Books for growing in evangelism and Bible truths
It's Not Rocket Science: Simple Ways to Reach the Lost
Waking the Sleeping GiantI'm reading through Brother David Hamrick's book "Waking the Sleeping Giant." I'm loving this material. It is a thought-provoking book. And the ideas are worthy of exploring. This book is a treasure. For those who are seeking advice about outreach, I encourage you to read the content in this book. It has many nuggets of gold in it. The book has fantastic outreach ideas. One centering on children's Bible class. That is novel in its approach. From the growth and success of such a work, this method is worth looking into. The chapter that shows... ways to work with visitors is worth noting and implementing. The strategies are well developed. Seems like too many churches don't have any idea what they are doing in that regard. I'm loving the wealth of advice on how to retain a new convert. The book has solid material to read through...on how to keep new Christians, from falling through the cracks, (which can be applied to older saints). The book (on page 121) outlines what would happen if a few people did evangelism regularly. A circular pattern of converting, training converts to convert, etc. The thoughts behind this are powerful. And encouraging when reflected upon. One of the best evangelism "how to" books I've come across. Can purchase the book on Amazon, click here.
Hearts on FireI absolutely loved reading this book. It's hard hitting and frank...but factual and highly informative. This is a evangelism book. For the soft, yielding heart...this book can be transformative. Brother Don wrote a book that is a real jewel. I found this book motivating and emotionally stirring. If you want a book that puts fire in the belly, and passion in the heart, this book will do that. You can purchase this book on Amazon. Click here.
Master Plan of EvangelismThis book explores the NT life of Jesus, detailing from scripture what Jesus did to mentor/train others in evangelism. This is one of the best Bible lesson study books I've read. "Master Plan of Evangelism" by Robert Coleman is a book that every person who is interested in outreach should read. You can purchase this on Amazon. Click here.
Biblical Answers to Modern Issues
For those who want uplifting content to read, I encourage you to look into the preacher, Brian James (BJ) Sipes. His book, "Biblical Answers to Modern Issues" has very relevant themes for the political and truth relativism culture we are living in. He also has great videos to watch on YouTube. And a podcast on Bible based themes. Which is on Facebook. Although this is not my content, I felt I should share this with you. His material is worth checking out. BJ gave a great interview on evangelism, click here to hear it. |
Mentorship book for leadership.Max Dawson has been doing beautiful work for the training others in outreach and in writing Bible based evangelism and leadership lessons. To have a strong church, community, nation and evangelism group, we need to have sound leaders. This book helps with the development of spiritual Bible based leadership. His book "Kingdom Leaders" is helpful in training saints into this role. I include this book, on this evangelism page, for this simple reason. A good evangelist is a good leader. These two themes go hand in hand. For soul winners to excel they need to know how to lead in example, influence and action. Evangelism is mentorship in alot of respects and that requires people stepping up and leading.
When Opportunity KnocksStudying the Faith of Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses: What do you do when that familiar knock on the door happens and standing on the other side is a friendly face wanting to talk to you about Jehovah’s Witness or Mormon doctrine? Have you always wanted to know more about these religions without getting lost in the details? In When Opportunity Knocks, Matthew Allen seeks to give an overview of each religion, giving a short history, and basic overview of major doctrinal tenets.
Evangelism training book
"Catching People for Christ" by Christian Holley has foundational truths of Bible-based evangelism. This is a excellent book on "friendship evangelism." This Bible lesson book is a great resource for doing Bible study. The chapters detail how Jesus used His interactions to share the gospel. The content will guide you through Bible topics on leadership, mentorship, and spiritual stewardship in matters of evangelism. This is a comprehensive Bible study class book on evangelism and will provide information, insights and Biblical guidance for the person who desires to better engage others for Jesus. Christian Holley contacted me about a song he has been putting together a year ago. A few weeks back he sent me this message. "A new take on an old song 🙂 We invite you to download the PowerPoint to sing with your congregation, and above all, let’s get out this year and SAVE SOULS!" Christian shared this song track to listen to. We both agree we need more soul-winning hymns in worship. This is a positive step in that direction. The song is uplifting. If you like it you are encouraged to use it in worship at your local church. Listen here.... Video: fishforthelost.pptx Download the PowerPoint slide here... Powerpoint: If you like this song, share these links with others.... :) |
Bible Study Resources for non Christians and new converts
Great Bible study lessons for soul saving and grounding

I like using "Johnie Edwards "Home Bible Study,"book.
