other than mental illness and delusion. Some of the Lord's people want to sever the moral-political beliefs of our culture from our religious teaching of faith and doctrine. But abortion is foundationally wrong. It's a Bible issue and yet it is also a political one. Homosexuality is at its root, not just a political ideal, but its core opposition comes from people who hold up Biblical truths. One can not divorce oneself from politics in the name of "taking the high road" and not remove oneself also from speaking out against the Bible teachings of sin. The covenant truths of righteousness must be promoted in a world needing a Savior and His Word. If the media calls evil, good, and good, evil. (Isaiah 5:20) Do we stand embarrassed and idle, in the works of the cause of Christ... so as to not be "political?" Do we pray for change while we ourselves do nothing to shine as cities on a hill, as lights and as salt? (Matthew 5:13-16) No servant will hear "well done," if, in this darkest hour, he remained silent as the Bible principles are attacked and the teachings of Jesus are undermined.
Food for thought: What if we had lived under the time of Rome, what if our government had put Jesus to death? What if we were put in prison and killed for believing in Him and for teaching His Word? What if you had to worship late at night in abandoned buildings and empty parks...so as to not be harassed and arrested?
What if your family might betray you for your faith?
Mark 13:12 "Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child. Children will rise against their parents and have them put to death. 13 You will be hated by everyone on account of My name, but the one who perseveres to the end will be saved."
What if your wife and kids were in danger of death for following Jesus? Would you tell them to stop? Would you still follow Him?
Revelation 2:10 "Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you; the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give your life as your victor’s crown." People are beautiful, not in the way of lust, desire, or attraction. But male and female, boys and girls, young and old, they are beautiful, for this simple reason...God loves them. And if He loved them enough to give His Son. They are pretty precious. And what is tenderly treasured by the Father and deeply valued should also be cherished by His children.
We may be coming to a new era of persecution. Time will tell. But as our culture declines into madness and anarchy, are we ready to die for our Savior? Better yet, are we ready to live for Him?
Advice on outreach work
Silence requires nothing. No emotion, no message, no action. Silence will not offend, it will not be called "hateful," "mean" or "intolerant." Silence will not create enemies, lies, and unfounded rumors. If you want to be liked by most people, get along, keep silent. It’s not hard to do. Most people will do the same. But if you genuinely love others and care about people's welfare and their eternity, then you need to speak up. Share the gospel, warn of false teachings, rebuke sin, call evil, evil. Admonish, train, correct, that is how you truly show lasting love to others.
This may hurt feelings, but if others value God's truth more than what this sinful world has to offer then they will listen. Hell, and Heaven will come...someday. Are you going to remain silent? Judgment is coming. Are you going to sit and do nothing?
If you devote an hour to a specific area of growth, (like evangelism) a day or a year, you will grow according to the time invested. You will also impact others accordingly to the amount of time you set aside for such work. If in your lifetime, you invest little in kingdom building you will only change things in small degrees. However, if you sacrifice...your time and devote your heart and your dreams to kingdom building, (working for God for a lifetime), you may just play a part in changing the world. You will also grow, (internally) by the hours you invest into a spiritual goal.
I know this to be true. A man or woman can grow in 5 years further than an evangelist of 50 years if they make evangelism, a "magnificent obsession." Google Tim Ferriss on a good example of a man who became a master at many skillsets in a short amount of time. He made one thing of singular focus and invested large amounts of time and energy to that main (desired) goal. Read up on this man to learn more. I personally have found this to be true. I have surpassed people (in a short amount of time) in secular and spiritual skillsets by making a specific goal my main focus and investment in time/energy.
How much a person is willing to do and is willing to become, is up to that person. I know a guy, (Jack Adams) who converted 100 people in one year. How did he do this? Jack did not do evangelism once a year, or every 6 months, or once a month, Jack looked for opportunities daily and acted upon those opportunities. Evangelism for Jack was a daily lifestyle practice.
This may hurt feelings, but if others value God's truth more than what this sinful world has to offer then they will listen. Hell, and Heaven will come...someday. Are you going to remain silent? Judgment is coming. Are you going to sit and do nothing?
If you devote an hour to a specific area of growth, (like evangelism) a day or a year, you will grow according to the time invested. You will also impact others accordingly to the amount of time you set aside for such work. If in your lifetime, you invest little in kingdom building you will only change things in small degrees. However, if you sacrifice...your time and devote your heart and your dreams to kingdom building, (working for God for a lifetime), you may just play a part in changing the world. You will also grow, (internally) by the hours you invest into a spiritual goal.
I know this to be true. A man or woman can grow in 5 years further than an evangelist of 50 years if they make evangelism, a "magnificent obsession." Google Tim Ferriss on a good example of a man who became a master at many skillsets in a short amount of time. He made one thing of singular focus and invested large amounts of time and energy to that main (desired) goal. Read up on this man to learn more. I personally have found this to be true. I have surpassed people (in a short amount of time) in secular and spiritual skillsets by making a specific goal my main focus and investment in time/energy.
How much a person is willing to do and is willing to become, is up to that person. I know a guy, (Jack Adams) who converted 100 people in one year. How did he do this? Jack did not do evangelism once a year, or every 6 months, or once a month, Jack looked for opportunities daily and acted upon those opportunities. Evangelism for Jack was a daily lifestyle practice.
The Circle of Power, ability, and Influence.
A deep connection to the Creator is the most beautiful thing this world can offer. If you feel such a union and joining,..with Christ, it's not because your great, but because you have chosen to sacrifice yourself, (inside) to a greater cause than yourself. The secret to having God in one’s life is in being in His, life. The more a person surrenders to heaven's will, the more God will give to that person. The more a person sacrifices and labors for His will... the more God shall work in that individual. Yet "with great power comes great responsibility."
The more you connect to God (through internal) surrender, the greater God's connection will be with you. The Bible tells us to draw near to our Lord and He will draw near to you, (James 4:8). As children of the Father, we want to grow and mature into His likeness.
To grow in a relationship, with God, we must love the Son and the Father, through adhering to our Fathers commands, (John 14:15;21). As a good child shows love to parents by listening to their words and heeding them, we are expected to do the same. But in doing His teachings, we must understand they require effort and work. To attend church, to pray, to study the Bible, to share Jesus, to encourage the hurting in the kingdom, to practice hospitality, etc. requires a deliberate and studious attitude in the application of the Word, (1 Timothy 4:16). Yet the more we grow in His work. The more we will receive in power, ability, influence, gifts, circumstance, etc. to further His will and purpose for our life, (in His work). This is circular. The more we give to God in internal surrender and external service, the more our heavenly Father gives to us.
As the Bible teaches...
Luke 6:38 "Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."
The Bible teaches, in order to please the Lord, we must use our talents. His Word also says, we must use our talents, in order to further grow in them. If we do not use what the divine Master has given us, we will lose them and we will also lose our very soul. Yet if we use them, our Father will give us more.
The Parable of the Talents:
Matthew 25:14-30 14 “For it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted to them his property. 15 To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability. Then he went away. 16 He who had received the five talents went at once and traded with them, and he made five talents more. 17 So also he who had the two talents made two talents more. 18 But he who had received the one talent went and dug in the ground and hid his master's money. 19 Now after a long time the master of those servants came and settled accounts with them.
20 And he who had received the five talents came forward, bringing five talents more, saying, ‘Master, you delivered to me five talents; here, I have made five talents more.’ 21 His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’ 22 And he also who had the two talents came forward, saying, ‘Master, you delivered to me two talents; here, I have made two talents more.’ 23 His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’
24 He also who had received the one talent came forward, saying, ‘Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you scattered no seed, 25 so I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground. Here, you have what is yours.’ 26 But his master answered him, ‘You wicked and slothful servant! You knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I scattered no seed?
27 Then you ought to have invested my money with the bankers, and at my coming I should have received what was my own with interest.
28 So take the talent from him and give it to him who has the ten talents. 29 For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away. 30 And cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." See also, Luke 12:48.
The more you connect to God (through internal) surrender, the greater God's connection will be with you. The Bible tells us to draw near to our Lord and He will draw near to you, (James 4:8). As children of the Father, we want to grow and mature into His likeness.
To grow in a relationship, with God, we must love the Son and the Father, through adhering to our Fathers commands, (John 14:15;21). As a good child shows love to parents by listening to their words and heeding them, we are expected to do the same. But in doing His teachings, we must understand they require effort and work. To attend church, to pray, to study the Bible, to share Jesus, to encourage the hurting in the kingdom, to practice hospitality, etc. requires a deliberate and studious attitude in the application of the Word, (1 Timothy 4:16). Yet the more we grow in His work. The more we will receive in power, ability, influence, gifts, circumstance, etc. to further His will and purpose for our life, (in His work). This is circular. The more we give to God in internal surrender and external service, the more our heavenly Father gives to us.
As the Bible teaches...
Luke 6:38 "Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."
The Bible teaches, in order to please the Lord, we must use our talents. His Word also says, we must use our talents, in order to further grow in them. If we do not use what the divine Master has given us, we will lose them and we will also lose our very soul. Yet if we use them, our Father will give us more.
The Parable of the Talents:
Matthew 25:14-30 14 “For it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted to them his property. 15 To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability. Then he went away. 16 He who had received the five talents went at once and traded with them, and he made five talents more. 17 So also he who had the two talents made two talents more. 18 But he who had received the one talent went and dug in the ground and hid his master's money. 19 Now after a long time the master of those servants came and settled accounts with them.
20 And he who had received the five talents came forward, bringing five talents more, saying, ‘Master, you delivered to me five talents; here, I have made five talents more.’ 21 His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’ 22 And he also who had the two talents came forward, saying, ‘Master, you delivered to me two talents; here, I have made two talents more.’ 23 His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’
24 He also who had received the one talent came forward, saying, ‘Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you scattered no seed, 25 so I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground. Here, you have what is yours.’ 26 But his master answered him, ‘You wicked and slothful servant! You knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I scattered no seed?
27 Then you ought to have invested my money with the bankers, and at my coming I should have received what was my own with interest.
28 So take the talent from him and give it to him who has the ten talents. 29 For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away. 30 And cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." See also, Luke 12:48.
When inviting people to church or to a Bible study, if multiple people give an invite, it is powerful. If more than one person knows an individual and these Christians invite that person, it can be more impactful and impressive. If a Christian shares info about someone they invited at such and such a place and others invite that person, it can really emotionally connect with that individual."
My thoughts on campus/street mentorship and guidance
On the topic of cold approaching strangers...(doing street evangelism, campus work, etc.) What I have learned from working with my evangelism group (in talking with strangers) is in acclimating the members to social interactions. When people are together and someone else is in charge (as a leader) of the event, they find security in knowing they have these supports. Fostering a group event helps desensitize the members to more easily interact. There is power in numbers and in doing something in a public venue where the leaders can encourage the person to get used to the environment they are in...by helping them in learning to interact with people.
When my team gets used to doing street or campus work or flea market work in a group, even door-knocking in a group setting, they are more confident in sharing Jesus in one on one, day-to-day situations. The first (group) format helps prepare them for one on one interactions, through desensitization and through preparing the members, (in past work). What they learn from doing group work can be used in their one on one evangelism activities. Their past experiences will help them in knowing what things to say and do in their interpersonal one-on-one outreach work. If someone can approach a stranger at a door, flea market, college campus, it will become more natural to talk to strangers in other formats as well. I know a lady I worked with who was scared when she went the first time to go door-knocking as a group, but she did it, and felt good about doing it...That event served as a stepping stone to do more things. She was one of my hardest workers in Tampa, FL.
At the end of the day, if someone wants to get a job, go on a date, (or do anything in life that is worth doing), there is a discomfort factor involved, but once the ice is broken it gets easier. Evangelism is no different. The first few times of doing this may be awkward and uncomfortable, but they are steppingstones for future conversations and interactions.
When my team gets used to doing street or campus work or flea market work in a group, even door-knocking in a group setting, they are more confident in sharing Jesus in one on one, day-to-day situations. The first (group) format helps prepare them for one on one interactions, through desensitization and through preparing the members, (in past work). What they learn from doing group work can be used in their one on one evangelism activities. Their past experiences will help them in knowing what things to say and do in their interpersonal one-on-one outreach work. If someone can approach a stranger at a door, flea market, college campus, it will become more natural to talk to strangers in other formats as well. I know a lady I worked with who was scared when she went the first time to go door-knocking as a group, but she did it, and felt good about doing it...That event served as a stepping stone to do more things. She was one of my hardest workers in Tampa, FL.
At the end of the day, if someone wants to get a job, go on a date, (or do anything in life that is worth doing), there is a discomfort factor involved, but once the ice is broken it gets easier. Evangelism is no different. The first few times of doing this may be awkward and uncomfortable, but they are steppingstones for future conversations and interactions.
How to foster evangelism and serious-minded Bible students in the young
In your middle school and high school and college-age classes have the students be assigned Bible themes to teach. Break the class up, into parts. Have the males and females separated into two distinct groups. For each group, rotate each student to teach one of those classes, (according to their sex) for each (separate) class meeting. Encourage and praise the student after giving a lesson and have students say what they liked about the lesson given. This will turn them into more serious Bible students as well as cultivate in them an appetite to teach from the Bible. Encourage the students to invite their friends on the day they choose to teach.
To cultivate evangelism in these classes, when you rotate each student, have them all do an evangelism theme. The theme can be about ways of doing evangelism, what the Bible says about the lost, or the need for soul-saving, or ideas of sharing Jesus, etc. Again, praise them after they give the lesson and ask the class to share what they liked about the lesson. This will foster an interest in evangelism and in talking about it. This process will get the students emotionally invested in evangelism work.
The next step (after some time has passed) is to invite your class to an evangelism event and to take them out to eat afterward as a reward for their efforts. Make the event fun and easy to do. They are just kids; the goal is to get them exposed to doing outreach work and to get them involved. Give them positive enforcements like praise and have a group bonding event afterward.
Remember what I wrote before: Evangelism is mentorship. Every "Paul" needs a "Timothy," and "Silas." The role of the Christian is to teach others and train those taught to teach others. This is circler and should continue as a teaching process for the saints to ground, equip and mentor. As 2 Timothy 2:2, says, "And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also."
To cultivate evangelism in these classes, when you rotate each student, have them all do an evangelism theme. The theme can be about ways of doing evangelism, what the Bible says about the lost, or the need for soul-saving, or ideas of sharing Jesus, etc. Again, praise them after they give the lesson and ask the class to share what they liked about the lesson. This will foster an interest in evangelism and in talking about it. This process will get the students emotionally invested in evangelism work.
The next step (after some time has passed) is to invite your class to an evangelism event and to take them out to eat afterward as a reward for their efforts. Make the event fun and easy to do. They are just kids; the goal is to get them exposed to doing outreach work and to get them involved. Give them positive enforcements like praise and have a group bonding event afterward.
Remember what I wrote before: Evangelism is mentorship. Every "Paul" needs a "Timothy," and "Silas." The role of the Christian is to teach others and train those taught to teach others. This is circler and should continue as a teaching process for the saints to ground, equip and mentor. As 2 Timothy 2:2, says, "And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also."
What will happen if the church continues to ignore evangelism?
The current state of evangelism is pretty sad, but our current state doesn’t have to be our future reality.
The trends of our past may say one thing, but the trajectory of our future regarding evangelism is fully dependent on our present decisions. What are we going to do next?
If the current trends continue, the church will continue to lose its effectiveness. Our culture will continue to collapse. Our country will continue to decay and decline. Our families will continue to deteriorate, and more people will die and go to hell.
Not only that, but God’s word tells us we will be held accountable for our disobedience and God will remove our lampstand of effectiveness.
Revelation 2:5 says, “Remember then how far you have fallen; repent and do the works you did at first. Otherwise, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent.”
God used these words to warn the Ephesian church that if they did not repent then He would wipe them out as a church. They would cease to exist. The same warning applies to the many local churches that have been called by God to fulfill the Great Commission.
Unless they repent of their lack of evangelistic focus then God will cause them to lose their effectiveness and possibly even existence as a church.
What does that look like in our context? If the church continues to ignore evangelism, then it is highly likely that the future of the church will include fewer people being discipled, a lack of cultural effectiveness in the community, the judgment and wrath of God, a lack of freedom in worship, and lost generations who will live without knowing Jesus.
That phrase “Lost Generation” was coined by Ernest Hemingway and was used to describe the generation of young soldiers who had fought bravely during World War I, but came back home and felt directionless, purposeless, and disoriented.
However, it’s also a term that could be used to describe the church of tomorrow if evangelism doesn’t become a priority.
Without evangelism, the church becomes lost and purposeless, and the result will be a spiritually lost generation because no one would have shared with them how they could be saved.
This world needs Jesus, and believe it or not, the world expects followers of Jesus to tell them about Him! Penn Jillette, who makes up half of the famous magic duo Penn and Teller, is more than a famous magician. He’s also a well-known atheist.
As he was being interviewed one day, he talked about a moment when someone handed him a Bible. Instead of rejecting the Bible, he took it as a nice gesture from someone who was concerned about his life.
As he retold of this encounter during the interview, the journalists seemed shocked that he would accept such a gift. But Penn went on to say that it doesn’t bother him when someone shares their faith or talks about their God to him. “What does bother me,” Penn said, “is when people claim to know Jesus and love Jesus, and yet, they don’t care enough to tell me about him.” He concluded that interview by asking one of the most powerful questions I’ve ever heard asked. He said, “How much do you have to hate someone to believe that everlasting life is possible and not tell them that?”
C. Lawless said: “So much is at stake here. Millions in North America do not know Jesus. More than 1.6 billion people around the globe have likely never heard of Jesus. Generation after generation of children and young people are following false religions, deceived by an enemy who wants to keep them in bondage. Families—even Christian families—are falling apart around us. Meanwhile, thousands of churches go through the motions Sunday after Sunday, making little eternal difference. Since 1960, we are reaching no more today than we did then. We can only wonder if Satan would say to us what the demon said to the sons of Sceva in Acts 19:15, “Jesus I know, and Paul I recognize — but who are you?”
Don’t forget what Jesus told his followers in Matthew 5:13-15:
“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt should lose its taste, how can it be made salty again? It’s no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet. You are the light of the world. A city situated on a hill cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and puts it under a basket, but rather on a lampstand, and it gives light for all who are in the house.”
Our evangelistic pulse is faint, and yet God’s word is clear. We are called to be salt. We are called to be light.
And if we fail to do what God created us to do, if we fail to be who God created us to be, we will become ineffective, “no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.”
That’s not what God wants for you and me; it’s not what He wants for His church. He wants us to repent if we have reason to repent. His desire is for us to prioritize the things He’s commissioned us to do, and to pursue Him as we’ve never pursued Him before.
I really liked this article, so I shared it here. It is written by J Easley and E Easley. Though I don't endorse what the writers believe in all formats of doctrine. He does make good points.
The trends of our past may say one thing, but the trajectory of our future regarding evangelism is fully dependent on our present decisions. What are we going to do next?
If the current trends continue, the church will continue to lose its effectiveness. Our culture will continue to collapse. Our country will continue to decay and decline. Our families will continue to deteriorate, and more people will die and go to hell.
Not only that, but God’s word tells us we will be held accountable for our disobedience and God will remove our lampstand of effectiveness.
Revelation 2:5 says, “Remember then how far you have fallen; repent and do the works you did at first. Otherwise, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent.”
God used these words to warn the Ephesian church that if they did not repent then He would wipe them out as a church. They would cease to exist. The same warning applies to the many local churches that have been called by God to fulfill the Great Commission.
Unless they repent of their lack of evangelistic focus then God will cause them to lose their effectiveness and possibly even existence as a church.
