Church of Christ Evangelism: How to do street and campus evangelism?

I first of all want to say, evangelism on campus and on the street can be highly effective. I've gotten alot of Bible study signatures and have conversions in doing this work. But this method is not widely known. So I wanted to frame this site to help you learn more about street and campus evangelism. In the church of Christ, we are dying out. We must stop the tide. If we are do to that, we need to do outreach in the church and help others learn methods of outreach too. I've grown churches. In the past 5 years Ive added to the kingdom/baptized 18 people, by the grace of God. Timestamp 7/2/2019
Evangelism works. But we must do the work to make the growth process happen.
Evangelism works. But we must do the work to make the growth process happen.
Proof this type of outreach works.
Here are some of my (Joseph Sullivan's) sign up sheets I recorded from my evangelism work.
I was trained by the Elder/Preacher/Evangelist
Royce Bell. He add 50 people to Christ's body in 9 years, doing street and campus work.
Below are some of his Bible study sign up sheets, from his archives.
Royce is part of the Mt. View church of Christ, (now the San Bernardino church of Christ).
This congregation is located in San Bernardino, CA. The eldership, (many years ago) decided to host an evangelism event, 3-4 times a year. Each event is a week long. The elders focus on inviting preachers from around the US, (through networking connections, Facebook and the online conservative COC news-feed, BOL) to come visit their local congregation. The congregational expenditure cost is about the same, as it would be for a "Gospel Meeting" or "Preacher Training Program."
The preachers are not paid to do this work. This is a training program to help preachers learn about different successful forms of outreach. The church pays for airfare, the preachers may have lodging provided, by some of the members of the church or they may pay for a hotel. The preachers are provided for food through Christian hospitality, (and a potluck). But they also, will need to look to themselves for meals as well, (usually at restaurants). The week details 3-4 evangelism events, each 2-5 hr worth of work. The events focus primary on street evangelism and campus evangelism. The evangelist, (Royce Bell), first explains the process. Then he get's the group, (usually 2-4 preachers) to go out there, (with him) to do the work. This was how I learned to do street and campus work. I later was hired by this church, (after Royce recommended me to them) to do full time evangelism. Read this website's blog to learn more...
This is a good growth model to follow. Preachers are trained. They grow the church where they are trained, through hands on experience.
They then go to their local congregation to do outreach/grow their church/train others.
Royce is part of the Mt. View church of Christ, (now the San Bernardino church of Christ).
This congregation is located in San Bernardino, CA. The eldership, (many years ago) decided to host an evangelism event, 3-4 times a year. Each event is a week long. The elders focus on inviting preachers from around the US, (through networking connections, Facebook and the online conservative COC news-feed, BOL) to come visit their local congregation. The congregational expenditure cost is about the same, as it would be for a "Gospel Meeting" or "Preacher Training Program."
The preachers are not paid to do this work. This is a training program to help preachers learn about different successful forms of outreach. The church pays for airfare, the preachers may have lodging provided, by some of the members of the church or they may pay for a hotel. The preachers are provided for food through Christian hospitality, (and a potluck). But they also, will need to look to themselves for meals as well, (usually at restaurants). The week details 3-4 evangelism events, each 2-5 hr worth of work. The events focus primary on street evangelism and campus evangelism. The evangelist, (Royce Bell), first explains the process. Then he get's the group, (usually 2-4 preachers) to go out there, (with him) to do the work. This was how I learned to do street and campus work. I later was hired by this church, (after Royce recommended me to them) to do full time evangelism. Read this website's blog to learn more...
This is a good growth model to follow. Preachers are trained. They grow the church where they are trained, through hands on experience.
They then go to their local congregation to do outreach/grow their church/train others.
Learning tools
How can I learn about doing this kind of outreach? Below I will have resources to help you in this work.
- I've wrote a "blog journal" that details my work campus and street evangelism work, at this link on this site. As well as other helpful materials from this web page.
- I've made evangelism books and study tools at the site's store link.