It is one of the best detailed Bible study books on salvation, the true church and Bible authority. I've saved and grounded folks with this resource, I highly recommend it. For Johnie's book,
The Home Bible Study book is 10 dollars. The Home Bible study correspondence course Johnie has is the same in (physical) material content. But the lessons are individually set apart. I like these correspondence courses, for two things.
1. You can get 30 Home Bible study correspondence course lessons, for 10 dollars, (1 lesson is the same as the book). Where as if you buy the book, it is around 10 dollars.
2. With the book, if someone has it, they can read about the plan of salvation. People will form idea's prematurely. Many people lump in every baptism reason a person is baptized for, that a denomination does, (to join a church, outward sign of a inward grace, etc.) to the soul saving one in the Bible. They conclude, "well I was baptized, so I must be saved."
But with the Home Bible study correspondence course lesson curriculum, you won't have that problem. Since the lessons are individually set apart. Johnie's Home Bible study correspondence lessons are ideal, for this reason. Before getting into the lesson on salvation, you can ask the student to share "their salvation journey."
You can have the student write down how they were saved. Tell them to list everything they did for salvation. Where they where saved and when they were saved. When they write one of your questions down, ask them to share that question with you. After you've finished teaching the plan of salvation, you can know their "salvation" history. You'll know if they were sprinkled, baptized as a baby, had the Holy Spirit baptism, confessed their sins, said the sinners prayer, etc.
I had a lady who said "I was baptized," after teaching her the plan of salvation. But I remembered before the lesson, she said she prayed the sinners prayer to be saved. Then was baptized 3 days later. I reminded her of what she said. I had her look at what she wrote, where it said she was saved saying then sinners prayer, then was baptized 3 days later. The lady recognized she was not saved. She was baptized for the right reason that very hour.
I made a "how were you saved" question sheet, if you'd like to use it. The sheet is in Word and is PDF. This sheet will ask if they verbally confessed Jesus or repented, before they were baptized. If they did not, it's not a scriptural baptism. Since these elements are required to do before being immersed. These are points to make, after they have completed the lesson on salvation.
This method of getting answers and correcting misconceptions, is best done in a one on one study setting or in a 2-3 group setting of saints. Larger Christian groups can be intimidating and large non Christian group studies (not family related) can descend into arguments and undermine the whole study process.
Johnie's Home Bible study lesson material is fantastic for grounding students and teaching salvation. If you teach a lesson per class, the material will be 4 lessons. But within that time, the student will be well grounded. He's know about elders, deacons, how a church is supposed to use it's funds. The student will understand Bible authority and how the church is to worship.

Grounding is as important as saving. WE need to get them strong in the Word. This material will do that. To many grounding lesson books, do not go in-depth on such content. Johnie's Home Bible study curriculum does.
I recommend continued studies after finishing any initial teaching curriculum. Continued Bible Study is important for the new converts. It reminds them of core truths. It builds a bond with the teacher(s), in the lessons given and the hospitality shown. It also strengthens them in regular Bible study. Once the grounding lessons are done, I also like studying other curriculum, like service and moral themes, a good book I like to use is, Johnie Edwards book titled "Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of our Lord."