What does that look like in our context? If the church continues to ignore evangelism, then it is highly likely that the future of the church will include fewer people being discipled, a lack of cultural effectiveness in the community, the judgment and wrath of God, a lack of freedom in worship, and lost generations who will live without knowing Jesus.
That phrase “Lost Generation” was coined by Ernest Hemingway and was used to describe the generation of young soldiers who had fought bravely during World War I, but came back home and felt directionless, purposeless, and disoriented.
However, it’s also a term that could be used to describe the church of tomorrow if evangelism doesn’t become a priority.
Without evangelism, the church becomes lost and purposeless, and the result will be a spiritually lost generation because no one would have shared with them how they could be saved.
This world needs Jesus, and believe it or not, the world expects followers of Jesus to tell them about Him! Penn Jillette, who makes up half of the famous magic duo Penn and Teller, is more than a famous magician. He’s also a well-known atheist.
As he was being interviewed one day, he talked about a moment when someone handed him a Bible. Instead of rejecting the Bible, he took it as a nice gesture from someone who was concerned about his life.
As he retold of this encounter during the interview, the journalists seemed shocked that he would accept such a gift. But Penn went on to say that it doesn’t bother him when someone shares their faith or talks about their God to him. “What does bother me,” Penn said, “is when people claim to know Jesus and love Jesus, and yet, they don’t care enough to tell me about him.” He concluded that interview by asking one of the most powerful questions I’ve ever heard asked. He said, “How much do you have to hate someone to believe that everlasting life is possible and not tell them that?”
C. Lawless said: “So much is at stake here. Millions in North America do not know Jesus. More than 1.6 billion people around the globe have likely never heard of Jesus. Generation after generation of children and young people are following false religions, deceived by an enemy who wants to keep them in bondage. Families—even Christian families—are falling apart around us. Meanwhile, thousands of churches go through the motions Sunday after Sunday, making little eternal difference. Since 1960, we are reaching no more today than we did then. We can only wonder if Satan would say to us what the demon said to the sons of Sceva in Acts 19:15, “Jesus I know, and Paul I recognize — but who are you?”
Don’t forget what Jesus told his followers in Matthew 5:13-15:
“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt should lose its taste, how can it be made salty again? It’s no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet. You are the light of the world. A city situated on a hill cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and puts it under a basket, but rather on a lampstand, and it gives light for all who are in the house.”
Our evangelistic pulse is faint, and yet God’s word is clear. We are called to be salt. We are called to be light.
And if we fail to do what God created us to do, if we fail to be who God created us to be, we will become ineffective, “no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.”
That’s not what God wants for you and me; it’s not what He wants for His church. He wants us to repent if we have reason to repent. His desire is for us to prioritize the things He’s commissioned us to do, and to pursue Him as we’ve never pursued Him before.
I really liked this article, so I shared it here. It is written by J Easley and E Easley. Though I don't endorse what the writers believe in all formats of doctrine. He does make good points.
People are beautiful, not in the way of lust, desire or attraction. But male and female, boys and girls, young and old, they are beautiful, for this simple reason...God loves them. And if He loved them enough to give His Son. They are pretty precious. And what is tenderly treasured by the Father and deeply valued should also be cherished by His children.
My thoughts on creating deep connections
and successful interactions
I have found that real influence is in being very personal. There is power in this way of being.
One of the powerful social tools for me in evangelism, in my family/friend interactions, networking, dating, as well as business work, such as sales, etc. is found in the magnetism of being personal. When I say “personal” I am referring to an inner state of being, I am referring to a certain awareness of people, of “personal energy,” of having a highly developed right brain.
Positive and intimate connections help in all stages of life. I believe in this developed skillset so much that I have daily methods and mantras I perform to keep myself in this state and too slowly further develop this talent.
My morning rituals:
1. I get up in the morning. I go into the bathroom. I look into the mirror and greet myself. When I say I “greet myself,” I mean I look into the mirror, smile, introduce myself and ask how I am doing? I do this process as warmly, personally, lovingly, as I can. I watch my face and listen to my tone and as each day expires I look to how I can improve my facial gestures and tonality in how I give my greeting.
2. After doing this greeting I walk outside as the sun rises. As I walk around the block or neighborhood, I wave and say “hello” or “good morning.” I try to do this to 5 people. Doing this each day puts me in a friendly state of being. My rule is to talk to 5 people a day and to try to have a conversation with 1 person each day. If this is done at one's social level with time this exercise will progress a person further into social interactions and better interactions, as time progresses.
When you greet people put on that (personal) face and use your (personal) tones, (from when greeting oneself in the mirror). Even when you are alone practice using your (personal) face and using your (personal) voice out loud. Bake in the good habit. Cement those habits through physical interaction and behavior.
3. Each morning I say (in my head with feeling and with a belief that it will happen) two mantras while I am greeting myself, (in the mirror).
I also say them throughout the day. Especially during social interactions.
A. The First mantra I say is this “Be personal.”
B. The second mantra I say is "I care about who the person is inside."
I encourage you to access my evangelism book on "Cold Approach" at my store, page... it has tips on approaching people in social settings.
The evangelism book has amazing techniques for talking with people. If you combine that with the below “empathy” exercises you will be a pro at interpersonal work and be at the masterclass level in social interaction.
Part of having strong chemistry with people is found in the power of Empathy:
If you can empathize with someone, that person can sense that and will connect with you when you have (empathized) connected with them. This is the highest form of building rapport. When you invest in others through this process people will invest in you.
How to become more naturally empathic. Here are the exercises I do that have helped me.
I'll share them here with you. This does not happen overnight. It's a process. But it does work.
1. When talking with people, try to picture yourself in their shoes, when they share what they are going through (their life, their problems, their stories, their dreams, etc.) try to picture how that is. Try to relate. Picture those things happening to you. This may be hard at first but the more you do this the easier and more natural/instinctive it will be.
2. With time you can go even further, you can put yourself in a mother’s experience as she is walking down the street trying to calm her newborn baby, or into a man’s experience, when he is stressed stuck in traffic, etc. To get further into empathy, try to relate to people you see, by trying to picture yourself in their shoes and by trying to understand emotionally their situation,
When you do such exercises, over time it will put you in a “mental state” of empathy, you will connect with people more easily. This is the ultimate personal power ability. As you grow in empathy, watch what happens to your circle of influence. When you listen to people with empathy you become influenceable and that is the key to influence.
The more you understand people, the more you appreciate them, the more you feel reverent towards them. To touch the soul of a human being is to walk on holy ground. This process of building a connection through empathy is by making a point to “seek to understand.”
When people talk to you, strive to put yourself into their shoes, try to relate to them on a personal level. These exercises will help. Trying to relate to what you see and hear on a personal level (in connection) to one’s self. Such a perspective will help with this process.
Visualize your future meetings:
Ricky Shanks is an evangelist I have learned alot from. Before he meets someone, Ricky envisions the meeting. He imagines the meeting going well, he pictures in detail having the right attitude of love, enthusiasm, and warmth in the greeting. Ricky imagines the best outcome and expects the best. If you go into a situation with negative expectations, you'll seldom be disappointed. If your are neutral and indifferent, you may get that response in turn. But if you go into a situation with a positive, upbeat, happy manner, with love in your heart and warmth in your expression...when meeting someone, you're more likely to get a favorable response, than if you don't approach someone in that manner.
Napoléon Bonaparte once said, “He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat.” And that is true. We cannot win any victory if we fear and expect failure.
Joan of Arc said "All battles are first won or lost, in the mind" If you think you are lost, stupid, unworthy, ugly, weak, powerless, etc. guess what your life is going to meet your expectations.
If you go into battle to fight for your hopes and dreams, and deep down have your mind whispering, negative expectations and feelings, your not only fighting the external things in this life, your fighting yourself as well. Your minds must arrive at your destination before your life does.
Visualization helps to remove the bad expectations, feelings, thoughts, scenarios, and in its place, to plant positive, expectations, feelings, thoughts, scenarios. This is not an overnight process. The more time invested, (and occasions given to this work) the more we can reshape our internal world into a landscape of possibilities, instead of a place of misery and darkness.
James Allen, says from his book, "As a Man Thinketh“ that..."A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts.” I've found that...the Bible is the best place for reprogramming the mind, from this soil you can plant many a positive seed and reinforce your beliefs. The Bible is a training ground for growth.
The ancient texts through inspiration say,"As a man thinketh so is he." Proverbs 23:7. Dwell on what God says of you, of what He says you can do, on the things His Word writes that, if applied creates... change. Read His words, embrace them, let those words sink into you and into your soul. I wrote an article that explores this further if interested. Click here to access it.
Greet People "as if they are your best friend."
Ricky Shanks taught me, one of the most powerful social methods I've ever learned. Nicholas Boothman, (writer, social expert) also uses this technique. See his book "Convince them in 90 seconds or less." Note: If you want to grow in social skills, all of Nicholas' books are exceptional for social enhancement. For social growth, I would also encourage you to check out my Cold Approach social methods, from my book "Making it Work, 3 Powerful Techniques on Evangelism."
The powerful tip Ricky shared with me was this...
This preacher told me to "greet people as if they are my best friend." Nicholas goes into that idea as well.
Brother Ricky further says to greet them..."As if you've not seen them in a long time. And as if they are the dearest person to you in the whole world."
This takes practice. But when you get the hang of it, you'll notice doors opening, people responding to you with warmth, interest, and responsiveness to what you share with them. You'll make friends easier as well as win hearts and minds. I try to greet 5 people a day. I practice this exercise when greeting folks. I pretend each person I greet is my best friend. If you want to amp it up, pretend a person is a best friend you've not seen in a long time. With time, this behavior will become second nature. With time you can just tell yourself to do this, and it's automatic. You can even, (as you evolve) think when around a person, "this person is my best friend." As your body becomes trained to respond to such stimuli, your attitude, expressions, micro facial signs, etc, will show your thoughts.
t's interesting, for me, that my very thoughts, can cause people to respond to me in a favorable light. It can come as a hand wave across the street, an enthusiastic good morning, a genuine smile, etc. If you want to listen to Ricky's sermons he did at a church I was at....click on this link. Scroll down to the middle of the page. The sermons are downloadable. He has some excellent evangelism sermons. Ricky is also a social expert. And his approaches, are worthy of learning from.
One of the powerful social tools for me in evangelism, in my family/friend interactions, networking, dating, as well as business work, such as sales, etc. is found in the magnetism of being personal. When I say “personal” I am referring to an inner state of being, I am referring to a certain awareness of people, of “personal energy,” of having a highly developed right brain.
Positive and intimate connections help in all stages of life. I believe in this developed skillset so much that I have daily methods and mantras I perform to keep myself in this state and too slowly further develop this talent.
My morning rituals:
1. I get up in the morning. I go into the bathroom. I look into the mirror and greet myself. When I say I “greet myself,” I mean I look into the mirror, smile, introduce myself and ask how I am doing? I do this process as warmly, personally, lovingly, as I can. I watch my face and listen to my tone and as each day expires I look to how I can improve my facial gestures and tonality in how I give my greeting.
2. After doing this greeting I walk outside as the sun rises. As I walk around the block or neighborhood, I wave and say “hello” or “good morning.” I try to do this to 5 people. Doing this each day puts me in a friendly state of being. My rule is to talk to 5 people a day and to try to have a conversation with 1 person each day. If this is done at one's social level with time this exercise will progress a person further into social interactions and better interactions, as time progresses.
When you greet people put on that (personal) face and use your (personal) tones, (from when greeting oneself in the mirror). Even when you are alone practice using your (personal) face and using your (personal) voice out loud. Bake in the good habit. Cement those habits through physical interaction and behavior.
3. Each morning I say (in my head with feeling and with a belief that it will happen) two mantras while I am greeting myself, (in the mirror).
I also say them throughout the day. Especially during social interactions.
A. The First mantra I say is this “Be personal.”
B. The second mantra I say is "I care about who the person is inside."
I encourage you to access my evangelism book on "Cold Approach" at my store, page... it has tips on approaching people in social settings.
The evangelism book has amazing techniques for talking with people. If you combine that with the below “empathy” exercises you will be a pro at interpersonal work and be at the masterclass level in social interaction.
Part of having strong chemistry with people is found in the power of Empathy:
If you can empathize with someone, that person can sense that and will connect with you when you have (empathized) connected with them. This is the highest form of building rapport. When you invest in others through this process people will invest in you.
How to become more naturally empathic. Here are the exercises I do that have helped me.
I'll share them here with you. This does not happen overnight. It's a process. But it does work.
1. When talking with people, try to picture yourself in their shoes, when they share what they are going through (their life, their problems, their stories, their dreams, etc.) try to picture how that is. Try to relate. Picture those things happening to you. This may be hard at first but the more you do this the easier and more natural/instinctive it will be.
2. With time you can go even further, you can put yourself in a mother’s experience as she is walking down the street trying to calm her newborn baby, or into a man’s experience, when he is stressed stuck in traffic, etc. To get further into empathy, try to relate to people you see, by trying to picture yourself in their shoes and by trying to understand emotionally their situation,
When you do such exercises, over time it will put you in a “mental state” of empathy, you will connect with people more easily. This is the ultimate personal power ability. As you grow in empathy, watch what happens to your circle of influence. When you listen to people with empathy you become influenceable and that is the key to influence.
The more you understand people, the more you appreciate them, the more you feel reverent towards them. To touch the soul of a human being is to walk on holy ground. This process of building a connection through empathy is by making a point to “seek to understand.”
When people talk to you, strive to put yourself into their shoes, try to relate to them on a personal level. These exercises will help. Trying to relate to what you see and hear on a personal level (in connection) to one’s self. Such a perspective will help with this process.
Visualize your future meetings:
Ricky Shanks is an evangelist I have learned alot from. Before he meets someone, Ricky envisions the meeting. He imagines the meeting going well, he pictures in detail having the right attitude of love, enthusiasm, and warmth in the greeting. Ricky imagines the best outcome and expects the best. If you go into a situation with negative expectations, you'll seldom be disappointed. If your are neutral and indifferent, you may get that response in turn. But if you go into a situation with a positive, upbeat, happy manner, with love in your heart and warmth in your expression...when meeting someone, you're more likely to get a favorable response, than if you don't approach someone in that manner.
Napoléon Bonaparte once said, “He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat.” And that is true. We cannot win any victory if we fear and expect failure.
Joan of Arc said "All battles are first won or lost, in the mind" If you think you are lost, stupid, unworthy, ugly, weak, powerless, etc. guess what your life is going to meet your expectations.
If you go into battle to fight for your hopes and dreams, and deep down have your mind whispering, negative expectations and feelings, your not only fighting the external things in this life, your fighting yourself as well. Your minds must arrive at your destination before your life does.
Visualization helps to remove the bad expectations, feelings, thoughts, scenarios, and in its place, to plant positive, expectations, feelings, thoughts, scenarios. This is not an overnight process. The more time invested, (and occasions given to this work) the more we can reshape our internal world into a landscape of possibilities, instead of a place of misery and darkness.
James Allen, says from his book, "As a Man Thinketh“ that..."A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts.” I've found that...the Bible is the best place for reprogramming the mind, from this soil you can plant many a positive seed and reinforce your beliefs. The Bible is a training ground for growth.
The ancient texts through inspiration say,"As a man thinketh so is he." Proverbs 23:7. Dwell on what God says of you, of what He says you can do, on the things His Word writes that, if applied creates... change. Read His words, embrace them, let those words sink into you and into your soul. I wrote an article that explores this further if interested. Click here to access it.
Greet People "as if they are your best friend."
Ricky Shanks taught me, one of the most powerful social methods I've ever learned. Nicholas Boothman, (writer, social expert) also uses this technique. See his book "Convince them in 90 seconds or less." Note: If you want to grow in social skills, all of Nicholas' books are exceptional for social enhancement. For social growth, I would also encourage you to check out my Cold Approach social methods, from my book "Making it Work, 3 Powerful Techniques on Evangelism."
The powerful tip Ricky shared with me was this...
This preacher told me to "greet people as if they are my best friend." Nicholas goes into that idea as well.
Brother Ricky further says to greet them..."As if you've not seen them in a long time. And as if they are the dearest person to you in the whole world."
This takes practice. But when you get the hang of it, you'll notice doors opening, people responding to you with warmth, interest, and responsiveness to what you share with them. You'll make friends easier as well as win hearts and minds. I try to greet 5 people a day. I practice this exercise when greeting folks. I pretend each person I greet is my best friend. If you want to amp it up, pretend a person is a best friend you've not seen in a long time. With time, this behavior will become second nature. With time you can just tell yourself to do this, and it's automatic. You can even, (as you evolve) think when around a person, "this person is my best friend." As your body becomes trained to respond to such stimuli, your attitude, expressions, micro facial signs, etc, will show your thoughts.
t's interesting, for me, that my very thoughts, can cause people to respond to me in a favorable light. It can come as a hand wave across the street, an enthusiastic good morning, a genuine smile, etc. If you want to listen to Ricky's sermons he did at a church I was at....click on this link. Scroll down to the middle of the page. The sermons are downloadable. He has some excellent evangelism sermons. Ricky is also a social expert. And his approaches, are worthy of learning from.
How to change kingdom culture
Almost 10 years of my life has been centered around one main focal point. I know the kingdom is fading. I know of champions who are trying to change that. In any revolution, there must first be a revelation. A seed planted in the minds of men and women that will bear fruit.
If the kingdom is to rise again from its state of decline, we must have heralds. We must have people spreading the word that the churches are dying out and that we in the next 100 years, if not much sooner, will cease to exist in America. If the culture is to turn to evangelism, they need to know the fears of neglecting this cause and the hopes if this ideal is embraced. We must have navigators. Men and women who can teach people the ways of outreach. Show them methods, lessons, and resources for guidance and stories for hope. I stand with the angels and with those fiercesome few who are heralds and navigators.
My goal when doing evangelism was to learn for myself, to train my evangelism team, but it went one step further, I wanted to record success stories, methods, resources to share with others. Themes to make people aware of the kingdom's pandemic of dying churches and to give them venues to change that. I wanted (through the Father) to give people hope.
There are other platforms newer and far better than mine. And old forums that are affecting change. I am just one of the instruments of Providence.
If you want to learn more about kingdom decline, go to my video section. I have sources given for the stats in the video section. You can also go to my book store. I have a book on church decline stats.
If you want to join the heralds, share this theme that the churches are dying. Let people know the cure for cultural change is evangelism. If you want to be a navigator, create a blog, video, Tweet, Facebook post, social media group, etc., and share ideas on ways to strengthen the kingdom and thoughts on how to do outreach to grow the church.
In my talks with evangelists and in my own personal work from the past, the turnout rate for workers in the church, when an event is done or studies need help with is 5 percent. 0 percent at a dead church and 10 percent at a highly driven congregation.
It's the minority, that will step up once they learn of the need and are shown how to meet that need. They are the ones who step up...
All that is needed to change the kingdom is to reach the minority in the kingdom, who will have the minds to work. All they need is to first be once shown the need and the "how-to" formats of outreach.
My goal was to create a platform to show the need for evangelism and ways of doing outreach. A forum that gives hope and success stories. That goal has been met. Now I am promoting it on Facebook ads. Gearing it to those who like my (evangelism) page and their friends, which are predominantly of the church. I also have another Facebook ad geared for many of the geographical areas in American near "COC Colleges." I researched where the colleges were online and picked on Facebook's ad platform,(from the geo settings of) those locations. Both strategies seem to work best in running ads.
I am thankful for those who are raging against the night. For those beautiful lights in this pitch darkness who want to create change.
He needs the heralds and navigators to breathe life back into the fight and make flesh the ideals of evangelism. It's up to you, it's up to me. It can happen. It must happpen.
Timestamp 7/25/2021
If the kingdom is to rise again from its state of decline, we must have heralds. We must have people spreading the word that the churches are dying out and that we in the next 100 years, if not much sooner, will cease to exist in America. If the culture is to turn to evangelism, they need to know the fears of neglecting this cause and the hopes if this ideal is embraced. We must have navigators. Men and women who can teach people the ways of outreach. Show them methods, lessons, and resources for guidance and stories for hope. I stand with the angels and with those fiercesome few who are heralds and navigators.
My goal when doing evangelism was to learn for myself, to train my evangelism team, but it went one step further, I wanted to record success stories, methods, resources to share with others. Themes to make people aware of the kingdom's pandemic of dying churches and to give them venues to change that. I wanted (through the Father) to give people hope.
There are other platforms newer and far better than mine. And old forums that are affecting change. I am just one of the instruments of Providence.
If you want to learn more about kingdom decline, go to my video section. I have sources given for the stats in the video section. You can also go to my book store. I have a book on church decline stats.
If you want to join the heralds, share this theme that the churches are dying. Let people know the cure for cultural change is evangelism. If you want to be a navigator, create a blog, video, Tweet, Facebook post, social media group, etc., and share ideas on ways to strengthen the kingdom and thoughts on how to do outreach to grow the church.
In my talks with evangelists and in my own personal work from the past, the turnout rate for workers in the church, when an event is done or studies need help with is 5 percent. 0 percent at a dead church and 10 percent at a highly driven congregation.
It's the minority, that will step up once they learn of the need and are shown how to meet that need. They are the ones who step up...
All that is needed to change the kingdom is to reach the minority in the kingdom, who will have the minds to work. All they need is to first be once shown the need and the "how-to" formats of outreach.
My goal was to create a platform to show the need for evangelism and ways of doing outreach. A forum that gives hope and success stories. That goal has been met. Now I am promoting it on Facebook ads. Gearing it to those who like my (evangelism) page and their friends, which are predominantly of the church. I also have another Facebook ad geared for many of the geographical areas in American near "COC Colleges." I researched where the colleges were online and picked on Facebook's ad platform,(from the geo settings of) those locations. Both strategies seem to work best in running ads.
I am thankful for those who are raging against the night. For those beautiful lights in this pitch darkness who want to create change.
He needs the heralds and navigators to breathe life back into the fight and make flesh the ideals of evangelism. It's up to you, it's up to me. It can happen. It must happpen.
Timestamp 7/25/2021
A Tribute to the first new convert, Christ saved through me, who recently passed from this life: Cyndia Lumley
God has blessed me to meet a lady, who came to Christ, lived, loved, laughed, shared the Word, and was one of my champions against the Enemy. She went home to be with the Father. She is deeply missed. But I will see her soon. A second in eternity is brief, yet lifetimes pass before us. Cyndia Lumley was the first person God saved through me. She stood fast to her Lord through the years. Encouraged me in my evangelism work.
This Sister, cared for the weak and broken and never lost her thirst for the scriptures. Her notes, texts, of encouragement, calls about Bible passages and notes at church... to ask what a verse meant during a sermon or lesson from a teacher...are precious memories to me. During worship, Cyndia would pass out gum while we sat to study the Bible.
Her donations to outreach, her letters of support and selfless kindness and affection, her years of attending weekly home Bible studies, with me and our church friends, meant the world to me.
Cyndia was always doing outreach and was inviting people to church. These are some of the many memories I will have of her.
Her friendship in a world, cold and dark, was a light and helped me in the many battles I have had to face in the name of the Cross. This world is darker for her passing and heaven is brighter.
I know the Father will say, to her, "well done," when we are all called before Him and His Son.
I said, to her before she left, "goodbye, I'll see you soon." And in the ways of heaven, and the brevity of life, I will.
In the picture below, Cyndia is in the middle with blonde hair. This picture is from the home Bible study group... with other new converts.
You can see the funeral video at this YouTube link.
Timestamp 8/15/2021
This Sister, cared for the weak and broken and never lost her thirst for the scriptures. Her notes, texts, of encouragement, calls about Bible passages and notes at church... to ask what a verse meant during a sermon or lesson from a teacher...are precious memories to me. During worship, Cyndia would pass out gum while we sat to study the Bible.
Her donations to outreach, her letters of support and selfless kindness and affection, her years of attending weekly home Bible studies, with me and our church friends, meant the world to me.
Cyndia was always doing outreach and was inviting people to church. These are some of the many memories I will have of her.
Her friendship in a world, cold and dark, was a light and helped me in the many battles I have had to face in the name of the Cross. This world is darker for her passing and heaven is brighter.
I know the Father will say, to her, "well done," when we are all called before Him and His Son.
I said, to her before she left, "goodbye, I'll see you soon." And in the ways of heaven, and the brevity of life, I will.
In the picture below, Cyndia is in the middle with blonde hair. This picture is from the home Bible study group... with other new converts.
You can see the funeral video at this YouTube link.
Timestamp 8/15/2021
Besides fast food restaurants and coffee shops, libraries are great places for Bible studies. They tend to have tables, and chairs, in different corners for study and discussion. People in secular fields go to libraries to mentor people and train folks in different business themes and work programs. So quiet discussions are not out of the ordinary. Backpacks, snack food, and study materials are allowed. Anyone is welcome at a library. You only need a library card if you want to check out a book, DVD, CD, etc. Many libraries have "study rooms" and large "business rooms," you can use for a few hrs. Such places are good for Bible study groups and also for training workshops for evangelism teams. Libraries also have free Wi-Fi, and allow for laptop use. Which is excellent for teaching and even for one's own personal Bible studies."
Creating investment in an evangelism training class through mission statement and journals
Inclusion: Have the evangelism group emotionally invest in the group. The more interaction and physical/mental interplay you have the group do the more invested the group will become. Have group say prayers, ask them for their feedback on topics given during class, call on members to do activities in the class, like pass out paper, reading scriptures, doing a role-play exercise, etc. Have the group members reach out and contact someone who is discouraged in the group, to let them know they are valued.
Mission statements: For an evangelism class have an evangelism chart, ask everyone to sign what they want to accomplish in the aspects of evangelism. Have the chart be a mission statement of what they want to become and of what they want to achieve in evangelism work. Have them sign their full name next to their written goal.
When all the class has done this, compliment them for their desire to serve God in outreach and have each member read what they wrote and praise them afterward, on the ideals they put down on the board. Companies have their staff put down into words their personal goals and expectations on how they want to improve the company, onto a large company board. They do this to get their members (emotionally) invested in the corporate business. This helps the members be invested in improving the business. They have this board in view for the staff to see. See “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey, to learn more.
When the evangelism group has signed its mission statement. Have this signed chart placed out in the evangelism group classroom. Also, give each person a copy and text them a copy. Ask them to keep this in a place where they can go to for visiting their mission statement. And to read the team’s mission statements. Writing the statement is an investment, reading it, again and again, is also a reminder of that investment. Reading one’s evangelism team’s, statements also creates a bond and feeling of unity, within the group. Have the mission statement chart framed in the class for the members to see each time they come in. And encourage new members to sign the mission statement chart, as they join the class.
Journals: Have “evangelism journals” for the class. Buy beautiful, well-made journals, to let the class know you value them. Personally, give each student a journal. Let each student know why they are given the journal. Tell them to record their evangelism ideas in this journal, for when a thought comes upon them during the day, to write it down. If they are studying a method and they find something they value, have the journal as a means for them to write it down. And when they hear the teacher speak in the class….something they note worth recording, take the time to encourage them ”to write it in their own words and make it theirs.”
Let the student know they can tailor what they hear to better reflect their goals, aims, and personal ideals in doing evangelism. When a student writes down an idea, it becomes theirs. They own it, they have invested in it. The journal gives them a purpose, the written activities make the evangelism ideas more personal, meaningful, and valued. Encourage the students to read ideas they wrote in their journals during class and always compliment them when they do. Positive enforcement helps motivate people to invest in the journal. Having them feel valued by reading their journals, will also help them to feel inspired to write in their evangelism journals. They don’t have to have physical journals, the goal is to find ways for people to proactively think about evangelism and to make applications on this theme (for their lives).
For myself, I have a journal for evangelism strategies. When I find excellent resources, from successful evangelists, I write down what they did for success. If I find good material online, helpful stats, ideas, etc. I put that in my evangelism journal.
Getting your group involved in class, getting them to do mission statements, and write in the journals, helps them to make an emotional investment, which leads (long-term) to a physical/life investment. Getting people to invest helps people to invest again and become more connected long-term into the work of evangelism.
Timestamp 12/27/2021
Mission statements: For an evangelism class have an evangelism chart, ask everyone to sign what they want to accomplish in the aspects of evangelism. Have the chart be a mission statement of what they want to become and of what they want to achieve in evangelism work. Have them sign their full name next to their written goal.
When all the class has done this, compliment them for their desire to serve God in outreach and have each member read what they wrote and praise them afterward, on the ideals they put down on the board. Companies have their staff put down into words their personal goals and expectations on how they want to improve the company, onto a large company board. They do this to get their members (emotionally) invested in the corporate business. This helps the members be invested in improving the business. They have this board in view for the staff to see. See “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey, to learn more.
When the evangelism group has signed its mission statement. Have this signed chart placed out in the evangelism group classroom. Also, give each person a copy and text them a copy. Ask them to keep this in a place where they can go to for visiting their mission statement. And to read the team’s mission statements. Writing the statement is an investment, reading it, again and again, is also a reminder of that investment. Reading one’s evangelism team’s, statements also creates a bond and feeling of unity, within the group. Have the mission statement chart framed in the class for the members to see each time they come in. And encourage new members to sign the mission statement chart, as they join the class.
Journals: Have “evangelism journals” for the class. Buy beautiful, well-made journals, to let the class know you value them. Personally, give each student a journal. Let each student know why they are given the journal. Tell them to record their evangelism ideas in this journal, for when a thought comes upon them during the day, to write it down. If they are studying a method and they find something they value, have the journal as a means for them to write it down. And when they hear the teacher speak in the class….something they note worth recording, take the time to encourage them ”to write it in their own words and make it theirs.”
Let the student know they can tailor what they hear to better reflect their goals, aims, and personal ideals in doing evangelism. When a student writes down an idea, it becomes theirs. They own it, they have invested in it. The journal gives them a purpose, the written activities make the evangelism ideas more personal, meaningful, and valued. Encourage the students to read ideas they wrote in their journals during class and always compliment them when they do. Positive enforcement helps motivate people to invest in the journal. Having them feel valued by reading their journals, will also help them to feel inspired to write in their evangelism journals. They don’t have to have physical journals, the goal is to find ways for people to proactively think about evangelism and to make applications on this theme (for their lives).
For myself, I have a journal for evangelism strategies. When I find excellent resources, from successful evangelists, I write down what they did for success. If I find good material online, helpful stats, ideas, etc. I put that in my evangelism journal.
Getting your group involved in class, getting them to do mission statements, and write in the journals, helps them to make an emotional investment, which leads (long-term) to a physical/life investment. Getting people to invest helps people to invest again and become more connected long-term into the work of evangelism.
Timestamp 12/27/2021
Create structural growth through groups:
After saints are trained in methodology and are impressed upon the personal responsibility they have to share Jesus, they should be given individual things to focus on in doing outreach. And be given encouragement and accountability sheets, (see following details, further in this article,) for them to adhere to and for the team to encourage them on.
Saints should also be encouraged to do group evangelism activities together. For the evangelism leader, I’d encourage you to create 3 stages of growth for your church members who want to be a part of an active evangelism group work. The 3 stages can be, “Beginner,” “Intermediate” and “Advanced.” As the saints develop and evolve, you can move them forwards from one level to the next. Each level will have a set of team groups. As a person improves they will go onto the next group. But only after they are asked, and the details are explained to that worker, on what the next level will entail.
A “Beginner” can be for those just starting out. Examples: they can be encouraged in the beginner group, to invite 1-2 people to church each month, or you can get together with them once a month for an hr. and go door-knocking, or set up a booth at a campus to get Bible study signatures, or at a popular park, or at a fair, flea market, town weekly festival, etc. Or once a month meet up with a Bible study group to do “Coffee shop” evangelism, reading the Bible in a public place with a few saints. This beginner-level group can be applied to any evangelism format. To show appreciation and build camaraderie, reward that team (and yourself) with grabbing a bite to eat afterwards. Eating with people is powerful. Food can build bridges, that no beam or mortar can build.
A “Intermediate” church member can be someone who has gotten to the comfort level and experience threshold, (it may take weeks, months, or even a year,) to do more than one evangelism event activity a month, for this person, add them to the Intermediate group’s evangelism schedule. Instead of doing one event, this group will do two. Or the time will increase instead of doing outreach events. If it’s inviting people to church or a Bible study, that number can be increased. If the group member is ready and willing, encourage that member to attend a new convert class or a non-Christian study. This will help that person get a feel for that class and to get ideas on how to teach a class.
A ”Advanced” church member can be someone who has gotten comfortable and experienced enough to the level of being given leadership positions in this field of work. Doing infield work will train people and help them become confident. Especially as the work and the time invested into the work progresses. Seek ways to train people to become leaders. Seek ways to mentor people and help them grow. Like the intermediate group, the level of events or the time invested in an event can increase. Also, personal invites should be increased as well. We are either growing or dying. Stagnation is a deterrent. Seek ways to help people grow. If the group member is ready and willing, encourage that member to attend a new convert class or a non-Christian study. And when ready to help teach that study. With enough time, this person may be ready to lead the class entirely.
In all groups encourage the members to go to the evangelism group meetings. Praise the work you see a member doing. If you see a talent or special knowledge in the area of evangelism, work with that induvial. Talk with the leaders to give that person chances to grow in that talent or share that special knowledge theme on evangelism.
Accountability chart.
Have the church or an evangelism group create a chart. This chart will have everyone’s name on it. For each person who does the listed evangelism assignment on the chart, they can sign their name. The chart can be changed everyone month. The goals for the church/group on the chart can be listed. And the specific outreach activities can be laid out. If someone does one of those activities they sign their name. This helps to foster accountability and responsible behavior. If a person is assigned to invite 2 people to church that month and they sign it, it lets the leaders know that individual is participating. This action helps the leaders get a feel for whose doing what and how much support the church is giving in evangelism. If there is an evangelism group get together at someone’s house, having an accountability chart will help give the leadership feedback and encourage responsible investment from the church members. It’s good to have the announcer promote this chart, as well as the elders and preacher when they speak.
After saints are trained in methodology and are impressed upon the personal responsibility they have to share Jesus, they should be given individual things to focus on in doing outreach. And be given encouragement and accountability sheets, (see following details, further in this article,) for them to adhere to and for the team to encourage them on.
Saints should also be encouraged to do group evangelism activities together. For the evangelism leader, I’d encourage you to create 3 stages of growth for your church members who want to be a part of an active evangelism group work. The 3 stages can be, “Beginner,” “Intermediate” and “Advanced.” As the saints develop and evolve, you can move them forwards from one level to the next. Each level will have a set of team groups. As a person improves they will go onto the next group. But only after they are asked, and the details are explained to that worker, on what the next level will entail.
A “Beginner” can be for those just starting out. Examples: they can be encouraged in the beginner group, to invite 1-2 people to church each month, or you can get together with them once a month for an hr. and go door-knocking, or set up a booth at a campus to get Bible study signatures, or at a popular park, or at a fair, flea market, town weekly festival, etc. Or once a month meet up with a Bible study group to do “Coffee shop” evangelism, reading the Bible in a public place with a few saints. This beginner-level group can be applied to any evangelism format. To show appreciation and build camaraderie, reward that team (and yourself) with grabbing a bite to eat afterwards. Eating with people is powerful. Food can build bridges, that no beam or mortar can build.
A “Intermediate” church member can be someone who has gotten to the comfort level and experience threshold, (it may take weeks, months, or even a year,) to do more than one evangelism event activity a month, for this person, add them to the Intermediate group’s evangelism schedule. Instead of doing one event, this group will do two. Or the time will increase instead of doing outreach events. If it’s inviting people to church or a Bible study, that number can be increased. If the group member is ready and willing, encourage that member to attend a new convert class or a non-Christian study. This will help that person get a feel for that class and to get ideas on how to teach a class.
A ”Advanced” church member can be someone who has gotten comfortable and experienced enough to the level of being given leadership positions in this field of work. Doing infield work will train people and help them become confident. Especially as the work and the time invested into the work progresses. Seek ways to train people to become leaders. Seek ways to mentor people and help them grow. Like the intermediate group, the level of events or the time invested in an event can increase. Also, personal invites should be increased as well. We are either growing or dying. Stagnation is a deterrent. Seek ways to help people grow. If the group member is ready and willing, encourage that member to attend a new convert class or a non-Christian study. And when ready to help teach that study. With enough time, this person may be ready to lead the class entirely.
In all groups encourage the members to go to the evangelism group meetings. Praise the work you see a member doing. If you see a talent or special knowledge in the area of evangelism, work with that induvial. Talk with the leaders to give that person chances to grow in that talent or share that special knowledge theme on evangelism.
Accountability chart.
Have the church or an evangelism group create a chart. This chart will have everyone’s name on it. For each person who does the listed evangelism assignment on the chart, they can sign their name. The chart can be changed everyone month. The goals for the church/group on the chart can be listed. And the specific outreach activities can be laid out. If someone does one of those activities they sign their name. This helps to foster accountability and responsible behavior. If a person is assigned to invite 2 people to church that month and they sign it, it lets the leaders know that individual is participating. This action helps the leaders get a feel for whose doing what and how much support the church is giving in evangelism. If there is an evangelism group get together at someone’s house, having an accountability chart will help give the leadership feedback and encourage responsible investment from the church members. It’s good to have the announcer promote this chart, as well as the elders and preacher when they speak.
A New Testament church is an evangelistic church. A New Testament Christian is an evangelistic Christian. This is the Bible blueprint and pattern. To be a people of the Word and return to the "old paths," we must seek the lost."
A leader needs to make leaders, not followers.
Get the students to commit to help with a study or evangelism event, the more they commit to the more likely they will commit to further things. If you can get one student to say yes to helping with a study, that student is more likely to say yes, the next time. If you can get a student to help with a campus evangelism event, that student is more likely to say yes the next time.
The goal of evangelism is mentorship. The goal of leaders is not to create followers, but leaders. Yes, short term new members in a group will be codependent. But as a leader works with the group, as they become comfortable and evolve, the leader needs to encourage them to take roles of leadership. He should show them how to set up events, teach classes, by having them accompany him to such activities, then slowly getting them more involved in the process of event creation and class teaching.
The Bible words for disciple means to mentor, that is to disciple people into the pattern of Jesus.
What did our Lord do while on the earth? He told people to “Come, follow me,’ Jesus said, ‘and I will send you out to fish for people.’ At once they left their nets and followed him.” - Matthew 4:19-20
During ministry, Jesus trained His Apostles, and disciples, (Matthew 5:1-2) in the work and teachings.
Christ showed the disciples His example and included them in His life.
When our Lord taught the crowds, (Matthew 23:1-4).
When He prayed, (Luke 11:1).
When Jesus did evangelism work, (Matthew 4:18-23).
Jesus later send Apostles out 2 by 2 with the 72 disciples, (Luke 10:1-16), to do evangelism.
When they got back the Lord Jesus worked with them some more, after this outreach work, (as the gospels show in its timeline).
Once the disciples had been shown the truth and had accompanied Jesus (seeing His example) when He did outreach and other spiritual activities, Jesus encouraged them to go out and try these things themselves, (Matthew 10:1-42; Luke 10:1-24). Our Lord even asks Peter to do step up and do spiritual things after the resurrection, (John 21:15-19).