If the student is having a hard time digesting (accepting) salvation or grounding concepts, (once you have delivered the lesson material). You can step back and talk on some other topic, for a class or two, then reintroduce it, in another lesson format, (like the Bobby Bate's lesson, I'll mention below). Sometimes, it takes time to sink in. Sometimes people need to hear a concept more then once, for it to begin to register.
Sometimes, people are not ready to be saved or go to a Bible church. This does not mean you cancel your studies with them, if they are hungry for God's Word and are interested in your classes. You should keeping a relationship going with them. Focus on presenting Bible studies that have other spiritual themes and Bible topic's, (then salvation and the NT church). You may ask them about something they want to talk on. Then talk on that from the scriptures. Later, with a different lesson book, you can reintroduce the details on salvation or the grounding themes of the Bible. Sometimes, it takes awhile for people to come around.
I recommend continued studies after finishing any initial teaching curriculum. Continued Bible Study is important for the new converts. It reminds them of core truths. It builds a bond with the teacher(s), in the lessons given and the hospitality shown. It also strengthens them in regular Bible study. Once the grounding lessons are done, I also like studying other curriculum, like service and moral themes, a good book I like to use is, Johnie Edwards book titled "Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of our Lord."
If the student is having a hard time digesting (accepting) salvation or grounding concepts, (once you have delivered the lesson material). You can step back and talk on some other topic, for a class or two, then reintroduce it, in another lesson format, (like the Bobby Bate's lesson, I'll mention below). Sometimes, it takes time to sink in. Sometimes people need to hear a concept more then once, for it to begin to register.
Sometimes, people are not ready to be saved or go to a Bible church. This does not mean you cancel your studies with them, if they are hungry for God's Word and are interested in your classes. You should keeping a relationship going with them. Focus on presenting Bible studies that have other spiritual themes and Bible topic's, (then salvation and the NT church). You may ask them about something they want to talk on. Then talk on that from the scriptures. Later, with a different lesson book, you can reintroduce the details on salvation or the grounding themes of the Bible. Sometimes, it takes awhile for people to come around.
Good book to give to ones friends for evangelism... and for helping new converts grow in their studies.Muscle and a Shovel![]() I've been giving "The Muscle and Shovel" to my new converts. After they are grounded, I gave them this material to further ground them. They loved reading the content. Note: I waited to ground them first in study. I never give people content to read, without first having personally taken the time to study with them on the topic's related to the material first. This material has really helped to ground new converts. Two of the Sisters I brought to the Lord, read through most of the book in one day. It really helps the infants grow up in the truths of God's Word.
I recommend getting this book. This book is a great read. It will help you grow wherever you are!! :) |
Excellent booklets for non Christians and new converts
Bobby Bates mini lesson books:

Bobby Bate's "Back to the Bible," has 3 small booklets, (Bible authority book 1, the church/worship book 2, salvation book 3). These booklets are simple to use and easy to teach. The student just reads the scripture, where the book asks the question and fill out the answer. The content gives you study flexibility and is broken down into parts for short or long studies. The content is good for all levels from Kids-adults. Even people with poor mental issues, can find this booklet helpful. The lesson material also, has the student write down their "salvation experience." I personally recommend Johnie's Home Bible study lessons, they cover more grounding themes, (in-depth). But for reintroducing core themes with a student, or for sharing Bible truths with for young people, who may struggle with the material Johnie has, this is my second choice.
Note: if your studying with people who have ADD, mental illness, or other learning impediments, they may get overwhelmed or antsy after a short period of study. Take a break with them. You can grab a bit to eat, just chat, walk outside, etc. Then resume, when you feel they are ready. It is better to do this, then stop the study all together. For if you only study 5-10-15 minutes at a time, the grounding will take months, instead of weeks. Also, one can study with folks, (of any mental level) multi times weekly. If they are willing, this will speed things along, (especially if you have new convert classes at church on Sunday/Wednesday).