Discipleship is about fostering a sense of accountability in doing Christian work. It is about encouraging new Christians to step up and do more for the Lord, as they grow and mature in the Word.
When they were ready, He said to them, (upon His departure to heaven) in the Great Commission to go out and make disciples, (Mark 16:15/Matthew 28:19-20). He wanted these followers to follow His example, of being a servant, (John 13:15). As disciples of Christ, we are supposed to do this as well.
Discipleship is about fostering a sense of accountability in doing Christian work. It is about encouraging new Christians to step up and do more for the Lord, as they grow and mature in the Word.
If the only leader in evangelism is the paid preacher or paid evangelist, what happens if one of them gets sick, falls away, is out of town, has a family emergency, moves to another congregation etc. Well, that church is back to square one. The more leaders a church creates, the better is its future. The more selfless men/leaders out there are who have this mode of thinking the better. When such men are willing to place others in the position of authority as leaders in mentorship, they are helping the security of a congregation.
Also, the more evangelism teachers, event creators there are... the stronger and long lasting the evangelism culture will be.
Let me share this as a quote: The best leaders are not focused on creating followers, but leaders. Followers only follow as long as they have a person to guide them. When we create independent, self-reliant, responsible leaders, we do more than “give a man a fish for a day, we teach a man how to fish, and thus feed him for a lifetime.” Yes, we all begin as followers, we are dependent, we must look to another for guidance...for a time, while we are getting our footing. But a good leader, encourages others to develop to the point where they too, can lead.
Jesus looked for opportunities in matters of evangelism. A key phrase I think of when I work with new Christians or possible future saints is this, “discipleship is mentorship.” It reminds me of the (spiritual) role I must play in the lives of those I interact with. As a mentor I must instruct others and give an example for emulation and guidance, (in matters of the truth).
Timestamp 12/27/2021
The goal of evangelism is mentorship. The goal of leaders is not to create followers, but leaders. Yes, short term new members in a group will be codependent. But as a leader works with the group, as they become comfortable and evolve, the leader needs to encourage them to take roles of leadership. He should show them how to set up events, teach classes, by having them accompany him to such activities, then slowly getting them more involved in the process of event creation and class teaching.
The Bible words for disciple means to mentor, that is to disciple people into the pattern of Jesus.
What did our Lord do while on the earth? He told people to “Come, follow me,’ Jesus said, ‘and I will send you out to fish for people.’ At once they left their nets and followed him.” - Matthew 4:19-20
During ministry, Jesus trained His Apostles, and disciples, (Matthew 5:1-2) in the work and teachings.
Christ showed the disciples His example and included them in His life.
When our Lord taught the crowds, (Matthew 23:1-4).
When He prayed, (Luke 11:1).
When Jesus did evangelism work, (Matthew 4:18-23).
Jesus later send Apostles out 2 by 2 with the 72 disciples, (Luke 10:1-16), to do evangelism.
When they got back the Lord Jesus worked with them some more, after this outreach work, (as the gospels show in its timeline).
Once the disciples had been shown the truth and had accompanied Jesus (seeing His example) when He did outreach and other spiritual activities, Jesus encouraged them to go out and try these things themselves, (Matthew 10:1-42; Luke 10:1-24). Our Lord even asks Peter to do step up and do spiritual things after the resurrection, (John 21:15-19).
Discipleship is about fostering a sense of accountability in doing Christian work. It is about encouraging new Christians to step up and do more for the Lord, as they grow and mature in the Word.
When they were ready, He said to them, (upon His departure to heaven) in the Great Commission to go out and make disciples, (Mark 16:15/Matthew 28:19-20). He wanted these followers to follow His example, of being a servant, (John 13:15). As disciples of Christ, we are supposed to do this as well.
Discipleship is about fostering a sense of accountability in doing Christian work. It is about encouraging new Christians to step up and do more for the Lord, as they grow and mature in the Word.
If the only leader in evangelism is the paid preacher or paid evangelist, what happens if one of them gets sick, falls away, is out of town, has a family emergency, moves to another congregation etc. Well, that church is back to square one. The more leaders a church creates, the better is its future. The more selfless men/leaders out there are who have this mode of thinking the better. When such men are willing to place others in the position of authority as leaders in mentorship, they are helping the security of a congregation.
Also, the more evangelism teachers, event creators there are... the stronger and long lasting the evangelism culture will be.
Let me share this as a quote: The best leaders are not focused on creating followers, but leaders. Followers only follow as long as they have a person to guide them. When we create independent, self-reliant, responsible leaders, we do more than “give a man a fish for a day, we teach a man how to fish, and thus feed him for a lifetime.” Yes, we all begin as followers, we are dependent, we must look to another for guidance...for a time, while we are getting our footing. But a good leader, encourages others to develop to the point where they too, can lead.
Jesus looked for opportunities in matters of evangelism. A key phrase I think of when I work with new Christians or possible future saints is this, “discipleship is mentorship.” It reminds me of the (spiritual) role I must play in the lives of those I interact with. As a mentor I must instruct others and give an example for emulation and guidance, (in matters of the truth).
Timestamp 12/27/2021
Take steps and allow yourself to grow.
A process is about investing into an ideal, to get the desired result. No one asks one girl or guy out, on a date, and if receiving a "no," gives up... saying "dating does not work."
No one goes to college and expects a diploma the following day or week. No one goes to the gym once a year and expects to have the desired results before them in the mirror. Or diets and weights the next day expecting the weight loss goals to have been achieved. In all secular dreams and goals we understand it takes time, work and an investment of ones life, for the results to come.
Yet in spiritual themes to many think a single action should bring about an instantaneous development in ones life. A single prayer, Bible study, evangelism action, is not an investment in a spiritual process. Yet people expect instantaneous results and growth from the minimal time they have given to one single effort.
People say, "I went door knocking for an hour" or "did campus work for an hour" on the eve of a Gospel Meeting and "no souls were saved." "No one came to the Gospel Meeting." Sometimes lighting hits, but usually for results to come, a person has to invest into the process.
Love the process and the results will come. But be aware that God wants your lifestyle not a token deed done. Invest in Elohim and the Tribune will invest in you. No wall is built by a single stone and no dream is build by a single act.
All architects build by one brick at a time, by one beam, one nail, one piece of wood, they build. They see the design and the end result. They engage in the process and invest in the vision they see. Let us do this for our spiritual monuments we wish to design within ourselves and with the world.
Note: This article may be redundant, in retrospect to my other posts. But I thought it was worth sharing. Timestamp 1/17/2022
No one goes to college and expects a diploma the following day or week. No one goes to the gym once a year and expects to have the desired results before them in the mirror. Or diets and weights the next day expecting the weight loss goals to have been achieved. In all secular dreams and goals we understand it takes time, work and an investment of ones life, for the results to come.
Yet in spiritual themes to many think a single action should bring about an instantaneous development in ones life. A single prayer, Bible study, evangelism action, is not an investment in a spiritual process. Yet people expect instantaneous results and growth from the minimal time they have given to one single effort.
People say, "I went door knocking for an hour" or "did campus work for an hour" on the eve of a Gospel Meeting and "no souls were saved." "No one came to the Gospel Meeting." Sometimes lighting hits, but usually for results to come, a person has to invest into the process.
Love the process and the results will come. But be aware that God wants your lifestyle not a token deed done. Invest in Elohim and the Tribune will invest in you. No wall is built by a single stone and no dream is build by a single act.
All architects build by one brick at a time, by one beam, one nail, one piece of wood, they build. They see the design and the end result. They engage in the process and invest in the vision they see. Let us do this for our spiritual monuments we wish to design within ourselves and with the world.
Note: This article may be redundant, in retrospect to my other posts. But I thought it was worth sharing. Timestamp 1/17/2022
On my right hand, I can count how many sermons I've heard about heaven and hell. Brimstone sermons were preached during the great awakening. Heaven's glory was proclaimed. Evangelism was actively held up and practiced. Perhaps for the very reason of hell and heaven being emphasized as it was during that time period. In this age of dying churches and evangelism indifference in the kingdom...maybe we need more sermons preached on these topics. Preached regularly. To serve as reminders..."
University church of Christ has recorded/shared workshops that are worth checking out. Go to their page links below.
The elders are to be praised. Most church congregations don't have such content out there. The leaders are visionaries and are doing exceptional work.
From the University church of Christ interviews done by Evangelist Steve Patton
Address: 14314 Bruce B Downs Blvd, Tampa, FL 33613
Congregational Website https://www.universitychurchofchrist.org
This church has their lessons, sermons and materials listed on their website. The link has excellent resources to check out. Some of the sources are shared below…
If your in the area of Tampa, come by and visit. Especially if you’re interested in evangelism.
Don Bunting
Highlights from the interview:
Don uses internet ads like “Google ads” to “invite people to have a Bible study.” He has a website where people go to when they click on the ad. This site is where he highlights this focus of evangelism. It details constructive ways of getting people to sign up at the site for Bible studies. See site here https://nycbibleteacher.com/don-bunting. This site can serve as a good template for replication. Don has brought many to the Lord through this method of work in serving Christ with the gospel. Number 1 question people ask when contacting Don Bunting through his ad is this… “does your church have Bible class,” or “what type of Bible classes, (inside/outside of church) do you have?” Let me stress I know of other preachers, who have had success with this method. It is extremely powerful.
It’s good to have out of church class groups set up and excellent congregational (for all ages) Bible classes set up for the times of meeting. It’ also good to know the topics and themes of both of these class formats. Know the positive points to share when people text/email or call to ask these questions.
There is a lot more data recorded by the University church of Christ. See the churches material. Click on the PowerPoint file to learn more about his methods of success.
You can also watch the interview video from the University church. This video is very in-depth and has more details on outreach. Class video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcUq2W_FvUs
Don Bunting is the Preacher at the “Upper West Manhattan church of Christ.”
Website link: https://uwmchurchofchrist.org
Main interview video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mc2AuyDKclA&t=1s
Bill Sanchez
Highlights from the interview:
Bill Sanchez is the Preacher at the church at the Embry Hills church of Christ.
Website link http://embryhills.com
To see his video on evangelism work, click on the below link.
Phil Robertson
Highlights from the interview:
Phil Robertson is the Preacher at the Glen Springs church of Christ.
Website link http://glenspringschurch.com
To see his video on evangelism work, click on the below link.
Other related news from University.
JP Flores
JP is the paid evangelist at the University church of Christ.
Website: https://www.universitychurchofchrist.org
Address: 14314 Bruce B Downs Blvd, Tampa, FL
This man is one of the best evangelists I have come across. He’s young in his early 30’s. But I’ve not found someone better, then him in outreach.
His evangelism workshop lessons can be accessed at the sermon/media page on the University church of Christ website.
What he does for success...
Stage One: This man gets about a baptism a month or every other month. His strategy. The church teaches in the assembly an evangelism workshop at least once a month, on a Sunday, in place of a Bible sermon. The workshop shares the Christians responsibility to reach the lost, God’s teaching on evangelism, the methods a person can do in sharing Jesus. JP focuses on individual accountability to invite people to church and to Bible studies. The goal is to foster a climate of evangelism. And to make this a intertwined piece of the churches culture.
Stage Two: JP sets up multi Bible study groups in places like Starbucks, Panera Bread, even people’s homes, that get together each week. He has leaders in charge of these studies and he, himself helps with the group work. Christians at church are encouraged to invite coworkers, neighbors, etc. to the studies. The studies, act as door openers for creating relationships, and to stir up emotional investment in the members there. The studies are door openers for getting the non-Christian students to commit to a more personal study on salvation related themes, once they get involved in the group and the original study, (through attending/investing interest).
Stage Three: Follow up. New converts are further studied with and included in spiritual activities. The elders/preachers coordinate with church members on the visitors, to encourage letters, cards, after they visit and to encourage meeting them when they do come to church, when people invite them to the assembly.
Generating further contacts. JP runs a ad on Facebook that gets Bible studies each month. He learned this method from Don Bunting. JP gears the ad to his local area where the church is at. The ad is focused on getting Bible studies. See link. https://tampachristians.com
Address: 14314 Bruce B Downs Blvd, Tampa, FL 33613
Congregational Website https://www.universitychurchofchrist.org
This church has their lessons, sermons and materials listed on their website. The link has excellent resources to check out. Some of the sources are shared below…
If your in the area of Tampa, come by and visit. Especially if you’re interested in evangelism.
Don Bunting
Highlights from the interview:
Don uses internet ads like “Google ads” to “invite people to have a Bible study.” He has a website where people go to when they click on the ad. This site is where he highlights this focus of evangelism. It details constructive ways of getting people to sign up at the site for Bible studies. See site here https://nycbibleteacher.com/don-bunting. This site can serve as a good template for replication. Don has brought many to the Lord through this method of work in serving Christ with the gospel. Number 1 question people ask when contacting Don Bunting through his ad is this… “does your church have Bible class,” or “what type of Bible classes, (inside/outside of church) do you have?” Let me stress I know of other preachers, who have had success with this method. It is extremely powerful.
It’s good to have out of church class groups set up and excellent congregational (for all ages) Bible classes set up for the times of meeting. It’ also good to know the topics and themes of both of these class formats. Know the positive points to share when people text/email or call to ask these questions.
- I keep hearing about evangelists using Meetup.com and Zoom (to invite others to online or offline) virtual Bible studies. Don Bunting is one such person doing this. These are effective methods.
- Don always says a friendly and loving church makes a difference. Visitors need to be made to feel welcome. Also, having the right attitude in the church makes a big difference. A congregation should be upbeat, happy, warm, social, caring. A cold, apathetic, sad, gloomy church hurts evangelism work. When visitors come in and see the good attitudes, this impacts them positively, if they see the bad attitudes saturate a congregation, they won’t be coming back.
- Don is doing what other cyber evangelists have done, that are also getting the same success. That being, they are running ads that invite people to a Bible study or they are doing Bible courses to lead to the same result. Two people I’ll mention worth checking out is JP Flores and Clint De France. They use Facebook ads to generate studies. JP gets about a dozen studies a week, Clint around twenty studies a week. I studied up on Clint awhile back. I put the data I learned at this link here. I also copied the website into a file, here.
There is a lot more data recorded by the University church of Christ. See the churches material. Click on the PowerPoint file to learn more about his methods of success.
You can also watch the interview video from the University church. This video is very in-depth and has more details on outreach. Class video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcUq2W_FvUs
Don Bunting is the Preacher at the “Upper West Manhattan church of Christ.”
Website link: https://uwmchurchofchrist.org
Main interview video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mc2AuyDKclA&t=1s
Bill Sanchez
Highlights from the interview:
- Bill was saved through mentorship in his youth. Bill works with the youth at church through mentorship. Bill Sanchez teaches teenagers in Bible classes and has the boy students each prepare a lesson to teach. The teens invite their friends to hear them teach the Bible. This has a multi sided blessing, it firstly trains young men to be teachers, it helps to ground them further in the Word, it gets them more invested into Christ and His service, and it turns these young men into evangelists. Through this method, their friends have heard about Jesus. Such involvement with teens from the community is powerful. Bill focuses on teens in his outreach in other venues as well.
Bill Sanchez is the Preacher at the church at the Embry Hills church of Christ.
Website link http://embryhills.com
To see his video on evangelism work, click on the below link.
Phil Robertson
Highlights from the interview:
- I’d encourage you to watch the video below. What I found most helpful was the “text groups.” Phil has greeters in the church, text a group in charge of meeting visitors. The group texts each other before, during and after services, to highlight who needs to be contacted in the audience. This is great for evangelism work as well as for networking. If a visitor comes in the group gets a text to let them know to contact that person, the group will also get a text, if someone needs encouragement, if a new convert needs spiritual support, etc. The group keeps their eyes open before service, during service and after service and texts members of that group to look out for needs they see in the congregation. This includes visitors who are potential Bible study contacts.
- The text networking group format is a great idea for different groups to contact one another for text interaction, for doing different things, from evangelism, to encouragement, to church activities, to Bible study events, etc.
- This is a great idea also, for a Bible class group to text the teacher questions during church Bible class, if a member is at home or if one is more comfortable with texting the teacher, (then speaking) then this avenue is open. This can prove, especially helpful, if the teacher does not see a person raise their hands, etc.
- Side personal note: When I worked in CA as an evangelist, at the San Bernardino church of Christ, I added everyone’s cell number to a group I made on my cell phone. When I texted the group about successes, about upcoming evangelism events, about people needing prayers, etc. the church members, all saw the text, the members would also use this text forum to reply and share their own news about church related things. This social platform helped draw each other closer and it helped to open up the lines of communication. The church members learned more about what I was doing in evangelism, and we all learned more about the events taking place at church and in each other’s lives. It helped everyone feel more connected as a church.
Phil Robertson is the Preacher at the Glen Springs church of Christ.
Website link http://glenspringschurch.com
To see his video on evangelism work, click on the below link.
Other related news from University.
JP Flores
JP is the paid evangelist at the University church of Christ.
Website: https://www.universitychurchofchrist.org
Address: 14314 Bruce B Downs Blvd, Tampa, FL
This man is one of the best evangelists I have come across. He’s young in his early 30’s. But I’ve not found someone better, then him in outreach.
His evangelism workshop lessons can be accessed at the sermon/media page on the University church of Christ website.
What he does for success...
Stage One: This man gets about a baptism a month or every other month. His strategy. The church teaches in the assembly an evangelism workshop at least once a month, on a Sunday, in place of a Bible sermon. The workshop shares the Christians responsibility to reach the lost, God’s teaching on evangelism, the methods a person can do in sharing Jesus. JP focuses on individual accountability to invite people to church and to Bible studies. The goal is to foster a climate of evangelism. And to make this a intertwined piece of the churches culture.
Stage Two: JP sets up multi Bible study groups in places like Starbucks, Panera Bread, even people’s homes, that get together each week. He has leaders in charge of these studies and he, himself helps with the group work. Christians at church are encouraged to invite coworkers, neighbors, etc. to the studies. The studies, act as door openers for creating relationships, and to stir up emotional investment in the members there. The studies are door openers for getting the non-Christian students to commit to a more personal study on salvation related themes, once they get involved in the group and the original study, (through attending/investing interest).
Stage Three: Follow up. New converts are further studied with and included in spiritual activities. The elders/preachers coordinate with church members on the visitors, to encourage letters, cards, after they visit and to encourage meeting them when they do come to church, when people invite them to the assembly.
Generating further contacts. JP runs a ad on Facebook that gets Bible studies each month. He learned this method from Don Bunting. JP gears the ad to his local area where the church is at. The ad is focused on getting Bible studies. See link. https://tampachristians.com
JP's Facebook ad
Jack Adams: Saved 100 souls in 1 year.
This humble man is one of my favorite people. Jack let God work in Him by letting the Word regualry work in his life.
Jack is in the ball cap. We had just gotten done with a neighborhood Bible study. One of the students gave him a Christmas present, after the study.
This picture was taken of our evangelism group. The photo was taken of us... while we were at Chick fil a. We got together here, after going out to do our door-knocking event.
Jack Adams story and evangelism tips:
Storyline: Jack Adams is one of the most fervent workers I have ever met. He is in his middle 70’s. Jack can out work me, in doing outreach. He’s still has a pep in his step long after I’m exhausted. Jack gets up every morning at 5 AM, works out, then reads his Bible. Jack is not a paid preacher or a paid evangelist. Yet he has worked along preachers and has done great things for the cause of Christ. One year Jack converted around 100 people, the elders told him to stop. They did not want those kinds of people, (poor or from past bad backgrounds) in their congregation. The preacher he was working with was fired and Jack left that congregation. I’ve seen stuff like this too. This needs to change in the kingdom of God. When working with Jack at another congregation these are the things I learned from him…
Points of Jacks work:
The key to success in door knocking (in the ghetto) or in approaching people in these venues is in creating a conversation. Once a dialogue is going, Jack would ask if they’d like to do a Bible study. When people live in the poorest areas, they don’t always have cars, jobs, etc. They may be bored or lonely, (especially the elderly and disabled). Poor people tend to have more scars and less worldly securities.