Note: if your studying with people who have ADD, mental illness, or other learning impediments, they may get overwhelmed or antsy after a short period of study. Take a break with them. You can grab a bit to eat, just chat, walk outside, etc. Then resume, when you feel they are ready. It is better to do this, then stop the study all together. For if you only study 5-10-15 minutes at a time, the grounding will take months, instead of weeks. Also, one can study with folks, (of any mental level) multi times weekly. If they are willing, this will speed things along, (especially if you have new convert classes at church on Sunday/Wednesday).
"Laying the Tracks: Marking Paths through your Bible Verse by Verse" by Adam Shanks
Great to use with atheists and agnostics.
BELIEVE THE BIBLEBelieve in the Bible is written by Rob Whitacre great content for studying with atheists and agnostics. The booklets are small and broken down into sections to use as you progress in your studies.
Free book proving the Bible is inspiredHas God Spoken? By Arnold 0. SchnabelHAS GOD SPOKEN? has been written to demonstrate, that between the observations of science and the record of history, there exists a harmony with the simple and direct interpretation of the Bible narrative, such as would be expected of a book provided by the Creator and Ruler of this world.
It is beyond comprehension how men who lived 2000 to 4000 years ago could, without Divine inspiration or modern scientific instruments, arrived at certain facts of nature as have men of science in the last three centuries. Modern research instruments and programs have made it possible for us to confirm these ancient Biblical statements, once thought to be inaccurate, to now be true and factual. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD. |
Other Resources on secular agnostic/atheist themes:
Apologetics Press
This company has other great resources on disproving evolution and atheism. I include a link here on their Bible courses. These courses can be downloaded at this link.
Evangelist, Perry Hall put together a good article on our growing Secular society in the United States. And ways of doing outreach in sharing Jesus with them.![]()
Helpful Videos on evolution and atheismWorld Video Bible School and Apologetics Press have great video products to share with agnostics, secularists, and atheists. Go to their sites to learn more. Or you can watch their videos (at their social media sites) to get a better idea about their content. To do this please visit their YouTube sites, (World Video Bible School YouTube site and Apologetics Press YouTube site.)

Warning of the times we live in.
The devil wants to complicate our Bible studies, with confusion.

The more studies I have done. The more important I see it is to teach in-depth salvation and grounding principles, (true church, Bible authority, worship, etc.). Satan is the father of lies and is a deceiver. He likes to muddy the waters. In this mindset we must know the confusion the Enemy sows. Certain denominations, (Mormons, Catholic's, some primitive Baptists, some Lutheran and Anglican groups, some Pentecostal groups, etc) teach immersion for the forgiveness of sins. These groups teach false doctrines in matters of daily living in personal home life and in church activities, like worship. We need to have material to readily part the veil of confusion and show why their group is not following God, as the Bible says.
In my studies, I talk with people who think they are right in the church affiliation they are apart of. Its hard to disprove this idea, if the lesson plan, (that is used) has general/simple study content. We need to be able to bring across (in concept), that their church is not fully following God. Even if a group is 70 percent right, 40 percent wrong, is still wrong. In sharing principles of worship and Bible authority, we need to have materials that go into detail with people. Not all people and groups are this way. With some people in Bible studies, this is not necessary, their groups are so far from the Bible in every way, it does not matter. But we must be prepared (in our studies) for those who may reflect us in certain ways.
The Author of confusion and fear, blurs the lines in basic teaching concepts in matters of worship. Again, this is why we must go in-depth in matters of grounding principles. We need to do this, since different religious groups, do some things right in worship, like the Lord's Supper on Sunday's for example. They may have "Elders" and "Deacons." Though these titles won't be based on the NT teachings, having such religious titles, does confuse things. Different churches, (especially conservative ones) may match us in many ways. But are still wrong, for they don't follow God wholeheartedly in all of His commands and wishes, He's given us.
I know I am being lengthy, but this needed to be shared. I'd encourage you to use Johnie Edwards book, it is detailed in the name a church should have, (reflective of following Christ/not man). How the church is to use it's funds, what a Elder/Deacon is supposed to be, in their roles and qualifications. The book details singing, (with out instruments) and the Bible authority for that. As well as other acts of worship. When you show the NT church's standard and they see their denomination in that light, they can know they don't worship at a place that is 100 percent committed to adhering to the teachings of Christ.
I encourage you to get Traditions of Men Vs the Word of God, by Alvin Jennings. The book highlights denominations and their doctrines and how to disprove their teachings with scripture. I don't encourage someone to say to a Bible contact "your group is wrong" for such and such a reason. But to instead study with them and let the Word share this truth. When you read Alvin's book, you will know more about a persons denomination, (that your studying with). This can better help you more readily highlight the differences of their denomination, from that of the NT church. Again, not by saying "your church is wrong! " But by going into the Bible and showing what is right, in worship, (church role, leadership, benevolence, etc). In using Alvin's book, you can write down notes, (in your lesson book), to highlight scriptures/themes, for sharing with the student. Example: Johnie's book does not have anything on woman preachers/pastors, modern day gifts of the Spirit and H.S. Revelation, etc. In teaching a Pentecostal, who believes these things, it would be good to put down notes in your lesson book, to touch on these themes. In preparation, in lesson topic and time invested, we need to be "as wise as serpents." Matthew 10:16
In my studies, I talk with people who think they are right in the church affiliation they are apart of. Its hard to disprove this idea, if the lesson plan, (that is used) has general/simple study content. We need to be able to bring across (in concept), that their church is not fully following God. Even if a group is 70 percent right, 40 percent wrong, is still wrong. In sharing principles of worship and Bible authority, we need to have materials that go into detail with people. Not all people and groups are this way. With some people in Bible studies, this is not necessary, their groups are so far from the Bible in every way, it does not matter. But we must be prepared (in our studies) for those who may reflect us in certain ways.
The Author of confusion and fear, blurs the lines in basic teaching concepts in matters of worship. Again, this is why we must go in-depth in matters of grounding principles. We need to do this, since different religious groups, do some things right in worship, like the Lord's Supper on Sunday's for example. They may have "Elders" and "Deacons." Though these titles won't be based on the NT teachings, having such religious titles, does confuse things. Different churches, (especially conservative ones) may match us in many ways. But are still wrong, for they don't follow God wholeheartedly in all of His commands and wishes, He's given us.
I know I am being lengthy, but this needed to be shared. I'd encourage you to use Johnie Edwards book, it is detailed in the name a church should have, (reflective of following Christ/not man). How the church is to use it's funds, what a Elder/Deacon is supposed to be, in their roles and qualifications. The book details singing, (with out instruments) and the Bible authority for that. As well as other acts of worship. When you show the NT church's standard and they see their denomination in that light, they can know they don't worship at a place that is 100 percent committed to adhering to the teachings of Christ.
I encourage you to get Traditions of Men Vs the Word of God, by Alvin Jennings. The book highlights denominations and their doctrines and how to disprove their teachings with scripture. I don't encourage someone to say to a Bible contact "your group is wrong" for such and such a reason. But to instead study with them and let the Word share this truth. When you read Alvin's book, you will know more about a persons denomination, (that your studying with). This can better help you more readily highlight the differences of their denomination, from that of the NT church. Again, not by saying "your church is wrong! " But by going into the Bible and showing what is right, in worship, (church role, leadership, benevolence, etc). In using Alvin's book, you can write down notes, (in your lesson book), to highlight scriptures/themes, for sharing with the student. Example: Johnie's book does not have anything on woman preachers/pastors, modern day gifts of the Spirit and H.S. Revelation, etc. In teaching a Pentecostal, who believes these things, it would be good to put down notes in your lesson book, to touch on these themes. In preparation, in lesson topic and time invested, we need to be "as wise as serpents." Matthew 10:16