It’s the hurting that are more likely to accept the Word and opportunities for Bible study. If the contact says “no,” Jack keeps engaging that person in conversation. If it’s an area we plan to visit again, Jack will ask, “can we come over again to chat sometime?” If they say “yes,” we come over and talk with them again. Jack again casually, tactfully inserts an invite again. The invite is warm, personal and it uses words like, “we’d love to get together with you and talk about God’s Word,” etc. What I have found is that conversations build rapport. The longer the conversation the better. It helps in building a connection.
Is that even greater in generating leads and contacts? Those who are doing evangelism regularly each week when opportunities are introduced or when opportunities are made get more results than those who do outreach less frequently…(like every 3 months or 6 months, etc.) This is why Jack saved 100 souls in 1 year. It is because evangelism is a habitual lifestyle practice in his daily life.
It’s not a once a year thing, or even a one-time monthly thing. The more frequently a person does a thing, the faster they grow and the better the results they get in the goals they are pursuing. When a person seeks to grow daily and seeks opportunities daily, then results will come much more quickly than those who are less active.
Storyline: Jack Adams is one of the most fervent workers I have ever met. He is in his middle 70’s. Jack can out work me, in doing outreach. He’s still has a pep in his step long after I’m exhausted. Jack gets up every morning at 5 AM, works out, then reads his Bible. Jack is not a paid preacher or a paid evangelist. Yet he has worked along preachers and has done great things for the cause of Christ. One year Jack converted around 100 people, the elders told him to stop. They did not want those kinds of people, (poor or from past bad backgrounds) in their congregation. The preacher he was working with was fired and Jack left that congregation. I’ve seen stuff like this too. This needs to change in the kingdom of God. When working with Jack at another congregation these are the things I learned from him…
Points of Jacks work:
- When working with Jack, when we’d go door knocking in the “ghetto” where people tend to sit outside in their front yards or be standing around or walking down the walkways talking. Jack would strike up a conversation with them, ask them how their doing and talk to them in relation to the answers given, further asking questions on what he heard them say. He’d also make remarks to keep the conversation going, by simply mentioning the weather, and trying to engage further dialogue. We’d also go to places where people were disabled/elderly and were sitting outside, (in the ghetto).
The key to success in door knocking (in the ghetto) or in approaching people in these venues is in creating a conversation. Once a dialogue is going, Jack would ask if they’d like to do a Bible study. When people live in the poorest areas, they don’t always have cars, jobs, etc. They may be bored or lonely, (especially the elderly and disabled). Poor people tend to have more scars and less worldly securities.
It’s the hurting that are more likely to accept the Word and opportunities for Bible study. If the contact says “no,” Jack keeps engaging that person in conversation. If it’s an area we plan to visit again, Jack will ask, “can we come over again to chat sometime?” If they say “yes,” we come over and talk with them again. Jack again casually, tactfully inserts an invite again. The invite is warm, personal and it uses words like, “we’d love to get together with you and talk about God’s Word,” etc. What I have found is that conversations build rapport. The longer the conversation the better. It helps in building a connection.
- Another reason Jack is a successful evangelist is his consistency. Jack is always looking for opportunities to invite people to church and to invite people to do Bible studies. His evangelism is a day to day lifestyle, not a month to month (one time event) or a week to week (one time event). Jack is walking around each day, with eyes open, with his heart ready, and with his lips prepared to share the Word. Which is more effective? Is doing evangelism once a year more effective? Is doing evangelism once every 6 months, more effective? Or is doing evangelism once every 3 months more effective? Better yet, is doing evangelism once every month even better? How about those who do evangelism once every week?
Is that even greater in generating leads and contacts? Those who are doing evangelism regularly each week when opportunities are introduced or when opportunities are made get more results than those who do outreach less frequently…(like every 3 months or 6 months, etc.) This is why Jack saved 100 souls in 1 year. It is because evangelism is a habitual lifestyle practice in his daily life.
It’s not a once a year thing, or even a one-time monthly thing. The more frequently a person does a thing, the faster they grow and the better the results they get in the goals they are pursuing. When a person seeks to grow daily and seeks opportunities daily, then results will come much more quickly than those who are less active.
- Jack also believes evangelism is mentorship. He has actively help train people in evangelism while working with me. He’s help train others in the past too. In his training and equipping, Jack has also helped me with pointers and with helpful evangelism training materials. While working with Jack we’d invite God’s people to help us teach none Christians and new converts. This process helps saints grow in outreach work. We’d invite people to help us in working with new converts. I’d look for those who can be used in doing evangelism events, as well. Remember evangelism is mentorship. We need to help others grow in this field of service.
I worked with Jack for a year. 9 people were added to the Lord through door-knocking and neighborhood Bible studies. Here are pictures of that time. It shows our studies, those who helped, and our outreach events.
Biblical teachings on training/helping others.
We need to disciple others. We need to mentor
To those who coach a little league sport, or run a company, to parents who spend time raising children, or to women who head up a girl scout meeting, you have been in the role of the “mentor.” This term (mentor) holds great weight in its capabilities of molding lives and in instilling positive habits. Did you know the origin of mentorship is Biblical in principle?
God speaks of the virtues of mentorship in Proverbs 27:17 when the passage states, as “Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”
We think of a karate teacher being a mentor or an influential and caring high school teacher as a mentor. Many of us can look back at individuals in our lives who have helped us to become the people we are today. The word “mentor,” as we think of today was given a different name 2,000 years ago. The work of mentorship is the same NT ideal we can read in the Bible for discipleship.
Discipleship in NT Greek is mathētḗs (μαθητής). This term means “one who engages in learning through instruction from another.” Other terms for disciple are “pupil” and “learner.” https://biblehub.com/greek/3101.htm
A cooking class can “disciple” you into a better cook. A personal fitness coach can “disciple” you in diet and the best workout routines and exercises. When we look at the storyline of Jesus, we read of a spiritual application to this term called “discipleship.”
To mentor or disciple, a person is to mold someone into a certain way of being. No one goes to one workshop and has all the answers in any given field nor does one immediately change into a better version of themselves in any area they are pursuing for self-development. Discipleship in any area is a process.
What is spiritual discipleship?
In matters of spirituality the Bible speaks of mentorship in two instances in the following passage... “But now, LORD, you are our father. We are the clay, and you are our potter. All of us are the work of your hand.” Isaiah 64:8
We are told God mentors us as a father does with his child. All parents know they have a special role in their children’s lives. They can teach, guide, and live as role models and as examples to their.... offspring. Mothers have a special role in working with and nurturing the family unit.
The father has the responsibility to lead and shows support for those family members in the house. Parents can form, (for better or worse) the character of their children that can last a lifetime. In this serious venue, let us look at the passage again.
What other discipleship traits do we read? God calls Himself the potter and us the clay.
If we allow ourselves to be soft in our hearts and yielding to His will, the Master craftsman can mold us more into His likeness and image.
But how does God mentor us (as a father) and mold us (as clay)?
Our Lord has given us the Word to disciple us as pupils and mold us into His image of holiness, (2 Peter 1:3-4).
For more details on this topic please download my book on discipling others into Christ. The material primarliy deals with new converts. But all Christians should have people who help them grow. Remember the theme in the blog is "evangelism is mentorship." The work does not end when someone is saved. Thats when it really begins. The book is downloadable and be accessed below.
God speaks of the virtues of mentorship in Proverbs 27:17 when the passage states, as “Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”
We think of a karate teacher being a mentor or an influential and caring high school teacher as a mentor. Many of us can look back at individuals in our lives who have helped us to become the people we are today. The word “mentor,” as we think of today was given a different name 2,000 years ago. The work of mentorship is the same NT ideal we can read in the Bible for discipleship.
Discipleship in NT Greek is mathētḗs (μαθητής). This term means “one who engages in learning through instruction from another.” Other terms for disciple are “pupil” and “learner.” https://biblehub.com/greek/3101.htm
A cooking class can “disciple” you into a better cook. A personal fitness coach can “disciple” you in diet and the best workout routines and exercises. When we look at the storyline of Jesus, we read of a spiritual application to this term called “discipleship.”
To mentor or disciple, a person is to mold someone into a certain way of being. No one goes to one workshop and has all the answers in any given field nor does one immediately change into a better version of themselves in any area they are pursuing for self-development. Discipleship in any area is a process.
What is spiritual discipleship?
In matters of spirituality the Bible speaks of mentorship in two instances in the following passage... “But now, LORD, you are our father. We are the clay, and you are our potter. All of us are the work of your hand.” Isaiah 64:8
We are told God mentors us as a father does with his child. All parents know they have a special role in their children’s lives. They can teach, guide, and live as role models and as examples to their.... offspring. Mothers have a special role in working with and nurturing the family unit.
The father has the responsibility to lead and shows support for those family members in the house. Parents can form, (for better or worse) the character of their children that can last a lifetime. In this serious venue, let us look at the passage again.
What other discipleship traits do we read? God calls Himself the potter and us the clay.
If we allow ourselves to be soft in our hearts and yielding to His will, the Master craftsman can mold us more into His likeness and image.
But how does God mentor us (as a father) and mold us (as clay)?
Our Lord has given us the Word to disciple us as pupils and mold us into His image of holiness, (2 Peter 1:3-4).
For more details on this topic please download my book on discipling others into Christ. The material primarliy deals with new converts. But all Christians should have people who help them grow. Remember the theme in the blog is "evangelism is mentorship." The work does not end when someone is saved. Thats when it really begins. The book is downloadable and be accessed below.
the_way_of_making_a_disciple.doc | |
File Size: | 1089 kb |
File Type: | doc |
We are born as Children of God to do this...
God has placed within us gifts. Too many die and have their talents buried with them, never used, never known. Yet if "you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession..."
Then you are bought with Jesus' death for a purpose, how does this quote (above) end, in 1 Peter 2:9? ...."that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."
We are chosen, royal, even a special nation unto ourselves, (like Israel of old - Deuteronomy 14:2) holy in God's eyes, we are His and possessed by our Father. WHY? WHY did God rescue us from the pit, draw us out of the darkness into the bright light of day? So that we can declare Him, share Him, let people know about His glorious promises.
Can you imagine a carpenter who painstakingly creates a beautiful piece, something with a purpose, and hides it away? We were created for a purpose and God is not ashamed of us. He wants us to shine and to live full lives in sharing His Word.
No one should go through life and never live their purpose. No one should have their talents buried with them in the dirt. If we are to embrace who we are meant to be, we must live the commission, (Matthew 28:18-20).
As Spring, changes to Summer and Summer to Fall, if we are so blessed, we may reach the season very few do in their lives. As Winter comes, no one should say, "I never brought one person to Jesus." No one should go to Heaven...alone.
I know people who are sick and who are dying in the Winter season of their lives. But this must take place for the eternal Spring to begin.
To die knowing a legacy of faith will last after you...from those who had found Christ through you, is peace.
Being a parent and seeing your children or even your children's children put on His name, is an inheritance that endures. Statues fall, books turn to dust, nations, and peoples are forgotten through the passing of time.
But those who choose to live wise lives and who lead others to righteousness will be as the stars, (Daniel 12:3). Their deeds will not be forgotten by God, and they will live on. He never will forget their works through the ages as they shine throughout the millenniums.
Then you are bought with Jesus' death for a purpose, how does this quote (above) end, in 1 Peter 2:9? ...."that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."
We are chosen, royal, even a special nation unto ourselves, (like Israel of old - Deuteronomy 14:2) holy in God's eyes, we are His and possessed by our Father. WHY? WHY did God rescue us from the pit, draw us out of the darkness into the bright light of day? So that we can declare Him, share Him, let people know about His glorious promises.
Can you imagine a carpenter who painstakingly creates a beautiful piece, something with a purpose, and hides it away? We were created for a purpose and God is not ashamed of us. He wants us to shine and to live full lives in sharing His Word.
No one should go through life and never live their purpose. No one should have their talents buried with them in the dirt. If we are to embrace who we are meant to be, we must live the commission, (Matthew 28:18-20).
As Spring, changes to Summer and Summer to Fall, if we are so blessed, we may reach the season very few do in their lives. As Winter comes, no one should say, "I never brought one person to Jesus." No one should go to Heaven...alone.
I know people who are sick and who are dying in the Winter season of their lives. But this must take place for the eternal Spring to begin.
To die knowing a legacy of faith will last after you...from those who had found Christ through you, is peace.
Being a parent and seeing your children or even your children's children put on His name, is an inheritance that endures. Statues fall, books turn to dust, nations, and peoples are forgotten through the passing of time.
But those who choose to live wise lives and who lead others to righteousness will be as the stars, (Daniel 12:3). Their deeds will not be forgotten by God, and they will live on. He never will forget their works through the ages as they shine throughout the millenniums.
Favoritism should never be part of the soul-saving process:
Non-Christians and new converts need our love, regardless of their age, their background, their skin color, their weight, etc. Love should not be conditional on the types of clothing they have on, or the amount of money they have. How poor a person is, or what past sins they have committed, etc. should make no difference on how we treat them. Some of the best stories I have heard were of biker gangs, drug dealers, etc., coming to the Lord. When people don’t view people as unworthy of hearing the gospel and they remove their prejudices, well that’s when God will do great things.
No new convert should be treated less in the body of Christ due to poverty, mental illness, poor hygiene, poor social skills, etc. These are the “least of these.” If we try to show favoritism or desire His little ones to fall, (because "they are different") it would be better if we had died, (Matthew 18:6-7).
Elitism has no place in the kingdom of God. Churches should seek to support such people spiritually. Leaders in the churches should take the time to readily know their names. And get to know the infants they are charged with protecting. How we treat the “least of these” will be reckoned to us. How we treat them is viewed as how we treated the Lord, (Matthew 25:40).
Kingdom building is not selective. Christ brought those who repented, the zealots, the prostitutes, the tax collectors, the infirm, the poor to God, (Matthew 21:31-32). Our Lord was interested in folks, who repented and came to the truth, even if they did not have a squeaky clean past. He embraced what the elite Pharisees disdained and ignored. Should we not be any different?
Notice in the church you attend, how folks are treated. If an upper-class couple comes in with nice clothes and 2.3 kids...and the couple has no social impediments, speaking with class and refinement...how many within the church, will go up to greet them? Will the leaders seek them out and get their names. Will they invite them for a meal? Now, what if a person comes in who is newly saved. But this woman has a mental illness, she has old, ragged clothes on, because she is poor. Yet she loves Jesus Christ...and cares about the Word. Should she not be treated any differently in the churches? All of God's infants in Christ, need to be treated with dignity and respect. Regardless of where they come from.
Is your church a place of elitism and favoritism? Or is it a welcoming, loving environment for the lost and new converts? Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?
Verses to read on this topic: James 2:1-7; Matthew 25:31-46
No new convert should be treated less in the body of Christ due to poverty, mental illness, poor hygiene, poor social skills, etc. These are the “least of these.” If we try to show favoritism or desire His little ones to fall, (because "they are different") it would be better if we had died, (Matthew 18:6-7).
Elitism has no place in the kingdom of God. Churches should seek to support such people spiritually. Leaders in the churches should take the time to readily know their names. And get to know the infants they are charged with protecting. How we treat the “least of these” will be reckoned to us. How we treat them is viewed as how we treated the Lord, (Matthew 25:40).
Kingdom building is not selective. Christ brought those who repented, the zealots, the prostitutes, the tax collectors, the infirm, the poor to God, (Matthew 21:31-32). Our Lord was interested in folks, who repented and came to the truth, even if they did not have a squeaky clean past. He embraced what the elite Pharisees disdained and ignored. Should we not be any different?
Notice in the church you attend, how folks are treated. If an upper-class couple comes in with nice clothes and 2.3 kids...and the couple has no social impediments, speaking with class and refinement...how many within the church, will go up to greet them? Will the leaders seek them out and get their names. Will they invite them for a meal? Now, what if a person comes in who is newly saved. But this woman has a mental illness, she has old, ragged clothes on, because she is poor. Yet she loves Jesus Christ...and cares about the Word. Should she not be treated any differently in the churches? All of God's infants in Christ, need to be treated with dignity and respect. Regardless of where they come from.
Is your church a place of elitism and favoritism? Or is it a welcoming, loving environment for the lost and new converts? Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?
Verses to read on this topic: James 2:1-7; Matthew 25:31-46
Be a Mentor for others
Evangelism is mentorship. Timothy, Silas, and Titus had Paul. The 12 Apostles and the 72 disciples (Luke 10:1-20) had Jesus Christ. Follow the NT pattern and train men and women into workers for the Lord.
2 Timothy 2:2 "The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, *entrust these* to faithful people who will be able to *teach others* also."
Matthew 28:19 "Go therefore and *make disciples* of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 *teaching them* to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
To mentor is to disciple. As the meaning implies...
The word disciple in the NT Greek is mathēteusate and it means to "intransitively, to become a pupil; transitively, to disciple, i.e. Enrol as scholar -- be disciple, instruct, teach." https://biblehub.com/greek/3100.htm
Let us, disciple people, into the work and training of God and His Word.
"The harvest is plentiful...but the workers are few," (Matthew 9:35-38). Make more workers.
2 Timothy 2:2 "The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, *entrust these* to faithful people who will be able to *teach others* also."
Matthew 28:19 "Go therefore and *make disciples* of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 *teaching them* to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
To mentor is to disciple. As the meaning implies...
The word disciple in the NT Greek is mathēteusate and it means to "intransitively, to become a pupil; transitively, to disciple, i.e. Enrol as scholar -- be disciple, instruct, teach." https://biblehub.com/greek/3100.htm
Let us, disciple people, into the work and training of God and His Word.
"The harvest is plentiful...but the workers are few," (Matthew 9:35-38). Make more workers.
Keep your family together in the faith...
We lose our young people in the Lord's church at a staggering rate. Most families lose their children to the world, in their teenage years. Mormon families however tend to keep their young people rooted in their religious beliefs and practices. Why is this?
The Bible tells us to live our faith and to practice God's teachings. The Mormon parents send their young people out to evangelize. They make that a priority. They train their young people to invest in their religion and of the importance of evangelism. When we understand the power of example and in getting our children invested in God's work, as well as the need to train our children in all of God's commands, including the principles and applications of evangelism, we will raise strong children. Let us do what Ephesians 6:4 says, "Fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath; instead, bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord."
We need to equip our children in ALL of the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Nothing causes growth like doing the Lord's work, in having to defend one's faith, in sharing Jesus, and in this investing emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually, into His cause.
What a person invests in determines how rooted and strong they become in a thing. Hearing Bible truths is one needed, but the next step is in getting your kids out there, to do the Bible things they've been taught. Mentor your children, get them to dive into the Word, to teach your family a lesson, or a child Bible class at church, etc. Get them out there to go door-knocking with you and your church friends. Get the kids together to do a Bible activity in sharing Jesus. Other things can be focused on in spiritual works, visiting the elderly at church, the sick, writing cards to the discouraged at church, baking cookies for new members at church, etc.
You will find (parents) that your faith will grow with your children. As you water them, you'll water yourself, as you bring them sunlight, you'll catch God's rays too. When you help your children grow as a mentor you'll mentor and nurture your own soul. :) Training is not just in speaking words from the Bible, it's in the application, it's in mindfully doing events to strengthen your children's faith. Bible training is not a passive practice, it's a active work. Your words matter parents, your example matters even more.
Training must be more than lip service for it to be effective. It must be a part of a family's life, in reflective practice and application.
Get your kids to invest in active Bible service to cement their faith in the cause of Jesus Christ.
Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he grows older he will not abandon it."
The Bible tells us to live our faith and to practice God's teachings. The Mormon parents send their young people out to evangelize. They make that a priority. They train their young people to invest in their religion and of the importance of evangelism. When we understand the power of example and in getting our children invested in God's work, as well as the need to train our children in all of God's commands, including the principles and applications of evangelism, we will raise strong children. Let us do what Ephesians 6:4 says, "Fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath; instead, bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord."
We need to equip our children in ALL of the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Nothing causes growth like doing the Lord's work, in having to defend one's faith, in sharing Jesus, and in this investing emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually, into His cause.
What a person invests in determines how rooted and strong they become in a thing. Hearing Bible truths is one needed, but the next step is in getting your kids out there, to do the Bible things they've been taught. Mentor your children, get them to dive into the Word, to teach your family a lesson, or a child Bible class at church, etc. Get them out there to go door-knocking with you and your church friends. Get the kids together to do a Bible activity in sharing Jesus. Other things can be focused on in spiritual works, visiting the elderly at church, the sick, writing cards to the discouraged at church, baking cookies for new members at church, etc.
You will find (parents) that your faith will grow with your children. As you water them, you'll water yourself, as you bring them sunlight, you'll catch God's rays too. When you help your children grow as a mentor you'll mentor and nurture your own soul. :) Training is not just in speaking words from the Bible, it's in the application, it's in mindfully doing events to strengthen your children's faith. Bible training is not a passive practice, it's a active work. Your words matter parents, your example matters even more.
Training must be more than lip service for it to be effective. It must be a part of a family's life, in reflective practice and application.
Get your kids to invest in active Bible service to cement their faith in the cause of Jesus Christ.
Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he grows older he will not abandon it."
A NT Christian is an evangelist. And a good evangelist is always hungry for knowledge, is always active and thus is always growing. "
Kingdom change starts with the right attitude in focus:
Example - social media.
Why are many preachers silent on social media and save their Bible teaching to church times on Sundays and Wednesdays only? Why do Christians not share Jesus except on every blue moon, during a gospel meeting?
Too often times...Christians on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc., will share their baby, their cat, their food they had for breakfast, their six-pack, their new home, their football team, their girlfriend, their favorite tv show, etc. But you hear crickets from them when it comes to what they should want to share the most, what they should value most, what they should treasure most, what they should love the most.
Why is that? Well, "From the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks," (Luke 6:45.) And "Where your treasure is so is your heart," (Matthew 6:21.) If the heart does not hold up in worth God and His Word first, then the mouth will be silent.
Simply put, if Christians are silent and prefer to esteem other things of this life and of the world over the Lord's heavenly things, it's a heart issue. If I am excited about something, if it means the world to me, you better be sure I will not keep it to myself.
Too often times...Christians on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc., will share their baby, their cat, their food they had for breakfast, their six-pack, their new home, their football team, their girlfriend, their favorite tv show, etc. But you hear crickets from them when it comes to what they should want to share the most, what they should value most, what they should treasure most, what they should love the most.
Why is that? Well, "From the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks," (Luke 6:45.) And "Where your treasure is so is your heart," (Matthew 6:21.) If the heart does not hold up in worth God and His Word first, then the mouth will be silent.
Simply put, if Christians are silent and prefer to esteem other things of this life and of the world over the Lord's heavenly things, it's a heart issue. If I am excited about something, if it means the world to me, you better be sure I will not keep it to myself.
Evangelism sheet I used to train a outreach group
You may find it of interest. The document has helpful mentorship ideas on outreach.
for_alex_outreach_group.docx | |
File Size: | 2650 kb |
File Type: | docx |
Church growth Plans
I've put together a church growth format that is advanced, detailed, and if applied, highly effective.
The "Journal" has recorded strategies from evangelists.
These soul winners have used their strategies to successfully grow their local church.
I've included all sources in the data disclosed.
Evangelism church template
Evangelism strategy book "Journal"
The "Journal" has recorded strategies from evangelists.
These soul winners have used their strategies to successfully grow their local church.
I've included all sources in the data disclosed.
Evangelism church template
Evangelism strategy book "Journal"
The wrong perspective in Evangelism
No one owns the Great Commission: Evangelism is mentorship. Whether you are a boy, girl, man, or woman. Whether you are black, brown, or white, we are all called to promote, teach, and be leaders in evangelism training (of saints) and of soul winning teaching (of the lost).Evangelism is not about turf, territory, politics, or position. No one's owned the copyright to share Jesus. The Great Commission is for all. Matthew 28:18-20
Yet to often times in the Lord's churches, the saints think its the preachers job to do evangelism and teach evangelism. You could have a qualified soul winner and apt teacher with years of experience in the congregation, able and willing to train the members in outreach, but because he is not a paid preacher or a paid evangelist or an elder, he's marginalized, ignored and not used. I know of top evangelists who have received this treatment. I've personally have seen this at the churches I attend. When I am a paid preacher or a paid evangelist, then I am given opportunities to teach soul saving truths, and promote evangelism themes within the assembly. But when I am a "lowly church member" on the totem poll of value, I am not used.
To many churches, elders and leaders have the attitude that the elders and the preacher/evangelist is supposed to promote these themes. But dearly beloved, God expects us all to lift Jesus up in soul winning work. Even in using ones members in church roles in worship, too often times, in many churches, it’s the elders, preacher and their children who serve, while others wait for months, or years before they are used, (if at all). In too many churches, it’s those who are more favored or who are in the inner circle who serve. Its the preachers and elders children who are up every month giving short talks, doing song leading, serving on the Lord's supper, etc. The kingdom and especially in matters of evangelism, is not about turf, territory, position or politics. Things need to change in the churches. Not all churches are like this, but many are.
In certain churches, when the elders and the paid preacher or the paid evangelist heads up an evangelism work, they tend to view evangelism as their turf and territory. And if a church member is teaching a evangelism class at home or doing a door knocking event, then their encroaching on their "land," so to speak. Individual saints who are doing such evangelism work....can be viewed by the leadership and even the congregation as "going against" the church work or against the preacher, elders, etc. Such mentalities create a "us vs them" attitude.
When the leaders, preachers, paid evangelists choose to not head up/promote/do evangelism, the soul winners who are bringing people to the Lord, may find passive aggressive or even not so passive, opposition. For such lukewarm men will believe that such successful work, is making them look bad, when others are doing what they are not.
And when leaders, preachers and paid evangelists focus on outreach and yet others are making better headway within the congregation as they individually seek their own methods, goals, training, activates etc. these same men view such results, not with joy but as competition and as undermining their role as leaders.
Now I am not saying church members should not support the work of the church in matters of evangelism. But when a church member wants to have their own class at their home, or engage college people in campus work, or create a group for street work, etc. then such activities should not be promoted or viewed (by others) as divisive, or as undermining the eldership. Such work Christians do is Biblical, and should be supported, not attacked.
Please know this is not the case in all assemblies. But this does happen in the Lord's church. As church members you can still get things done in such churches. I've saved souls in such situations. We need to not be bitter in such circumstances. These hardships are given for our growth. And God has a reasons for all struggles we face. Yet I write this topic down in words, in the hopes that people will change the kingdom in regards to this serious issue.
Not all places have this problem. Many of these issues can be talked out within a church. Even in matters of wanting to teach a class or head a evangelism work, the leaders may listen and help you in such church activities within the congregation. All you have to do is ask. Not all places do the things mentioned above. And many times its simply due to a lack of of unawareness.
But for places that do struggle with this issue, such problems can be fixed…
I write to you elders, to love your flock enough to encourage your sheep and support your sheep, when they want to do an event or get an outreach activity going. I write to you preachers and paid evangelists, who hold up the Word each Sunday, to value the spiritual (soul saving) contributions your fellow brothers and sisters give. They are trying to help you in the goal of growing your local church and in prolonging the longevity of your congregation. We are all playing for the same team and are on the same side. Let us promote love, unity and mutual edification, in this needed work of sharing the gospel with the lost.
Let us have the mind of Christ...
Philippians 2:1 Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, 2 then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. 3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, 4not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.
Yet to often times in the Lord's churches, the saints think its the preachers job to do evangelism and teach evangelism. You could have a qualified soul winner and apt teacher with years of experience in the congregation, able and willing to train the members in outreach, but because he is not a paid preacher or a paid evangelist or an elder, he's marginalized, ignored and not used. I know of top evangelists who have received this treatment. I've personally have seen this at the churches I attend. When I am a paid preacher or a paid evangelist, then I am given opportunities to teach soul saving truths, and promote evangelism themes within the assembly. But when I am a "lowly church member" on the totem poll of value, I am not used.
To many churches, elders and leaders have the attitude that the elders and the preacher/evangelist is supposed to promote these themes. But dearly beloved, God expects us all to lift Jesus up in soul winning work. Even in using ones members in church roles in worship, too often times, in many churches, it’s the elders, preacher and their children who serve, while others wait for months, or years before they are used, (if at all). In too many churches, it’s those who are more favored or who are in the inner circle who serve. Its the preachers and elders children who are up every month giving short talks, doing song leading, serving on the Lord's supper, etc. The kingdom and especially in matters of evangelism, is not about turf, territory, position or politics. Things need to change in the churches. Not all churches are like this, but many are.
In certain churches, when the elders and the paid preacher or the paid evangelist heads up an evangelism work, they tend to view evangelism as their turf and territory. And if a church member is teaching a evangelism class at home or doing a door knocking event, then their encroaching on their "land," so to speak. Individual saints who are doing such evangelism work....can be viewed by the leadership and even the congregation as "going against" the church work or against the preacher, elders, etc. Such mentalities create a "us vs them" attitude.
When the leaders, preachers, paid evangelists choose to not head up/promote/do evangelism, the soul winners who are bringing people to the Lord, may find passive aggressive or even not so passive, opposition. For such lukewarm men will believe that such successful work, is making them look bad, when others are doing what they are not.
And when leaders, preachers and paid evangelists focus on outreach and yet others are making better headway within the congregation as they individually seek their own methods, goals, training, activates etc. these same men view such results, not with joy but as competition and as undermining their role as leaders.
Now I am not saying church members should not support the work of the church in matters of evangelism. But when a church member wants to have their own class at their home, or engage college people in campus work, or create a group for street work, etc. then such activities should not be promoted or viewed (by others) as divisive, or as undermining the eldership. Such work Christians do is Biblical, and should be supported, not attacked.
Please know this is not the case in all assemblies. But this does happen in the Lord's church. As church members you can still get things done in such churches. I've saved souls in such situations. We need to not be bitter in such circumstances. These hardships are given for our growth. And God has a reasons for all struggles we face. Yet I write this topic down in words, in the hopes that people will change the kingdom in regards to this serious issue.
Not all places have this problem. Many of these issues can be talked out within a church. Even in matters of wanting to teach a class or head a evangelism work, the leaders may listen and help you in such church activities within the congregation. All you have to do is ask. Not all places do the things mentioned above. And many times its simply due to a lack of of unawareness.
But for places that do struggle with this issue, such problems can be fixed…
I write to you elders, to love your flock enough to encourage your sheep and support your sheep, when they want to do an event or get an outreach activity going. I write to you preachers and paid evangelists, who hold up the Word each Sunday, to value the spiritual (soul saving) contributions your fellow brothers and sisters give. They are trying to help you in the goal of growing your local church and in prolonging the longevity of your congregation. We are all playing for the same team and are on the same side. Let us promote love, unity and mutual edification, in this needed work of sharing the gospel with the lost.
Let us have the mind of Christ...
Philippians 2:1 Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, 2 then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. 3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, 4not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.
Remembering Dad
My father (Bill Sullivan) is the finest man I know, next to Jesus. I am proud to know him. I hope to be as loving, forgiving, and wise a father as my dad has been to me, (throughout my life). This (first) picture is of a group of new converts dad taught. Many of them, he has trained (grounded) in the Word for many years. Dad is the man on the far left, with the green shirt. I'm proud to know dad. The (second) picture next to it is of a new convert class dad helped head up. The (first) picture at the bottom of the lady, Nancy McGahee. She is the person who is sitting down. The picture was taken right after her baptism. Dad helped bring her to the Lord. The next bottom (second) photo is of us preparing to go door knocking. He's done door-knocking with me, studied with contacts, and has helped with baptisms... and has done so much more for the kingdom. The picture next to that is of us meeting up after an evangelism event at Chick Fil A. The final picture is take of Dad in 2016 when he helped his wife and me, do flea market evangelism.
Bill was an elder for almost 20 years. He taught Bible classes for saints throughout the week and regularly led God's people in God's (Bible-based) work. Bill was a soft-spoken man. He had a tender heart for the lost and for those who are suffering in the kingdom.
I'm the evangelist I am today because of dad. I'm grateful to have had him in my life.
I look forward to seeing him in Heaven...someday.
Dad passed away on Friday, September 29th, 2023 at the age of 75.
You are loved and will be greatly missed.
- Joseph Sullivan
Manager of COC Evangelism
Final sermon dad preached https://youtu.be/gt8_MwieN0s?feature=shared
Funeral for Dad on October 7th 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vK4761kdGQ
Timestamp 10/31/2023
Bill was an elder for almost 20 years. He taught Bible classes for saints throughout the week and regularly led God's people in God's (Bible-based) work. Bill was a soft-spoken man. He had a tender heart for the lost and for those who are suffering in the kingdom.
I'm the evangelist I am today because of dad. I'm grateful to have had him in my life.
I look forward to seeing him in Heaven...someday.
Dad passed away on Friday, September 29th, 2023 at the age of 75.
You are loved and will be greatly missed.
- Joseph Sullivan
Manager of COC Evangelism
Final sermon dad preached https://youtu.be/gt8_MwieN0s?feature=shared
Funeral for Dad on October 7th 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vK4761kdGQ
Timestamp 10/31/2023
Doing evangelism like Jesus
Jesus did not have social media, cell phones, air planes, websites, and yet the Gospel was preached so the whole world heard, through the seeds our Savior planted. (Matthew 24:13-15/Colossians 1:5–6) Despite all the modern conditions and convenient ways of increasing our reach in sharing the Gospel, the churches in America and around the world (in rich countries) are dying. This is a pandemic and yet the silence is deafening. See "Save a Church from Dying" for stats and numbers for US decline.
Too many churches want to do everything under the sun for growth, except evangelism. Minimal action is given with a hoped for microwave result.
Yet novel and fancy plans for growth don't work. I've seen it all. What does work is evangelism.
When we move past gimmicks and simply do as Jesus did, we'll revive a remnant that is lift on earth and bring yesterday's growth into today's world.
What did Jesus do? Do evangelism like Jesus did in the Gospels, and those disciples He trained who shared the message in Acts. Read these books. Live the examples that you read. 📖
A good Bible study book to help as one reads the Word, that I've personally found useful is "The Master Plan of Evangelism" by Robert Coleman. The concepts are sound. A mentor gave me this book. Jack Adams shared this Bible study lesson book with me. This man lives the command of soul saving. Within 1 year the Father worked in Him to add 100 souls to the kingdom.
When you open your Bible tor ead these inspired letters within the Word, you will see actions done regularly within the lives of Christ, Apostles and disciples.
The Bible stories within the New Testament show that outreach was lived daily. And success was worked through commitment to our Fathers command. We need to do evangelism in frequency as Jesus did. And as the Apostles/disciples did.
Our Lords attitude towards sharing the Word is shown when (after Jesus teaches the Samaritan woman) His disciples ask about food...
"Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work." John 4:34. Then He speaks of the great need for evangelism. (John 4:35-37).
You will read within the Bible of examples of Christians actively and faithfully following the Father's command to share the good news. For the New Testament church such behavior was a part of their lives as a lifestyle focus. (Acts 8:1-5)
Outreach was not a event done on occasion but a life expressed daily. Christ-ians wanted to follow Christ.
"The man who says, "I know Him," but does not do what He commands is a liar, and the truth is not in him. Whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did." 1 John 2:6
Now I'm not saying doing events are wrong. You'll see such activities are also in the Bible. I am saying evangelism transcends such work. If we have His words in our hearts, we will live them daily, as our Lord did. They will burn within us. (Jeremiah 20:9)
Successful evangelism is about having the heart of Christ and the divine nature of a humble, selfless, servant. Being as our Lord was in attitude. (Phil.2:1-4) Learn from those who exemplify such mindsets within the Word. (Proverbs 13:20)
God will send gifts in the form of people, circumstances, events (James 1:17) and even trials to admonish, train and equip you for His work. (Hebrews 12:5-11) But only emptied vessels will let His blessings in.
Many people fail, for they won't get themselves out of the way. A child like mindset (Matthew 18:2-5) of gentle willingness to accept His provisions of a providential hand, brings about success.
Read the Bible patterns of success that Jesus lived within the Gospels. And the New Testament examples of the Apostles and disciples within the epistles and the book of Acts. Study, reflect and meditate on God's truth. Pray about it. Apply what you learn. Seek opportunities to grow, pray for opportunities to share the Word, and look for such opportunities and the rest will fall into place.
It's really that simple. But saints are to ready to do everything else, then follow Jesus, in matters of soul saving. Follow Christ in....action, frequency and attitude and the results will come. How do we become good at secular activities? We enjoy doing something so we practice and practice till we become experienced, skilled, and confident. Spiritual activities are no different.
Do you want to learn to teach the lost? Get some soul saving materials and study them, practice teaching them to your spouse, girlfriend or family member or church friend.
Do you want to learn different evangelism methods, watch videos, (like Leading Others to Christ https://leadingotherstochrist.org/) read books, go on the internet and study the experienced soul winners. Be hungry and seek out Bible-based resources and you will grow.
Start slow and begin where you are at, comfort wise and slowly work up to doing more things.
Study success patterns and mimic them. Avoid regurgitated ideas of failing churches, who pass on their tips to other groups. Make sure your sources are sound. Check to see if such ideas are getting results and are Biblical. If an idea has nothing to do with evangelism, ask yourself will this really grow the kingdom? In all probability it will not. I've seen a great many ideas. The one truth I've found that grows a church is God's Word. And the adherence of His Word is found in following it, (through evangelism).
Dont get me wrong, it's scary beginning anything new. But as with secular activities, so it is with spiritual. I was nervous going door knocking, for the first time, but I brought some friends. And after the 2-3 times things got easier. It was the same way with doing campus work or teaching my first Bible study class to none Christians. Souls were saved. But it required investment of time, and consistent work. It required my life.
The more we do, the more we make evangelism a part of our lives, as a Christian walk, the more we develop and mature, (in skill, knowledge, comfort level, experience and wisdom).
Having the right attitude and mindset: Evangelism is not about results. Though if you give yourself over to God and live out His commands (Matthew 28:18-20) to share Jesus...the results will come.
No evangelism is about doing what we are supposed to do as saved believers. We are born by grace to help others find hope. "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, **so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light." 1 Peter 2:9
Evangelism is about trust. Not of self, or some gimmick, but trust that God's in charge. Trust that His Word still saves. (Romans 1:16) That it's our Father who will give the increase, when we plant and water the seed. (1 Corinthians 3:6-9) Evangelism is a process. No farmer plants in spring and expects a harvest a day later. The seasons come with time and the results tend to take form as one continues to work the fields, water and work.
Evangelism is about commitment. Such investment requires ones life. The Lord did not do outreach a few days a year. The Apostles did not wait for a door knocking event to take place to share the salvation story. God's truth moved them in compassion (2 Corinthians 5:10-11/Jude 23) and love to live out the command to share the Gospel. "For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died." 2 Corinthians 5:14
If you are interested in evangelism, I have resources. The first link has my training books. The second link has the best evangelism training books I've found. Especially recommend Benjamin Lee's book. 👌
Link one: https://www.churchofchriststreetcampusevangelism.com/church-of-christ-evangelism---free-material-store-page.html
Link two: https://www.churchofchriststreetcampusevangelism.com/useful-evangelism-resources.html
Timestamp 1/10/24
Too many churches want to do everything under the sun for growth, except evangelism. Minimal action is given with a hoped for microwave result.
Yet novel and fancy plans for growth don't work. I've seen it all. What does work is evangelism.
When we move past gimmicks and simply do as Jesus did, we'll revive a remnant that is lift on earth and bring yesterday's growth into today's world.
What did Jesus do? Do evangelism like Jesus did in the Gospels, and those disciples He trained who shared the message in Acts. Read these books. Live the examples that you read. 📖
A good Bible study book to help as one reads the Word, that I've personally found useful is "The Master Plan of Evangelism" by Robert Coleman. The concepts are sound. A mentor gave me this book. Jack Adams shared this Bible study lesson book with me. This man lives the command of soul saving. Within 1 year the Father worked in Him to add 100 souls to the kingdom.
When you open your Bible tor ead these inspired letters within the Word, you will see actions done regularly within the lives of Christ, Apostles and disciples.
The Bible stories within the New Testament show that outreach was lived daily. And success was worked through commitment to our Fathers command. We need to do evangelism in frequency as Jesus did. And as the Apostles/disciples did.
Our Lords attitude towards sharing the Word is shown when (after Jesus teaches the Samaritan woman) His disciples ask about food...
"Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work." John 4:34. Then He speaks of the great need for evangelism. (John 4:35-37).
You will read within the Bible of examples of Christians actively and faithfully following the Father's command to share the good news. For the New Testament church such behavior was a part of their lives as a lifestyle focus. (Acts 8:1-5)
Outreach was not a event done on occasion but a life expressed daily. Christ-ians wanted to follow Christ.
"The man who says, "I know Him," but does not do what He commands is a liar, and the truth is not in him. Whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did." 1 John 2:6
Now I'm not saying doing events are wrong. You'll see such activities are also in the Bible. I am saying evangelism transcends such work. If we have His words in our hearts, we will live them daily, as our Lord did. They will burn within us. (Jeremiah 20:9)
Successful evangelism is about having the heart of Christ and the divine nature of a humble, selfless, servant. Being as our Lord was in attitude. (Phil.2:1-4) Learn from those who exemplify such mindsets within the Word. (Proverbs 13:20)
God will send gifts in the form of people, circumstances, events (James 1:17) and even trials to admonish, train and equip you for His work. (Hebrews 12:5-11) But only emptied vessels will let His blessings in.
Many people fail, for they won't get themselves out of the way. A child like mindset (Matthew 18:2-5) of gentle willingness to accept His provisions of a providential hand, brings about success.
Read the Bible patterns of success that Jesus lived within the Gospels. And the New Testament examples of the Apostles and disciples within the epistles and the book of Acts. Study, reflect and meditate on God's truth. Pray about it. Apply what you learn. Seek opportunities to grow, pray for opportunities to share the Word, and look for such opportunities and the rest will fall into place.
It's really that simple. But saints are to ready to do everything else, then follow Jesus, in matters of soul saving. Follow Christ in....action, frequency and attitude and the results will come. How do we become good at secular activities? We enjoy doing something so we practice and practice till we become experienced, skilled, and confident. Spiritual activities are no different.
Do you want to learn to teach the lost? Get some soul saving materials and study them, practice teaching them to your spouse, girlfriend or family member or church friend.
Do you want to learn different evangelism methods, watch videos, (like Leading Others to Christ https://leadingotherstochrist.org/) read books, go on the internet and study the experienced soul winners. Be hungry and seek out Bible-based resources and you will grow.
Start slow and begin where you are at, comfort wise and slowly work up to doing more things.
Study success patterns and mimic them. Avoid regurgitated ideas of failing churches, who pass on their tips to other groups. Make sure your sources are sound. Check to see if such ideas are getting results and are Biblical. If an idea has nothing to do with evangelism, ask yourself will this really grow the kingdom? In all probability it will not. I've seen a great many ideas. The one truth I've found that grows a church is God's Word. And the adherence of His Word is found in following it, (through evangelism).
Dont get me wrong, it's scary beginning anything new. But as with secular activities, so it is with spiritual. I was nervous going door knocking, for the first time, but I brought some friends. And after the 2-3 times things got easier. It was the same way with doing campus work or teaching my first Bible study class to none Christians. Souls were saved. But it required investment of time, and consistent work. It required my life.
The more we do, the more we make evangelism a part of our lives, as a Christian walk, the more we develop and mature, (in skill, knowledge, comfort level, experience and wisdom).
Having the right attitude and mindset: Evangelism is not about results. Though if you give yourself over to God and live out His commands (Matthew 28:18-20) to share Jesus...the results will come.
No evangelism is about doing what we are supposed to do as saved believers. We are born by grace to help others find hope. "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, **so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light." 1 Peter 2:9
Evangelism is about trust. Not of self, or some gimmick, but trust that God's in charge. Trust that His Word still saves. (Romans 1:16) That it's our Father who will give the increase, when we plant and water the seed. (1 Corinthians 3:6-9) Evangelism is a process. No farmer plants in spring and expects a harvest a day later. The seasons come with time and the results tend to take form as one continues to work the fields, water and work.
Evangelism is about commitment. Such investment requires ones life. The Lord did not do outreach a few days a year. The Apostles did not wait for a door knocking event to take place to share the salvation story. God's truth moved them in compassion (2 Corinthians 5:10-11/Jude 23) and love to live out the command to share the Gospel. "For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died." 2 Corinthians 5:14
If you are interested in evangelism, I have resources. The first link has my training books. The second link has the best evangelism training books I've found. Especially recommend Benjamin Lee's book. 👌
Link one: https://www.churchofchriststreetcampusevangelism.com/church-of-christ-evangelism---free-material-store-page.html
Link two: https://www.churchofchriststreetcampusevangelism.com/useful-evangelism-resources.html
Timestamp 1/10/24
Long term change requires long term vision
The best way to change/grow kingdom culture, over the long term, to change/grow a congregation over the long term or grow an evangelism group over the long term is by making new disciples for Jesus. New sons and daughters of the Father have zeal and enthusiasm for His work and activities of sharing the gospel. Teach them immediately to make the Bible teachings a commitment. Teach them the truths of soul seeking as a priority and help them in this labor. (2 Timothy 2:2)
It's the 10 percent who will change kingdom culture. That is a process of time, vision and work. I'm not saying don't focus on generational change from church people people who have grown up going to church. Encourage them to follow Gods teaching to have passion for the work of the kingdom. (Romans 12:11)
Yet, if you’re wanting to get zeal for God's house. It starts best with those who are new to the faith. With exceptions from leaderships (elder, preachers, paid evangelist, church worker, etc.) who have created an evangelism culture within a congregation, and the faithful few who step up, you will find most change comes best from the newly saved.
And even with the faithful few, they tend to have one of two factors that spur them on to doing evangelism work. One they themselves were brought to the Lord at some point in their lives as new disciples, or two they had a powerful evangelism experience, like their spouse or parent coming to know Jesus and His salvation.
When it comes to changing kingdom culture, or growing one's local church, or growing ones evangelism group, it's a process of regularly doing the work of God's teaching to share the good news. It takes time, conscious effort to regularly/faithfully follow His Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) and a humbleness towards God. Knowing He gives the increase. (1 Corinthians 1:6-8)
Scattering seed is about consistency and a compassion that says I can't live each day remaining silent, (Jude 23).
Evangelism is about reaching the right soil/heart. It's about reaching the few out of the many. It's always reaching the majority to succeed in impacting the minority of people for Jesus. We need to reach the 100 percent to reach the 10 percent. The parable of the soils tell us that their are many different soils. We must be Scattering the seed on all soils to reach the right soil/heart. (Matthew 13:1-23; Mark 4:1-20; Luke 8:1-15)
Evangelism is about trust in something more then ourselves. Its about committing our lives to live like Jesus lived. Daily our Savior sought opportunities to proclaim the kingdom of God. Daily He sought for opportunities to make disciples and make them into fishers of men. (Matthew 4:19). If we claim to have fellowship with God we must walk as Jesus walked. (1 John 2:6)
The Gospels and the book of Acts (the book of actions) show the New Testament pattern for evangelism. This blue print shows, the right attitudes, examples and frequency of this work. It shows not every single instance was successful but that time and consistent application led to positive results. These books show how God plays a role and how faith in His provisions over our own fear and self concerns led to His guidance, strength and support. Our tutorials and teachers are these books. The Father trains us in the Holy Spirit when we study these inspired words.
Timestamp 3.6.24
It's the 10 percent who will change kingdom culture. That is a process of time, vision and work. I'm not saying don't focus on generational change from church people people who have grown up going to church. Encourage them to follow Gods teaching to have passion for the work of the kingdom. (Romans 12:11)
Yet, if you’re wanting to get zeal for God's house. It starts best with those who are new to the faith. With exceptions from leaderships (elder, preachers, paid evangelist, church worker, etc.) who have created an evangelism culture within a congregation, and the faithful few who step up, you will find most change comes best from the newly saved.
And even with the faithful few, they tend to have one of two factors that spur them on to doing evangelism work. One they themselves were brought to the Lord at some point in their lives as new disciples, or two they had a powerful evangelism experience, like their spouse or parent coming to know Jesus and His salvation.
When it comes to changing kingdom culture, or growing one's local church, or growing ones evangelism group, it's a process of regularly doing the work of God's teaching to share the good news. It takes time, conscious effort to regularly/faithfully follow His Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) and a humbleness towards God. Knowing He gives the increase. (1 Corinthians 1:6-8)
Scattering seed is about consistency and a compassion that says I can't live each day remaining silent, (Jude 23).
Evangelism is about reaching the right soil/heart. It's about reaching the few out of the many. It's always reaching the majority to succeed in impacting the minority of people for Jesus. We need to reach the 100 percent to reach the 10 percent. The parable of the soils tell us that their are many different soils. We must be Scattering the seed on all soils to reach the right soil/heart. (Matthew 13:1-23; Mark 4:1-20; Luke 8:1-15)
Evangelism is about trust in something more then ourselves. Its about committing our lives to live like Jesus lived. Daily our Savior sought opportunities to proclaim the kingdom of God. Daily He sought for opportunities to make disciples and make them into fishers of men. (Matthew 4:19). If we claim to have fellowship with God we must walk as Jesus walked. (1 John 2:6)
The Gospels and the book of Acts (the book of actions) show the New Testament pattern for evangelism. This blue print shows, the right attitudes, examples and frequency of this work. It shows not every single instance was successful but that time and consistent application led to positive results. These books show how God plays a role and how faith in His provisions over our own fear and self concerns led to His guidance, strength and support. Our tutorials and teachers are these books. The Father trains us in the Holy Spirit when we study these inspired words.
Timestamp 3.6.24
Its always the Minority that begins the Change
It's the 10 percent out of the 100 percent that, when reached accept salvation (as the unsaved) or accept the work of doing kingdom change, (as unaware saint's). How does this happen? Simply by doing evangelism work of spreading the seed, (sharing truth). The lost and the wayward, both need truth. You have to reach the majority to accept the minority. Planting seeds is not relegated just to the lost community but to the absentee saint, who is not faithful to kingdom work. Truth is the cure to ignorance and apathy.
Churches will rise when enough people step up. Modern day, Nehemiah's, Ezra's, etc. Kingdom decline will shift when enough of the minority with soft hearts are reached. Congregational closers will diminish when enough of these people are moved to act.
How to spread seed? Social media, online ads, websites,, videos, books, etc. But in matters of evangelism, how do we (through Christ) grow a group work, an outreach movement or church? It's mainly through personal interaction. This works for soul saving, yet with saint's getting involved in kingdom change, it is no different.
The best, true believers for working to shift kingdom change is found in new converts. They are the most passionate and have not let the stagnate kingdom culture seep into their lives yet.
Not all churches, saint's, are lukewarm, but the silence to this serious decline speaks for itself.
The closer of congregations also speaks to a kingdom issue in our culture. Recruitment is easiest with new Christians. And it's easier to get a lost person in the community to agree to a Bible study then to get a 2nd generational Christian, (this can also include preachers, and leaders in these matters) to agree to helping with outreach and Bible studies. The common excuse I hear is "Im to busy."
The greatest exception to the rule (in matters of stepping up) are saint's who were impressed in the ideals of evangelism due to a life changing experience, like a family member coming to Christ or a close friend. Also sometimes a soft heart will be jarred awake through a shocking emotional, mental experience that comes through some kind of evangelistic exposer, (a sermon, lesson book, video, etc.)
Evangelism is a process, kingdom growth is about doing consistent work to slowly get more and more results. As it is with spiritual soul saving, so it is for creating a consensus of fellowship in matters of working for kingdom change, (in getting the word out about congregational decline and the need for saints to step up in doing evangelism to shift the tide.) Disciplining people to be like Jesus starts in being born again and continues in teach the saved to follow our Lord, in faithfully doing evangelism like our Savior did. Jesus always sought to do heavens will and live for the Father.
Faithful adherence to any command, (not committing adultery, honoring ones parents, going to church, not stealing, etc.) is by accepting it and making that command a lifestyle commitment. Evangelism is no different. It's not enough to go to church and sing on Sunday, we must go out into the community and live the sermons we hear, the songs we sing by bring lights to the world. I hear excuses but the few will change the kingdom. It's a process. Invest in the Word, believe in its power to change lives and share the gospel of salvation and of being new creatures in lifestyle focus.
My final chapter is to go to each state and plant a church. I have many chapters to write first. And not much time left. The Author of my life will decide how many pages I have left to put within this old book. And His providential Hand will guide me, as His Spirit directs me in His inspired Word.
I won't sit in the shade of the seeds planted. But I know generations from now, others will. And I'm not alone I see many Christlike people who are scattering the seed. We wait and though His help will prepare a new world for a season of revival. The forests and flowers will become a landscape of spiritual growth and breathtaking beauty. Soul winning will take root in the hearts of men and women. And birthing blossoms will break through the fertile soil. Vision is not about seeing what's before us but it's in seeing what Christ can do through us. Our eyes may not see it but our minds and hearts do. And this sight is wonderous to behold.
Timestamp 5/17/24
Churches will rise when enough people step up. Modern day, Nehemiah's, Ezra's, etc. Kingdom decline will shift when enough of the minority with soft hearts are reached. Congregational closers will diminish when enough of these people are moved to act.
How to spread seed? Social media, online ads, websites,, videos, books, etc. But in matters of evangelism, how do we (through Christ) grow a group work, an outreach movement or church? It's mainly through personal interaction. This works for soul saving, yet with saint's getting involved in kingdom change, it is no different.
The best, true believers for working to shift kingdom change is found in new converts. They are the most passionate and have not let the stagnate kingdom culture seep into their lives yet.
Not all churches, saint's, are lukewarm, but the silence to this serious decline speaks for itself.
The closer of congregations also speaks to a kingdom issue in our culture. Recruitment is easiest with new Christians. And it's easier to get a lost person in the community to agree to a Bible study then to get a 2nd generational Christian, (this can also include preachers, and leaders in these matters) to agree to helping with outreach and Bible studies. The common excuse I hear is "Im to busy."
The greatest exception to the rule (in matters of stepping up) are saint's who were impressed in the ideals of evangelism due to a life changing experience, like a family member coming to Christ or a close friend. Also sometimes a soft heart will be jarred awake through a shocking emotional, mental experience that comes through some kind of evangelistic exposer, (a sermon, lesson book, video, etc.)
Evangelism is a process, kingdom growth is about doing consistent work to slowly get more and more results. As it is with spiritual soul saving, so it is for creating a consensus of fellowship in matters of working for kingdom change, (in getting the word out about congregational decline and the need for saints to step up in doing evangelism to shift the tide.) Disciplining people to be like Jesus starts in being born again and continues in teach the saved to follow our Lord, in faithfully doing evangelism like our Savior did. Jesus always sought to do heavens will and live for the Father.
Faithful adherence to any command, (not committing adultery, honoring ones parents, going to church, not stealing, etc.) is by accepting it and making that command a lifestyle commitment. Evangelism is no different. It's not enough to go to church and sing on Sunday, we must go out into the community and live the sermons we hear, the songs we sing by bring lights to the world. I hear excuses but the few will change the kingdom. It's a process. Invest in the Word, believe in its power to change lives and share the gospel of salvation and of being new creatures in lifestyle focus.
My final chapter is to go to each state and plant a church. I have many chapters to write first. And not much time left. The Author of my life will decide how many pages I have left to put within this old book. And His providential Hand will guide me, as His Spirit directs me in His inspired Word.
I won't sit in the shade of the seeds planted. But I know generations from now, others will. And I'm not alone I see many Christlike people who are scattering the seed. We wait and though His help will prepare a new world for a season of revival. The forests and flowers will become a landscape of spiritual growth and breathtaking beauty. Soul winning will take root in the hearts of men and women. And birthing blossoms will break through the fertile soil. Vision is not about seeing what's before us but it's in seeing what Christ can do through us. Our eyes may not see it but our minds and hearts do. And this sight is wonderous to behold.
Timestamp 5/17/24
The tides of kingdom culture can change
When I was a teenager I dreamed of getting married and having a large family. I thought I'd preach at a small country church. These doors never were opened. God had other plans and different paths for me to walk.
I'd say it's not been easy. 80 percent of the attacks I've received have come from church people, from even elders and preachers. But the Lord has stood beside me, I’ve found grace, power and purpose through these things. I have received mentorship from evangelism workers, I've had doors open to new levels of growth, through hardship, and through His provisions of Providence.
1,000s have been given opportunities for maturity and growth through the work God has placed in me. And I would not possess the ability or desire without the commitment He build in me by adversity, sorrow and pain.
I am single but I'm never alone. I have no children but I have many spiritual sons and daughters. I've never had a large family but I've added to His household. Yet it was not I but Christ in me.
Evangelism is a lifestyle the married and the single can both focus on. Our greatest romance is found in a divine calling and union with His Spirit in living like Jesus. And our Savior sought opportunities to save and scatter seed.
Kingdom culture should aim for creating physical families but our greatest goal (in connection to that work) and even more importantly for the dying world, lost and broken...is to be found in our spiritual priorities of rebirth. Our purpose is be creating Heavenly sons and daughters for our Father.
To often our focus in sharing the gospel to the community is lost to married life and one's family.
The soul saving message of compassion should be shared beyond one's offspring. The world needs us to act. God expects us to share the great commission beyond our 4 walls and our few children. To many parents have never brought someone from the community to Christ. What example is that setting for ones children and spouse? To few act out God's command to share the good news.
Preachers, elders and leaders are focused on other activities. Though it's not all, it's surprising how many churches are struggling due to neglect of the great commission from those who teach, and head up spiritual work of a congregation. Indifference from the top does trickle down into the church. Fair or unfair, it's those in positions of influence whose examples either encourage or discourage soul saving work.
Perspectives matter: No one follows the Bible command to honor parents, not commit adultery, to be a good parent or a good spouse part of the time, yet the command to share Jesus is brushed off and taken of the shelf to get observed on special occasions, (if at all).
When 5 or 10 percent of a year is dedicated to doing the teaching of God in doing soul-saving work and the rest of the year is not. What are we (as Christians) teaching to our spouses and children? Worse what are we teaching to our churches? What are we saying to God on our esteem for His Word and our concern for our Saviors lost world?
Too few know how to effectively do evangelism. Too few even believe that outreach activities actually works, (door knocking, Bible studies, etc.) These issues of ignorance and perspective occur due to the choices of doing such minimal effort and personal investment.
But in going to gym workouts, learning a hobby, pursuing a mate, getting recognized at one's job or getting a degree at college, we know such measurements to growth and success are unrealistic and unlogical. You cant invest 5 or 10 percent of the year to such causes. For success we understand we must make such goal a lifestyle focus and regular investment.
Why do saints apply a different standard towards evangelism? And why do they expect different results? This is not the case with all households, saints, preachers, elders, leaders, and churches. But it does happen. This is an issue within kingdom culture that can change.
I've been honored with opposition and by many harsh names by church members and even by preachers. I've been opposed by those in kingdom culture more then I have by those who are in the world.
And why is this? Why? Why not. As Jesus had religious leaders oppose Him out of rilvery, ambition and envy, it's those with wives, families, even those with preaching jobs, that find His message of evangelistic kingdom culture change and personal accountability to be an affront.
Paul also had brethren oppose the work he did in his evangelism efforts. Why was Paul opposed? For this simple reason, that they did not like the Father's message of change. They did not like looking in the mirror of what the gospels truth revealed. I wont mention the threats, names, politics, the attacks, the undermining I've received these past decades. God used these to build opportunities for me in doing work for kingdom change.
I thank Christ for these experiences and have forgiven every wrong. Grace grows with such opposition and so does God's power, guidance and support.
But the truth does not stop being the truth if it is ignored. If you do evangelism or mention our cultural decline you may receive opposition. Remember that's Satan wanting you to stop. You must be doing something right.
God has given us a white harvest. A global reach and tools like never before. We live in a golden age ripe with positive potential and possibilities, (cell phones, Wi-Fi, airplanes, cars, ads, social media, online videos, websites, eBooks, virtual audiences, TVs, we have access to physical and online Biblical resources and evangelism training. I can go on.)
We live in a huge nation (US) with a common tongue and even globally, many people in various cultures and countries know english, Britian, Ireland, Ukraine, the Philippines, etc. Never in the history of the world have we had such doors open. We live in a golden age unparalleled since the dawn of mankind. Yet the church in America and the industrialized European nations are dying. Since the 1800 to our modern period in time, the churches in America have never been in more serious decline then they are right now.
The US country is declining in numbers, and the pandemic of spiritual death and congregational closers is taking place. God sees this. The potential in this golden age, He sees. He also sees the indifference (by many) in His kingdom. Our Father knows of the silence towards these heart breaking issues. Books could be written, article's and sermons could be shared, gospel meetings could be preached, lectureship's could be taught on kingdom decline and Biblical themes to change the tide. Evangelism being chief.
We are given much potential in this golden age. Much is given. Much is expected. We are shown a white harvest. But to many dust of their shive a handful of times a year, that is, if they even bother to work in His fields at all. Too many are distracted with other things, (house, job, family, hobbies, money, friends, recreation, sports, politics, TV, etc.)
I am always seeing on social media, people sharing things in great passion and enthusiasm on matters of politics bit these same Christians are silent when it comes to their Heavenly kingdom. Too many have forgot that we are pilgrims and strangers in this world.
When most if not all social media posts are about secular things, and not about spiritual, where are our minds focused on? If we share our cars, pets, weight loss photos, etc. But not Jesus, then what is our first love? Where is our heart centered as our greatest treasure? Our activities preach what we value the most.
Evangelism will come with opportunities but with them you will find opposition. If you speak up, people will try to stop you. The greater your work the more the devil will use others for his own ends. Bit remember this truth from 1 John 4:4
"Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world."
The tide is changing, I'll never see the new waves lapping the shore. But I do see the new currents.
We wont live to see all the Father has worked in us. But if your willing to act and do something to change things. He will act to help you be part of the shift to a better tomorrow. It all begins with actively and faithfully honoring God's command to share Jesus with a broken world.
The negative points I've outlined are not what everyone is doing. But it is a percentage. A degree large enough to be affecting overall kingdom culture. Pray with me. Enough people can have His purpose made manifest in this world. Church decline and indifference can be replaced with revival and a great awakening. He has done these things in the past. Our God can do these things again. I see a shift taking place and it is us who will move that lever. But not us, in truth it will be God working through you and me.
If we believe (in heaven and hell) how can we be silent when we go though the weeks seeing those who are lost? If we know Christ died a brutal death for the broken men and women in our communities, how can we but not speak to others and share this news?
If we value our relationship with our God and feel the peace of and hope of heaven, how can we keep such wonderful truth to ourselves?
If we feel these things and know them to be true, we will spend our days, our weeks, our month's, our seasons, our years, our lives to the active work of spreading seed in His fields.
If we know we are forgiven and know the story of the cross then Christ's love will compels us. The fear of judgement will spur us on. We should make that our goal of pleasing God, a priority by faithfully following the command to proclaim the kingdoms truth. As the scriptures say...
2 Corinthians 5:9 "So *we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it. 10 *For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.
11 Since, then, we know what it is to *fear the Lord, we try to persuade others. What we are is plain to God, and I hope it is also plain to your conscience. 14 *For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. 15 And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but *for him who died for them and was raised again."
I'd say it's not been easy. 80 percent of the attacks I've received have come from church people, from even elders and preachers. But the Lord has stood beside me, I’ve found grace, power and purpose through these things. I have received mentorship from evangelism workers, I've had doors open to new levels of growth, through hardship, and through His provisions of Providence.
1,000s have been given opportunities for maturity and growth through the work God has placed in me. And I would not possess the ability or desire without the commitment He build in me by adversity, sorrow and pain.
I am single but I'm never alone. I have no children but I have many spiritual sons and daughters. I've never had a large family but I've added to His household. Yet it was not I but Christ in me.
Evangelism is a lifestyle the married and the single can both focus on. Our greatest romance is found in a divine calling and union with His Spirit in living like Jesus. And our Savior sought opportunities to save and scatter seed.
Kingdom culture should aim for creating physical families but our greatest goal (in connection to that work) and even more importantly for the dying world, lost and broken...is to be found in our spiritual priorities of rebirth. Our purpose is be creating Heavenly sons and daughters for our Father.
To often our focus in sharing the gospel to the community is lost to married life and one's family.
The soul saving message of compassion should be shared beyond one's offspring. The world needs us to act. God expects us to share the great commission beyond our 4 walls and our few children. To many parents have never brought someone from the community to Christ. What example is that setting for ones children and spouse? To few act out God's command to share the good news.
Preachers, elders and leaders are focused on other activities. Though it's not all, it's surprising how many churches are struggling due to neglect of the great commission from those who teach, and head up spiritual work of a congregation. Indifference from the top does trickle down into the church. Fair or unfair, it's those in positions of influence whose examples either encourage or discourage soul saving work.
Perspectives matter: No one follows the Bible command to honor parents, not commit adultery, to be a good parent or a good spouse part of the time, yet the command to share Jesus is brushed off and taken of the shelf to get observed on special occasions, (if at all).
When 5 or 10 percent of a year is dedicated to doing the teaching of God in doing soul-saving work and the rest of the year is not. What are we (as Christians) teaching to our spouses and children? Worse what are we teaching to our churches? What are we saying to God on our esteem for His Word and our concern for our Saviors lost world?
Too few know how to effectively do evangelism. Too few even believe that outreach activities actually works, (door knocking, Bible studies, etc.) These issues of ignorance and perspective occur due to the choices of doing such minimal effort and personal investment.
But in going to gym workouts, learning a hobby, pursuing a mate, getting recognized at one's job or getting a degree at college, we know such measurements to growth and success are unrealistic and unlogical. You cant invest 5 or 10 percent of the year to such causes. For success we understand we must make such goal a lifestyle focus and regular investment.
Why do saints apply a different standard towards evangelism? And why do they expect different results? This is not the case with all households, saints, preachers, elders, leaders, and churches. But it does happen. This is an issue within kingdom culture that can change.
I've been honored with opposition and by many harsh names by church members and even by preachers. I've been opposed by those in kingdom culture more then I have by those who are in the world.
And why is this? Why? Why not. As Jesus had religious leaders oppose Him out of rilvery, ambition and envy, it's those with wives, families, even those with preaching jobs, that find His message of evangelistic kingdom culture change and personal accountability to be an affront.
Paul also had brethren oppose the work he did in his evangelism efforts. Why was Paul opposed? For this simple reason, that they did not like the Father's message of change. They did not like looking in the mirror of what the gospels truth revealed. I wont mention the threats, names, politics, the attacks, the undermining I've received these past decades. God used these to build opportunities for me in doing work for kingdom change.
I thank Christ for these experiences and have forgiven every wrong. Grace grows with such opposition and so does God's power, guidance and support.
But the truth does not stop being the truth if it is ignored. If you do evangelism or mention our cultural decline you may receive opposition. Remember that's Satan wanting you to stop. You must be doing something right.
God has given us a white harvest. A global reach and tools like never before. We live in a golden age ripe with positive potential and possibilities, (cell phones, Wi-Fi, airplanes, cars, ads, social media, online videos, websites, eBooks, virtual audiences, TVs, we have access to physical and online Biblical resources and evangelism training. I can go on.)
We live in a huge nation (US) with a common tongue and even globally, many people in various cultures and countries know english, Britian, Ireland, Ukraine, the Philippines, etc. Never in the history of the world have we had such doors open. We live in a golden age unparalleled since the dawn of mankind. Yet the church in America and the industrialized European nations are dying. Since the 1800 to our modern period in time, the churches in America have never been in more serious decline then they are right now.
The US country is declining in numbers, and the pandemic of spiritual death and congregational closers is taking place. God sees this. The potential in this golden age, He sees. He also sees the indifference (by many) in His kingdom. Our Father knows of the silence towards these heart breaking issues. Books could be written, article's and sermons could be shared, gospel meetings could be preached, lectureship's could be taught on kingdom decline and Biblical themes to change the tide. Evangelism being chief.
We are given much potential in this golden age. Much is given. Much is expected. We are shown a white harvest. But to many dust of their shive a handful of times a year, that is, if they even bother to work in His fields at all. Too many are distracted with other things, (house, job, family, hobbies, money, friends, recreation, sports, politics, TV, etc.)
I am always seeing on social media, people sharing things in great passion and enthusiasm on matters of politics bit these same Christians are silent when it comes to their Heavenly kingdom. Too many have forgot that we are pilgrims and strangers in this world.
When most if not all social media posts are about secular things, and not about spiritual, where are our minds focused on? If we share our cars, pets, weight loss photos, etc. But not Jesus, then what is our first love? Where is our heart centered as our greatest treasure? Our activities preach what we value the most.
Evangelism will come with opportunities but with them you will find opposition. If you speak up, people will try to stop you. The greater your work the more the devil will use others for his own ends. Bit remember this truth from 1 John 4:4
"Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world."
The tide is changing, I'll never see the new waves lapping the shore. But I do see the new currents.
We wont live to see all the Father has worked in us. But if your willing to act and do something to change things. He will act to help you be part of the shift to a better tomorrow. It all begins with actively and faithfully honoring God's command to share Jesus with a broken world.
The negative points I've outlined are not what everyone is doing. But it is a percentage. A degree large enough to be affecting overall kingdom culture. Pray with me. Enough people can have His purpose made manifest in this world. Church decline and indifference can be replaced with revival and a great awakening. He has done these things in the past. Our God can do these things again. I see a shift taking place and it is us who will move that lever. But not us, in truth it will be God working through you and me.
If we believe (in heaven and hell) how can we be silent when we go though the weeks seeing those who are lost? If we know Christ died a brutal death for the broken men and women in our communities, how can we but not speak to others and share this news?
If we value our relationship with our God and feel the peace of and hope of heaven, how can we keep such wonderful truth to ourselves?
If we feel these things and know them to be true, we will spend our days, our weeks, our month's, our seasons, our years, our lives to the active work of spreading seed in His fields.
If we know we are forgiven and know the story of the cross then Christ's love will compels us. The fear of judgement will spur us on. We should make that our goal of pleasing God, a priority by faithfully following the command to proclaim the kingdoms truth. As the scriptures say...
2 Corinthians 5:9 "So *we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it. 10 *For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.
11 Since, then, we know what it is to *fear the Lord, we try to persuade others. What we are is plain to God, and I hope it is also plain to your conscience. 14 *For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. 15 And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but *for him who died for them and was raised again."
The three daily 🌄 morning devotional practices for getting into the routine of
regularly sharing Jesus.
1. First thing when preparing for the day is to pray for those doing evangelism. It gets your mind focused and centered on this spiritual work. Have a list and add to it.
Side notes: Selflessly devote your thoughts and your faith towards God in prayer in being a prayer warrior. Their is power in giving oneself over to regularly doing this. The more you give up your faith in prayer the stronger your faith gets. This practice also teaches the right spirit of evangelism.
That it's about being a servant. The more we sacrifice our time in prayer for others, in this way (praying for His blessings on evangelism work) the more we imprint the need of doing soul saving and the attitude of selflessness upon our own hearts and minds. This prayer time can also include what you, your friend, your church or evangelism group is doing. Asking for support is important but when prayers are answered, praise should also be shared towards God in Thanksgiving.
2. During your prayer time, ask God to bless you and help show you opportunities for that day. Then in faith (as you go about your day) begin to look for those opportunities.
3. After praying read one gospel chapter or book of Acts chapter. Almost every chapter in the gospels is about our Lord. Many of these chapters are about Jesus doing evangelism. And the book of Acts, known as the book of Actions, has in almost every chapter a story of evangelism. These passages show the gospel actively being shared by Christians. Read one chapter each day and ask yourself "how does this apply to me in matters of evangelism?"
These things help daily focus ones perspective and attitudes on evangelism. The more this morning 🌄 routine is done, the stronger a person will become in attitude and mindset towards doing evangelism.
I personally have made cards that I hand to people. This makes it easier for interacting with others in different scenarios.
Two books on sharing Jesus I'd recommend:
"It Not Rocket Science" by Benjamin Lee
(Many of my Bible based ideas, I've gotten from him.)
"Making It Work: Three Proven Techniques for Evangelism" by Joseph Sullivan (This book has three books in one volume. The last book outlines personal evangelism ideas and interactive methods. )
Evangelism begins with oneself.
Evangelism begins with self, you need to convert your ideas and attitude as a new creation. Being born again means turning from the old to live anew. (Romans 6:1-12;*13) Such repentance includes living as Christ lived and as the Bible pattern teaches in command and inspired example. (1 John 2:3-6)
When we learn to let go of self, with its ego and ambitions, for a daily communion with God in observing His written words, we find this freedom of surrender. (John 8:31-34)
Once we have Christ live in us, by example and practice, we will walk as Jesus and His disciples (the Apostles) did. The gospels, the book of acts, even the wording of the great commission (Matthew 28:18-20) leaves no doubt to the serious attention God has placed on actively doing evangelism in ones life. If we live the inspired teachings we will daily be looking for opportunities to share the Father's Word, for it is no longer us who live but Christ. That is once we choose to put to death our selfish wants and replace them with a higher calling, found in the scriptures.
When Christ has conquered you nothing else can. (Galatians 2:20) The more He is Victor, the less the world can say "You are mine."
Giving up ownership (surrendering to His Word) is not losing identity, it is finding it. We find Him in us (Romans 8:29) which is freedom. (Ephesians 4:22-24/Galatians 5:16-26/Romans 8:-14)
Yes, we will still get sick, get hurt, cry, and bleed. Yes, we will know loss and even our weakness of body, mind, and eventual death as we decline. But the fears, worries, bitterness, hate, and resentments of life will fade before the cross. They will be replaced by joy, forgiveness, love, peace, fortitude, perseverance, and trust.
We fade, as the years pass by. We will see our friends die, and our dreams come to shine for a time. We will see kids become men and women. We will see marriages, births, suffering, and losses from those around us. Life is a story told in the night by the fire. It is full of sorrow, success, joy, and loss, yet it all must end. The story must stop.
As the world moves on and as we fade, (for those who belong to God) there is comfort. Our hope grows ever brighter, our love ever stronger, before the promises of the Word. Read and love the testimonies of His truth, embrace them and you'll find nothing can touch you, not truly. Forgiveness is peace, trust is comfort, diligence to follow Jesus is meaning, and our final hour in death is grace.
Timestamp 5/17/24
When we learn to let go of self, with its ego and ambitions, for a daily communion with God in observing His written words, we find this freedom of surrender. (John 8:31-34)
Once we have Christ live in us, by example and practice, we will walk as Jesus and His disciples (the Apostles) did. The gospels, the book of acts, even the wording of the great commission (Matthew 28:18-20) leaves no doubt to the serious attention God has placed on actively doing evangelism in ones life. If we live the inspired teachings we will daily be looking for opportunities to share the Father's Word, for it is no longer us who live but Christ. That is once we choose to put to death our selfish wants and replace them with a higher calling, found in the scriptures.
When Christ has conquered you nothing else can. (Galatians 2:20) The more He is Victor, the less the world can say "You are mine."
Giving up ownership (surrendering to His Word) is not losing identity, it is finding it. We find Him in us (Romans 8:29) which is freedom. (Ephesians 4:22-24/Galatians 5:16-26/Romans 8:-14)
Yes, we will still get sick, get hurt, cry, and bleed. Yes, we will know loss and even our weakness of body, mind, and eventual death as we decline. But the fears, worries, bitterness, hate, and resentments of life will fade before the cross. They will be replaced by joy, forgiveness, love, peace, fortitude, perseverance, and trust.
We fade, as the years pass by. We will see our friends die, and our dreams come to shine for a time. We will see kids become men and women. We will see marriages, births, suffering, and losses from those around us. Life is a story told in the night by the fire. It is full of sorrow, success, joy, and loss, yet it all must end. The story must stop.
As the world moves on and as we fade, (for those who belong to God) there is comfort. Our hope grows ever brighter, our love ever stronger, before the promises of the Word. Read and love the testimonies of His truth, embrace them and you'll find nothing can touch you, not truly. Forgiveness is peace, trust is comfort, diligence to follow Jesus is meaning, and our final hour in death is grace.
Timestamp 5/17/24
It begins with Jesus
The spirit of an evangelist is about emptying self, (Phil 2:1-8) When we let Christ in, through our broken places, we let that same light come out into the world. We are to be lights on the hill, for all to see. Not hidden under a basket. (Matthew 5:14-16) Sharing Jesus is about Jesus. And the love that comes from knowing Him. (2 Corinthians 5:14-15)
We know the crucified Savior and must share, because in Him, we have life eternal. Such believe, if it is truly believe makes us speak. (2 Corinthians 4:13-14)
No one who knows of judgement, hell and enteral life with God can but speak if they truly have the love of Christ in their hearts. (2 Corinthians 5:11) And that my friends is what an evangelist is. He believes and therefore speaks. For that is why we are saved, to be such ambassadors. To proclaim His glory. (1 Peter 2:9)
2 Corinthian's 5:17 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 18 All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: 19 that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. 20 We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us."
Evangelism does not begin with methods, or workshops or events, it begins with Jesus and the rest will come together under that sprit of grace, love and surrender.
We know the crucified Savior and must share, because in Him, we have life eternal. Such believe, if it is truly believe makes us speak. (2 Corinthians 4:13-14)
No one who knows of judgement, hell and enteral life with God can but speak if they truly have the love of Christ in their hearts. (2 Corinthians 5:11) And that my friends is what an evangelist is. He believes and therefore speaks. For that is why we are saved, to be such ambassadors. To proclaim His glory. (1 Peter 2:9)
2 Corinthian's 5:17 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 18 All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: 19 that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. 20 We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us."
Evangelism does not begin with methods, or workshops or events, it begins with Jesus and the rest will come together under that sprit of grace, love and surrender.